
Новости переводов

13 ноября, 2024

Особенности перевода чеков для бухгалтерской отчетности с турецкого и китайского языков

13 ноября, 2024

Поисковая фраза: Какая нормальная цена за перевод одной страницы с китайского языка

08 ноября, 2024

Список Сводеша (или Сводеш словарь) на русском, английском и немецком языках

08 ноября, 2024

На сайт бюро переводов добавлен глоссарий терминов в сфере международной логистики, фрахта и таможенного оформления

07 ноября, 2024

Новая услуга, которая в эпоху ИИ стала востребована нашими клентами

07 ноября, 2024

Тестирование локализованного сайта перед запуском

07 ноября, 2024

На сайт бюро переводов добавлен глоссарий заимствований русского языка из хинди и санскрита

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Результаты поиска термина [performance]

  1. Показатель деятельности. степень эффективности деятельности. производительность.

  2. (технические или летные) характеристики

  3. A way in which something works  the doctors are not satisfied with the performance of the transplanted heart.

  4. N 1 действие; актив- ность; 2 употребление (н. хомский, см. тж. competence 2) linguistic ~ употребление языка, языковая активность (н. хомский, см. тж. linguistic competence) 1 стихотворный размер. 2 обозначающий действие, уже законченное по отношению к данному. performative a перформативный | n тра пер- форматив3 verb

  5. Эксплуатационные качества, ходовые качества

  6. Exhibition of gaits or other required routines.

  7. Microsoft edge developer tool to profile a web page frame rate. this tool helps you see what is happening behind the scenes when your pages are slowing down.

  8. The degree to which a product or service executes its specified function.

  9. Результаты деятельности

  10. A term contrasted with competence which refers to the speaker`s actual language production.
    performance (of production)
    1. Эксплуатационная характеристика. технические и экономические показатели работы скважины, промысла, шахты, рудника

    2. Эксплуатационная характеристика. технические и экономиче- ские показатели работы скважины, промысла, шахты, рудника.
    performance -
      Показатель качества; кпд; эффективность
    performance accelerated restricted stock award plans ("parsaps")
      Also known as performance-accelerated restricted stock ("pars") and time-accelerated restricted stock award plans ("tarsaps"). grants of restricted stock or restricted stock units which may vest early upon attainment of specified performance objectives. otherwise, a time-vesting schedule would remain in effect.
    performance advisory system
      Система определения и индикации (летчику) оптимальных параметров [режимов]
    performance agreement
      performance analysis
      1. Анализ [расчет] технических характеристик

      2. Анализ рабочих характеристик; анализ производительности

      3. The assessment of actual performance against an established standard.
      performance analysis and evaluation
        Анализ и оценка производительности
      performance analyzer for html5 apps
        A tool within the windows sdk used to analyze the performance of windows store apps that use html5 and javascript.
      performance and design requirements
        Требования к летно-тех- ническим характеристикам и конструкции (л а) 441
      performance and failure assessment monitor
        Устройство для контроля характеристик (ла) и диагностирования отказов
      performance and reliability
        Рабочие характеристики и надежность
      performance and resource optimization
        A feature that supports workload- and application-aware resource optimization within a virtualized environment. based on performance and health data provided by pro-enabled management packs, pro can automatically or manually implement recommendations or tips to minimize downtime and accelerate time to resolution.
      performance and resource optimization pack
        A type of system center pack that provides classes, monitors, alerts, and tasks for performance and resource optimization (pro) in virtual machine manager.
      performance and resource optimization tip
        A recommendation provided by a pro-enabled management pack that can be implemented automatically or manually to optimize performance or reduce downtime for workloads running in virtualized environments.
      performance appraisal
      1. Is a regular review of an employee`s job performance and overall contribution to a company

      2. Performance appraisal is the process an employer uses to evaluate an employee`s job performance. it is most often used to determine an employee`s compensation and promotions.

      3. A periodic review and evaluation of an individual’s job performance.
      performance appraisal system
        Порядок оценки деятельности работников
      performance appraisals
      1. Evaluations of employees

      2. Evaluations of employees a method of measuring how effective employees are
      performance attribution
        Analysis of the performance of an investment against its benchmark. it quantifies and explains the returns of a portfolio when compared to its appropriate benchmark. it facilitates understanding of what decisions or events lead to the performance.
      performance attribution analysis
        The decomposition of a money manager`s performance results to explain the reasons why those results were achieved. this analysis seeks to answer questions such as: (1) what were the major sources of added value? (2) was short-term factor timing statistically significant? (3) was market timing statistically significant? and (4), was security selection statistically significant?
      performance based
        A code where the requirements are expressed as objectives to be achieved
      performance based incentive (pbi)
        A payment or rebate paid based on actual energy production, compared to a ufi, on a $/kwh basis. a pbi benefits those with larger solar power systems.
      performance based regulation (pbr)
      1. Any rate setting mechanism that attempts to link rewards (generally profits) to desired results or targets. pbr sets rates, or components of rates, for a period of time based on external indices rather than a utility’s cost of service. other definitions include light-handed regulation that is less costly and less subject to debate and litigation. a form of rate regulation that provides utilities with incentives to reduce their costs.

