
Новости переводов

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Knowledge map

Глоссарий по вычислительной технике
    Карта знаний (в системах управления базами знаний)

Knowledge, английский
  1. Conocimiento, sabiduría

  2. Представление знаний

  3. N когн. знание; опыт; сведе- ния representation background ~ а) фоновые знания; б) внеязы- ковые знания linguistic ~ языковые знания, знания о языке koine n койне1 2 разновидность словосложения, состоящая в соположении двух тож- дественных или подобных слов. 3 японское слоговое письмо, существует в двух разновидностях: хира- гана и катакана. 4 одна из двух разновидностей каны, первоначально – «мужское» японское слоговое письмо, сегодня используется в основном для запи- си новых заимствований. 5 термин используется в нлп для обозначения всевозможных ощуще- ний, включая тактильные (осязательные), висцеральные (внутренних органов), и эмоциональные. label 54 language l

  4. In admiralty law, opposed to ignorance, and the want of which is liable to heavy penalty.

  5. Знания; сведения

  6. The values of the parameters and rules that have been learned (estimated) from data in a model represent the knowledge of a model. knowledge and data discovery management systems (kddms) knowledge and data discovery management systems (kddms) are used to refer to proposed "second generation" knowledge discovery in databases (kdd) systems, which would include extended database support and kdd query languages.

  7. Information that can help an end-user or analyst solve a problem.

  8. The metadata about all the changes that a participant has seen and maintains.

  9. Facts and information acquired through experience or education.

Knowledge, английский

Knowledge acquisition, английский
    Приобретение знаний; пополнение знаний; сбор знаний; извлечение знаний; построение базы знаний

Knowledge and distributed intelligence, английский

Knowledge article, английский
    A document that documents unique characteristics for a case.

Knowledge availability system centre, английский
    Центр обеспечения доступа к базам знаний

Knowledge base, английский
  1. Base de connaissances

  2. База знаний knowledge-based основанный на знаниях; использующий базу знаний; интеллектуальный knowledge-based system система с базой знаний

  3. The collection of facts available to a program. just as a database can be thought of as an organized collection of data, a knowledge base is an organized collection of "facts" or statements of relationships between objects. the particular organization of the knowledge is dictated by the knowledge representation method chosen by the program designer.

  4. A feature in microsoft dynamics crm that provides a process for drafting, submitting, reviewing, and publishing knowledge base articles.

  5. A microsoft web site that provides customers with access to a database of articles written by microsoft support professionals.

  6. A searchable collection of articles and facts about a particular subject area.

Knowledge base, английский

Knowledge base management, английский
    Управление базой знаний

Knowledge base management system, английский
    Система управления базой знаний

Knowledge base manager, английский
  1. Администратор базы знаний

  2. A feature in microsoft dynamics crm that provides a process for drafting, submitting, reviewing, and publishing knowledge base articles.

Knowledge base system, английский
  1. Система баз знаний сбз

  2. Система баз знаний knowledge-bearing construct структура, ориентированная на представление знаний

Knowledge base template, английский
    A template that allows the user to create users to structure and manage product knowledge entries.

Knowledge based training, английский

Knowledge compilation, английский
  1. Компиляция знаний

  2. The term knowledge compilation has been used for the process of representing a propositional formula by its optimal upper and lower horn approximations. these approximations are also known as the horn envelope and horn core of the formula. see also: horn core, horn envelope. knowledge discovery in databases (kdd) knowledge discovery in databases is the general process of discovering knowledge in data. this process includes nine steps. first is the development of an understanding of the application domain and the goal of the process. the second step involves the creation of a data set (the ``data mine"), which leads to the third and fourth steps of cleaning, preprocessing, reduction, and projection. the fifth step is choosing the data mining method to match the goals chosen in the first step. the sixth and seventh steps are the exploratory analysis and model/hypothesis selection, followed by the actual mining process. the final two steps involve the interpretation of the patterns and acting on the derived knowledge. in summary, kdd is an attempt to automate the entire art and practice of data analysis and database inference. knowledge discovery in text (kdt) this sub-discipline of knowledge discovery in databases (kdd) extends and adapts the techniques of kdd, which is primarily oriented toward data that can be represented numerically or structured into tables and database, into the area of textual collections, which lack the structure and numeric content of databases. an example would be a tool to analyze financial news, possibly applied to a portfolio advisor.

Knowledge consistency checker, английский
    A built-in process that runs on all domain controllers and generates the replication topology for the active directory forest. at specified intervals, the kcc reviews and makes modifications to the replication topology to ensure propagation of data either directly or transitively.

Knowledge development, английский

Knowledge discovery, английский
    Обнаружение знаний

Knowledge discovery in databases, английский

Knowledge elicitation, английский
    Извлечение информации о знаниях

Knowledge engineer, английский
  1. Cogniticien

  2. Инженер знаний

Управления, русский

Memory map, английский
  1. Карта памяти; схема распределения памяти; карта распределения памяти memory-map list таблица распределения памяти memory-mapped 1. с распределением памяти; 2. отображаемый в памяти memory-mapped file файл, отображаемый в памяти; файл, проецируемый в память memory mapped input/output ввод-вывод с распределением памяти memory-mapped i/o ввод-вывод с проецированием в память memory-mapped i/o device устройство ввода-вывода с отображением в оперативной памяти

  2. A representation of the layout of objects in an area of memory.

Displacement map, английский
    Карта замещения; текстура замещения