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Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Performance and resource optimization tip

Глоссарий ИТ-терминов
    A recommendation provided by a pro-enabled management pack that can be implemented automatically or manually to optimize performance or reduce downtime for workloads running in virtualized environments.

Recommendation, английский

Management, английский
  1. Управление; руководство

  2. Управление, руководство

  3. 1) управление, руководство 2) администрация

  4. 1. the organising or running of an organisation such as a hospital, clinic or health authority 2. the organisation of a series of different treatments for a person

  5. Управление (деятельностью программы, организации)

  6. Лечение. в контексте клинических исследований слово «management» («управление») может иметь значение «лечение». например, diabetes management - лечение диабета. встречающийся термин: ведение

  7. Управление с применением эвм, автоматизированное управление 3. computer-aided manufacturing автоматизированное производство 4. computer-aided modeling построение моделей с помощью эвм can, canv canvas холст c&btr. grade с and better (пиломатериал) сорта с и лучше cat. catalog каталог

  8. Управление, менеджмент ~ of building site управление [руководство] работами на стройплощадке

  9. The process of governing a country or administering an enterprise including the development of corporate strategy and longrange planning on the top and the regulation, coordination and control of such activities as production, accounting, marketing, personnel, research and development in the middle, the supervised operations being performed below. one key to effective management is the adequate flow of information between and within strategic, functional and operational levels so as to allow for timely and appropriate decisions to be made (->intelligence). management information systems constitute a technological solution to information flow problems. another key is the form of control exercised through spelling out objectives (e.g.->algedonic regulation) providing incentive schemes for production as well as cooperation, etc. manifest/latent functions

  10. The art of taking actions that affect a resource and its exploitation with a view to achieve certain objectives, such as maximizing the production of that resource (e.g., fishery regulations such as catch quotas or closed seasons). managers are those who practice management.

  11. The people who administer a company, create policies, and provide the support necessary to implement the owners` business objectives.

  12. Осторожное, бережное, чуткое отношение к людям

  13. Руководители банка

Automatically, английский

Performance, английский
  1. Показатель деятельности. степень эффективности деятельности. производительность.

  2. (технические или летные) характеристики

  3. A way in which something works  the doctors are not satisfied with the performance of the transplanted heart.

  4. N 1 действие; актив- ность; 2 употребление (н. хомский, см. тж. competence 2) linguistic ~ употребление языка, языковая активность (н. хомский, см. тж. linguistic competence) 1 стихотворный размер. 2 обозначающий действие, уже законченное по отношению к данному. performative a перформативный | n тра пер- форматив3 verb

  5. Эксплуатационные качества, ходовые качества

  6. Exhibition of gaits or other required routines.

  7. Microsoft edge developer tool to profile a web page frame rate. this tool helps you see what is happening behind the scenes when your pages are slowing down.

  8. The degree to which a product or service executes its specified function.

  9. Результаты деятельности

  10. A term contrasted with competence which refers to the speaker`s actual language production.

Environments, английский

Environment, английский
  1. Surrounding in which operates, including air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, humans and their interaction.

  2. Окружающая среда. совокупность всех материальных тел, сил и явлений природы, ее вещество и пространство, любая деятельность человека, находящегося в непосредственном контакте с живыми организмами; совокупность абиотической, биотической и социальной сред,

  3. Окружающие условия [среда]; внешние факторы или воздействия; условия эксплуатации ` (лл)

  4. The conditions and influences under which an organism lives

  5. N 1 лнгв. окружение; 2 псхл. окружающая обстановка5 consonantal ~ консонантное окружение epanalepsis n эпаналепсис, удвоение6 epenthesis n 1 эпентеза, вставка звуков1; 2 добавление гласного звука для того, чтобы 3 английский как язык международного общения. 4 несовпадение стиховых и фразовых границ. 5 внешний контекст, в котором происходит наше поведение. 6 фигура речи, состоящая в повторе слова, словосочетания или пред- ложения. epenthetic 41 evaluation разбить труднопроизносимую группу (кла- стер) согласных

  6. Окружающая среда

  7. Окружающая среда; при- родно-ландшафтная среда

  8. The place in which an organism lives, and the circumstances under which it lives. environment includes measures like moisture and temperature, as much as it refers to the actual physical place where an organism is found.

  9. The combination of all the external conditions and the potential effect of the inner environment (heteromosaic of abiotic conditions). e. change: survival depends on the life span of the organisms involved, and has to adapt to a new situation via genetic change, evolution, etc. • cyclic change: rhythmically repetitive, like cycles of a season, day / night, movement of tides etc. • directional change: change is maintained over a long period in relation to the life span of organisms - erosion, siltation, cycles of glaciation, etc. • erratic change: these have no rhythm and no consistent direction e.g., hurricanes, cyclones, flash storms, fires, vulcanos, earthquake, etc.

  10. Окружающая среда. существующая в данный момент совокупность всех внешних условий и воздействий, которым подвержена данная система (или организм) (мос, 14). `36

  11. (1) the system of surrounding things, conditions or influences, especially affecting the existence or development of someone, something or another system (->habitat), (2) the art of environing, (3) the state of being environed.

  12. A global context in which to access data.

  13. A set of roles that are required to run a specific application and the machines to be used for each role.

  14. One of two deployment destinations within a microsoft azure cloud service: staging or production.

  15. The totality of surrounding conditions and circumstances affecting growth or development. often the term is applied to the natural features of a geographic area: water, air, and land — including ecological relationships.

  16. The sum of the physical, chemical, and biological factors that surround an organism.

Pro tip, английский
    A recommendation provided by a pro-enabled management pack that can be implemented automatically or manually to optimize performance or reduce downtime for workloads running in virtualized environments.

Text prediction, английский
    A recognition feature that helps increase input speed and reduce effort by providing users with word completion and next word prediction alternates as the user is writing/typing.