Performance counter
Глоссарий ИТ-терминов |
A set of components that allow you to track the performance of an application.
Count, английский
- Computer operated universal test (system)
- Пункт иска (при столкновении патентных прав)
- In wire cloth, the number of openings per linear inch. cottage style house counterflashing cotter pin: above; below, installation
- A исчисляемый (тж. countable; ант. non-count) | n исчисляемость noun
- Счёт; подсчёт; учёт || считать; подсчитывать
- 1. a numerical designation of yarn size indicating the relationship of length to weight. (also see yarn number.) 2. the number of warp yarns (ends) and filling yarns (picks) per inch in a woven fabric, or the number of wales and courses per inch in a knit fabric. for example, a fabric count of 68 x 52 indicates 68 ends per inch in the warp and 52 picks per inch in the filling.
Count, английский
Count, испанский
Each separate charge (or statement) in a criminal case. (see charge)
Count field, английский
Count item, английский
Count length, английский
Интервал счета
Count plat, английский
A test to count the number of platelets in a specific quantity of blood
Count pol, английский
A figure which shows the amount of pollen in a sample of air
Count test, английский
Контроль подсчетом
Count window, английский
A window with a variable window size that moves along a timeline with each distinct event start time.
Count xpath, английский
An xpath expression that returns a numeric value to be rendered within parentheses after the display name of the object.
Count zero interrupt, английский
Прерывание по нулю счетчика
Count-rate curve, английский
Кривая скорости счета
Countable, английский
A исчисляемый (тж. count; ант. uncountable) noun counting n корп. подсчёт статистики4
Countable resources (ssi), английский
Учитываемые ресурсы (ssi)
Countable set, английский
- A set is countable if its elements can be put in one-to-one correspondence with a subset of the integers. for example, the sets {0, 1, 7, −3}, {red, green, blue}, {…,−2, −1, 0, 1, 2, …}, {straight, curly}, and the set of all fractions, are countable. if a set is not countable, it is uncountable. the set of all real numbers is uncountable.
- Счетное множество
Countable set., английский
A set is countable if its elements can be put in one-to-one correspondence with a subset of the integers. for example, the sets {0, 1, 7, -3}, {red, green, blue}, {…,-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, …}, {straight, curly}, and the set of all fractions, are countable. if a
Countdown, английский
(предпусковой) отсчет времени сте coefficient of thermal expansion коэффициент теплового расширения сте contractor technical evaluation заводские испытания; техническая оценка фирмой-разработчиком стев council of technical examining bodies совет по техническому испытанию корпусов (ракет)
Countdown demonstration test, английский
Контроль (исправности систем) в ходе предпусковой подготовки
Countdown demonstration tests, английский
Предстартовые демонстрационные испытания (ракеты-носителя)
Countdown deviation request, английский
Требование об изменении предпускового отсчета времени
Components, английский
Performance, английский
- Показатель деятельности. степень эффективности деятельности. производительность.
- (технические или летные) характеристики
- A way in which something works the doctors are not satisfied with the performance of the transplanted heart.
- N 1 действие; актив- ность; 2 употребление (н. хомский, см. тж. competence 2) linguistic ~ употребление языка, языковая активность (н. хомский, см. тж. linguistic competence) 1 стихотворный размер. 2 обозначающий действие, уже законченное по отношению к данному. performative a перформативный | n тра пер- форматив3 verb
- Эксплуатационные качества, ходовые качества
- Exhibition of gaits or other required routines.
- Microsoft edge developer tool to profile a web page frame rate. this tool helps you see what is happening behind the scenes when your pages are slowing down.
- The degree to which a product or service executes its specified function.
- Результаты деятельности
- A term contrasted with competence which refers to the speaker`s actual language production.
Application, английский
- Оределенный метод передачи данных или протокол, обеспечивающий взаимодействие терминалов в сети.
- Приложение. прикладная программа или команда.
- Применение, использование; подача (напряжения); приложение (усилия); введение в действие; отклонение (рулей)
- Заявка (комплект официальных документов, представляемый заявителем в патентное ведомство для получения охранного документа: патента, регистрации товарного знака или промышленного образца) 10
- Заявка (комплект официальных документов, представляемый заявителем в патентное ведомство для получения охранного документа: патента, свидетельства о регистрации товарного знака или промышленного образца)
- The use of a technology to achieve a specific objective.
- Заявление
- 1. the process of putting a medication or bandage on a body part two applications of the lotion should be made each day. 2. the process of asking officially for something, usually in writing if you are applying for the job, you must fill in an application form.
- A word of extensive use, for the principles of adjusting, augmenting, and perfecting the relations between sciences.
- И infrastructure service provision аренда программных продуктов и инфраструктуры (на основе ежемесячных платежей) с доступом к приложениям через интернет или vpn
- Process ofapplyinga powder coat ing to the workpiece by means of coat ing equipment; can be automated or manual
- A collection of web-based lists, libraries, calendars, and other pages you use to share information and manage an area of your business, such as your projects, documents, and company information.
- A commerce server application is a logical representation of an application in microsoft internet information services (iis); it appears in both commerce server manager and the iis console trees. in the iis console tree an application is either at the root directory level of the web site or at a subdirectory level of the web site.
- A document that records the profile of the applicant.
- A set of instructions that a computer or device uses to perform a specific task, such as word processing, accounting, or data management.
- A web application that consists of a group of tightly related components such as asp.net web pages, wcf web services, and workflows that run in a .net application domain. an application is a unit of deployment, configuration, and management.
- The container for your company’s performancepoint planning business model definitions, predefined and user-defined dimensions, the mappings that connect these business model definitions with your company’s data source, and other performancepoint planning metadata like views, permissions, and process scheduling information.
- A runnable program that provides some service.
- Request for patent protection for an invention filed with the epo or other patent office.
- An initial statement of personal and financial information, which is required to approve your loan.
Product vulnerability, английский
A set of conditions that violates an implied or explicit security policy. a product vulnerability is normally addressed by a microsoft security bulletin or a service pack.
Unified messaging server role, английский
A set of components and services that enable voice, fax, and e-mail messages to be stored in a user’s single mailbox. users can also access their microsoft exchange server 2007 mailbox from a telephone or a computer.