      2. Regulatory approaches rely on the application of financial incentives and disincentives related to specific outputs to induce desired behaviours on the part of regulated companies. pbr links company outputs to revenue and can be applied to achieve benefits such as increased innovation, increased standards for quality of supply, reduced losses and a range of other things which are perhaps otherwise not addressed by regulatory approaches such as rate-of-return.
      performance benchmark
        Контрольный показатель
      performance bond
      1. An amount of money (usually 10% of the total price of a job) that a contractor must put on deposit with a governmental agency as an insurance policy that guarantees the contractors' proper and timely completion of a project or job.

      2. A bond of the contractor in which a surety guarantees to the owner that the work will be performed in accordance with the contract documents; frequently combined with the labor and material payment bond; except where prohibited by statute.

      3. A type of surety bond that guarantees the contract will be completed according to its terms and conditions of the contract.

      4. A surety bond between two parties, insuring one party against loss if the terms of a contract are not fulfilled. usually part of a construction contract or supply agreement.

      5. Гарантийный фонд
      performance capabilities
        performance center
          Item on the control panel that allows the user to monitor pc performance.
        performance certificate
          Акт выполненных работ
        performance characteristic
        1. “a property of a test that is used to describe its quality.” [clsi] for a measurement procedure, the performance characteristics include reportable range, imprecision, inaccuracy or bias, interference, recovery, detection limit, and reference interval. those properties that describe how well a procedure performs. for a control procedure, the performance characteristics are the probabilities for error detection and false rejection, or the average run lengths for rejectable and acceptable quality. for a measurement procedure, the performance characteristics include analytical range, precision, accuracy, interference, recovery, and also the frequency and duration of analytical errors.

        2. Рабочая характеристика
        performance characteristics
        1. Рабочие характеристики. основные аспекты аналити-ческого метода, оцениваемые для целей разработки и валидации метода, к числу которых относятся точность (смещение), линейность, предел обнаружения, предел количественного определения, диапазон, выход, повторяемость, воспроизводи-мость, прочность и специфичность (избирательность) [46]. performance quali. cation

        2. Рабочие характеристики. основные аспекты аналитического метода, оцениваемые для целей разработки и валидации метода, к числу которых относятся точность (смещение), линейность, предел обнаружения, предел количественного определения, диапазон, выход, повторяемость, воспроизводимость, прочность и специфичность (избирательность) [46].
        performance chart equivalents: management chart, management report.
          Административный отчет
        performance coaching
          A subset of coaching that focuses on enhancing an individual`s performance in a specific area, often related to their professional role or tasks.
        performance collection tools
          A set of tools that allow developers to measure, evaluate, and target performance-related issues in their code.
        performance counter
          A set of components that allow you to track the performance of an application.
        performance criteria
          Критерии реализации (программы)
        performance criterion
          Критерий качества; критерий эффективности функционирования performance-degrated equipment аппаратура с ухудшенными характеристиками
        performance curve
          A graphic representation of an operating characteristic of a piece of equipment, such as a fan; shows how such a characteristic varies as a function of a single parameter (for example, volume flow rate vs. fan speed). percolation test perforated tape covering a joint
        performance curve (of turbine)
          График (диаграмма) рабочей характеристики (турбины)
        performance data
          Sampled numeric data collected from windows nt performance counters.
        performance data computer system
          Система с эвм для расчета оптимальных режимов полета
        performance data processjr
          Блок обработки данных для расчета летно-технических характеристик
        performance data view
          A window that displays specified performance information.
        performance data; ratings; technical data
          performance degradation
            A reduction of performance.
          performance dimension
            A dimension used to distinguish and categorize key performance activity against objectives.
          performance drilling
            Бурение прямолинейных скважин
          performance energy ratio
            performance evaluation
            1. The assessment of a manager`s results, which involves, first, determining whether the money manager added value by outperforming the established benchmark (performance measurement) and, second, determining how the money manager achieved the calculated return (performance attribution analysis).

            2. Performance evaluations are an essential part of every company`s human resources process. they give employers the opportunity to discuss an employee`s job performance, as well as develop action plans to improve performance.
            performance evaluation tools
              Средства для оценки характеристик; средства анализа производительности
            performance evaluation/assessment/review