
Новости переводов

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

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Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Flip ahead

Глоссарий ИТ-терминов
  1. A feature in internet explorer that enables users to go to the next page on a site quickly by swiping across the page or clicking the forward button.

  2. To go to the next page on a site quickly by swiping across the page or clicking the forward button.

Ahead, английский
  1. In a forward direction.

  2. Вперед; впереди

  3. Forward of the bow.

  4. Впер?д, впереди

  5. Впереди (яхты)

  6. Вперед

  7. A term especially referable to any object farther onward, or immediately before the ship, or in the course steered, and therefore opposed to astern.—ahead of the reckoning, is sailing beyond the estimated position of the ship.—ahead is also used for progress; as, cannot get ahead, and is generally applied to forward, in advance.

  8. [1] forward, in front of the bow. [2] engine room command to drive the ship forward. ahoy!: the standard nautical hail used to gain attention. believed to be descended from a viking warcry, it now says essentially “hello there!”

  9. Automation and harmonization of european aeronautical data

Ahead, английский

Ahead of itself, английский
    In context of general equities, refers to equities that are overbought or oversold on a fundamental basis.

Ahead of you, английский
    Used for listed equity securities. at the same price but entered ahead of your order/interest, usually referring to the specialist`s book. see: behind, matched orders, priority, stock ahead.

Ahead on course, английский

Ahead search classify sonar, английский
    Гидролокатор поиска и опознавания [для эхолокации m придонном слое]

Ahead session, английский
    A match won by being a certain number of games ahead

Ahead session, русский
    Матч выигрывается, если вы опережаете соперника на определённое число побед во фреймах

Flip, английский
  1. Flight information publication

  2. Flight launched infrared probe

  3. Flight plan

  4. Floated lightweight inertial platform

  5. Floating laboratory instrument platform

  6. Flight information publication (nga)

  7. N удар; tongue-~ языковой удар (тж. flap)

  8. A once celebrated sea-drink, composed of beer, spirits, and sugar, said to have been introduced by sir cloudesley shovel. also, a smart blow.

  9. To turn the graphic image in the opposite direction horizontally or vertically

Flip a binary, английский
    Со i n испытание бернулли 3*». floating a s s i gnmen t динамическое распределение напр., радиочастотных ресурсов сс

Flip a bitch, английский
    Make a u-turn. example i missed my street. gonna have to flip a bitch at the next light.

Flip bar, английский
    The list of documents that are currently open displayed in the order which you opened them.

Flip cards, английский

Flip chart, английский
  1. Лекционные плакаты

  2. Несколько плакатов, скреплённых в верхнем конце рейкой (чтобы их показывать один за другим)

Flip chip packaging, английский
    A packaging technique that connects die bond pads to a package substrate without using wire bonds. the bumped die is placed on the package substrate where the bumps connect to the package pins.

Flip horizontal, английский
    Отразить по горизонтали

Flip image, английский
    Зеркальное изображение; перевернутое изображение

Flip side, английский
    Обратная сторона пластинки с менее популярным произведением (своего рода принудительный ассортимент)

Flip vertical, английский
    Перевернуть вертикально; отразить по вертикали

Flip-a-bitch, английский
    To suddenly and without warning freak out to the point where spectators might call an exorcist example yeah, when mom found out i got suspended, she totally flipped-a-bitch.

Smartscreen filter, английский
    A feature in internet explorer that helps detect phishing websites and can help protect you from installing malicious software or malware.

Active view, английский
    A feature in hotmail that’s designed to help people get more done on the web without having to leave their inbox. active view displays directly in the body of the e-mail message, showing either previews to other web content or interactive elements created by the sender that let the recipient complete core tasks. a preview message example might include a reference to a file on a photo-sharing or video-sharing website that the recipient can view in the message, or package-tracking information that’s extracted from a shipping website. interactive scenarios might include rating movies and updating wish lists on movie-rental websites or responding to invitations or comments on social networking websites.