
Новости переводов

03 сентября, 2024

What is the service of manual editing of the recognized text of a book?

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Translating UMI-CMS based website

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Translations in furniture production

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Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

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Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

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Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

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About automatic speech recognition

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Box barrow

Глоссарий горнодобывающей промышленности

    Barrow, английский
    1. (animal science) a male pig castrated before reaching sexual maturity.

    2. Round or long mound of earth over burial chamber or deposit. many different shapes and often surrounded by a ditch. a long barrow is an extended tumulus, an unchambered long barrow is a long tumulus without a burial chamber, and a chambered barrow is a tu

    3. Г. барроу {граф. ланкашир, англия, великобритания)

    4. A hillock, a tumulus.

    5. Тачка, тележка bartisan, bartizan сторожевая башенка на углу крепостной стены

    Barrow, английский

    Barrow, английский

    Barrow area, английский
      An area that serves as a source of fill, providing soil which is used to raise an existing grade elsewhere.

    Barrow boy, английский
      Уличный торговец с тележкой, на которой разложены товары

    Barrow crossing, английский
      Level crossing at the end of a station platform for use by (or under the supervision of) rail staff only.

    Barrow hole, английский
      A hole that is left open in an exterior wall during a building’s construction to provide access to the interior. upon completion of construction, the hole is closed up.

    Barrow run, английский
      A temporary pathway of wood planks or sheets to provide a smooth access for wheeled materials-handling carriers on a building site. barryesque a variation of the italianate style

    Barrowman, английский

    Barrowway, английский

    Box, английский
    1. Synonym for a container.

    2. Notch (24)

    3. Блок (в блок-схеме); квадрат (в алгоритме)

    4. Shipping container (usa).

    5. In an air-conditioning system, a variable air valve with an auxiliary fan to mix induced air from a ceiling plenum with the primary air.

    6. The space between the back-board and the stern-post of a boat, where the coxswain sits.

    7. [1] a container with firm flat sides, used for certain types of solid cargo. [2] see box the compass, boxhaul, and carrier box.

    8. Boxstall, a four-sided stall to confine a horse.

    9. The actual physical location at a brokerage house or bank where securities or other documents are stored for safekeeping. alternatively, a quotation machine or battery march. also known as `the cage.`

    10. Отделенная перегородкой часть таверны, харчевни большой сундук, раскрывающийся как шкаф

    11. Uk railway term for signal box or signal cabin. known as a tower in the us.

    Box, английский

    Box, английский

    Box, английский

    Box, английский

    Box, английский

    Box, английский

    Box (3), английский

    Box - shaped module, английский

    Box - type foundation, английский

    Box 39-1 305 29., английский

    Box bell, английский

    Bowlingite, английский