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Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Strain modulus

Глоссарий строительных терминов инженерных изысканий

    Модуль деформации (при нагрузке…), русский

    Modulus, латинский

    Modulus, английский
    1. Модуль; коэффициент ~ of compression сжимаемость ~ of deformation модуль деформации ~ of elasticity модуль (продольной) упругости ~ of elasticity in tension модуль упругости при растяжении ~ of elasticity in shear модуль сдвига ~ of elongation модуль продольной упругости при растяжении, модуль юнга ~ of foundation коэффициент постели ~ of incompressibility модуль объёмной упругости ~ of inertia модуль инерции ~ of resilience 1. среднее значение удельной работы упругой деформации (стержня, напряжённого до предела упругости) 2, ударная вязкость ~ of rigidity модуль сдвига, модуль упругости при сдвиге

    2. The ratio of change in stress to change in strain following the removal of crimp from the material being tested, i.e. the ratio of the stress expressed in either force per unit linear density, or force per unit area of the original specimen, and the strain expressed as either a fraction of the original length or percentage elongation.

    3. The ratio of change in stress to change in strain following the removal of crimp from the material being tested; i.e., the ratio of the stress expressed in either force per unit linear density or force per unit area of the original specimen, and the strain expressed as either a fraction of the original length or percentage elongation. (also see young’s modulus.)

    4. In the testing of rubber, it is the force in lbs./in. squared or pascals of initial cross-sectional area necessary to produce a given percentage of elongation.

    5. The ratio of stress to strain; that property of a material, which, together with the geometry of a specimen, determines the stiffness of the specimen. in the physical testing of rubber, the force necessary to produce a stated percentage of elongation.

    Modulus of compressibility, английский

    Modulus of decay, английский

    Modulus of elasticity, английский
    1. Модуль упругости

    2. In an elastic material which has been subject to strain below its elastic limit, the ratio of the unit stress to the corresponding unit strain.

    3. The ratio of stress to the corresponding strain within the limit of elasticity.

    4. Ratio between stress and strain in a material deformed within its linear elastic range.

    5. Measure of a material’s rigidity or stiffness, related to the slope of the stress-versusstrain curve within the linear elastic deformation range. measured in megapascals (mpa). for tensile stress and strain, also called young’s modulus.

    6. Ratio of stress to strain within the elastic range. same as young’s modulus, which see.

    Modulus of elasticity (young`s modulus), английский

    Modulus of elasticity., английский

    Modulus of elasticity. choultry 1. a caravansary. 2. in india, a large village hall or place of assembly., английский

    Modulus of elasticity. elastic shortening 1. in a structural member, a decrease in the length (under an imposed load) which is linearly proportional to the load. 2. in prestressed concrete, the shortening of a member which occurs immediately on applicatio, английский

    Modulus of incompressibility, английский

    Modulus of resilience, английский
      The amount of elastic energy absorbed by a unit volume of a material when it is loaded to its elastic limit in tension. modulus of rigidity, modulus of shear in an elastic material which has been subjected to stress, the ratio of the shearing stress to the shearing strain. modulus of rigidity 639 modillion

    Modulus of rigidity, английский

    Modulus of rigidity. shear plate 1. one of the reinforcement plates added to the web of a steel beam to increase the web capacity to resist shearing loads. 2. a special round plate inserted in the face of a timber; used to develop shear resistance in a wo, английский

    Modulus of rupture, английский
    1. Module de rupture

    2. A measure of the ultimate load-carrying capacity of a beam; equal to the ratio of the bending moment at rupture to the section modulus of the beam.

    3. Nominal stress at fracture in a bend test or torsion test.

    Modulus of rupture, английский

    Modulus of rupture in bending, английский
      Модуль разрыва при изгибе: предел прочности при изгибе

    Modulus of rupture in torsion, английский
      Модуль разрыва при кручении; предел прочности при кручении

    Modulus of rupture., английский

    Modulus of rupture. ruskinian gothic, английский

    Modulus of section, английский

    Modulus of settlement, английский

    Stratified texture, английский

    Storage pool, английский
    1. A group of physical disks that can be managed together.

    2. In dpm, a set of disks that store replicas, shadow copies, and transfer logs for protected data.