
Новости переводов

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На сайт бюро переводов добавлен глоссарий химических терминов

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Начало отсчета;

Информационные технологии (словарь)

    Datum, английский
    1. Начало [нуль] отсчета

    2. Исходное значение; начало отсчета; начальный уровень

    3. A position or element in relation to which others are determined.

    4. Данная величина; базовая линия

    5. A level surface or point to which other levels are related; a reference in measuring elevations.

    6. Точка отсчета

    7. The base level.

    8. (1) a material unit representing information about a portion of the real world that can be processed by explicit procedures and maintains its characteristics during repeated use. (2) a fact or figure transcribed in a readable language and on a durable medium (->channel). e.g., a completed questionaire, a taped interview, the recorded results of an experiment. events that leave no physical marks cannot be traced through data and physical marks that can no longer be interpreted, e.g., because the code linking them to particular observations is unavailable, loose the status of data. a datum rarely stands alone, hence the common use of its plural data. science typically processes large collections of data. in statistics each datum of a collection must contain the same kind of information.

    Origin, английский
    1. Происхождение; начало; исходная точка

    2. Происхождение

    3. 1. the source or beginning of something 2. a place where a muscle is attached, or where the branch of a nerve or blood vessel begins

    4. Merchant ships claiming benefit for importation, must obtain and produce certificates of origin, in respect to the goods they claim for. (see production.)

    5. With spaced holes and a mouthpiece made of oxhorn. in the 14th century, chaucer wrote about “hornepypes of cornewayle,” but the instrument is much older than that, it’s origins being lost in prehistory. [2] a lively jig-like dance. the small space required and the fact that no partner was necessary made it particularly suitable for shipboard use. in his diary, samuel pepys called it “the jig of the ship” and captain cook ordered his crews to dance the hornpipe daily to keep them in good health during long voyages in the cramped space of sailing ships. despite claims to the contrary, the jig originally had no nautical connection, having been danced from ancient times as a solo in three-time to the music of the celtic hornpipe. later it evolved into a group performance featured in pageants by many different trades, each of which added movements symbolizing their work. early in the 18th century, it became popular with seamen, who changed the measure to twotime and danced to the music of the ship’s fiddler. during the 19th century the “sailor’s hornpipe” was a popular feature of theatrical productions in which actors dressed as seamen danced with arms crossed, unfolding them to mimic climbing rigging, rowing a boat, hauling ropes, and saluting. this version was performed well into the 20th century, long after fiddlers had had ceased to be part of a ship’s company and seamen had found other diversions.

    6. Начало; источник; возникновение ~ of coordinates начало координат ~ of force точка приложения силы

    7. The zero points of the axes of any coordinate system used to draw graphical objects. in 2-d the origin is (0, 0).

    8. Точка пересечения осей системы координат. например, началом прямоугольной системы координат является точка пересечения осей x, y и z с координатами (0,0,0).

    Начала, русский

    Начален адрес, болгарский
      Начальный адрес (абсолютный адрес памяти, с которого начинается программа или блок)

    Начало, русский
      Начало, возникновение, зачаток, зародыш, начатие, начинание, початие, початок, почин, рождение, источник, колыбель, корень, основание, происхождение, исходная точка, точка отправления; инициатива; вступление, приступ, прелюдия, пролог, увертюра, предислов

    Начало большого подъема, русский

    Начало движения, русский
      Первые шаги в танце

    Начало координат, русский
      Точка пересечения осей системы координат. например, точкой начала прямоугольной системы координат является точка пересечения осей x, y и z; ее координаты равны (0,0,0).

    Начало координат;, русский

    Начало ленты;, русский

    Начало отсчета времени;, русский

    Начало параллельной работы, русский

    Начало перевода, русский

    Начало передачи, русский

    Начало подачи противоотмарывающего порошка, русский

    Начало предложения, русский

    Начало проектируемой трассы, русский

    Начало процесса, русский

    Начало работы (реле), русский

    Начало радиопередачи, русский

    Начало репликации, русский

    Начало роста, русский

    Начало;, русский

    Начало отсчета времени;, русский