
Новости переводов

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Repurchase of stock

Глоссарий экономических терминов
    Technique to pay cash to firm`s shareholders that provides more preferential tax treatment for shareholders than dividends. treasury stock is the name given to previously issued stock that has been repurchased by the firm. a repurchase is achieved through either a dutch auction, open market, purchase, or tender offer.

Repurchase, английский
    Покупка ранее проданного товара

Repurchase agreement, английский
    An agreement with a commitment by the seller (dealer) to buy a security back from the purchaser (customer) at a specified price at a designated future date. also called a repo, it represents a collateralized short-term loan for which, where the collateral may be a treasury security, money market instrument, federal agency security, or mortgage-backed security. from the purchaser`s (customer`s) perspective, the deal is reported as a reverse repo.

Repurchase agreement (repo) (контракт репо), русский
    Контракт между двумя контрагентами, один из которых (продавец) продает по фиксированной цене другому (покупателю) ценные бумаги. одновременно с контрактом на продажу стороны заключают контракт об обратном выкупе этих бумаг, по которому продавец обязуется

Repurchase agreement, repo, английский

Repurchase of shares, английский
    Выкуп акций

Repurchase price, английский
    Выкупная цена

Stock, английский
  1. Colonne des charges;ensemble

  2. Group of fish of the same species (for example, snapper) that occupy a defined area of the ocean. fish stocks are the basis of fisheries? management. not to be confused with stockfish.

  3. Handle of a peavey or cant hook (24).

  4. , share - акция - эмиссионная ценная бумага, выпускаемая акционерным обществом, удостоверяющая права собственности ее владельца (акционера) на долю в уставном капитале общества, получение части прибыли акционерного общества в виде дивидендов, а также на у

  5. Акция, предоставляет право владения на пропорциональный объем имущества корпорации и в ее прибыли;

  6. Инструмент монопольного использования части активов кор¬порации. предоставляет право владения на пропорциональный объем в общих авуарах корпорации и в ее прибыли.

  7. Запас, см. inventories; основной капитал, см. fixed capital; парк подвижного состава; скот; поголовье скота, см. live stock; акционерный капитал, см. joint stock — акции; сырье, см. raw and materials

  8. Paper or other material to be printed.

  9. N языковая семья, группа родствен- ных языков (см. тж. branch)

  10. Запас; запасы  stock-out of vaccine, syn. shortage of vaccine

  11. Запас; запасы 

  12. The crossbar of a traditional anchor which prevents it from lying flat on the floor without digging in. however, most modern anchors and all large ones are stockless.

  13. Any shares representing ownership in any corporation or certificates or ownership interest in any corporation.

  14. A relatively small, concordant and / or discordant plutonic rock body exposed at the land surface, with an aerial extent < 40 sq. mi. (100 km2) and no known bottom. compare - batholith. gg

  15. A grouping of fish usually based on genetic relationship, geographic distribution, and movement patterns. also a managed unit of fish.

  16. Ownership of a corporation indicated by shares, which represent a piece of the corporation`s assets and earnings.

  17. Акция

  18. Склад

Stock, английский

Stock, немецкий

Stock, английский

Stock, английский

Stock, шведский

Stock, французский

Stock (inventory) change accounts, английский
    Счета движения запасов (в снс)

Stock ahead, английский
    When two or more orders for a stock at a certain price arrive about the same time, and the exchange`s priority rules take effect. nyse rules stipulate that the bid made first should be executed first, or, if two bids come in at once, the bid for the larger number of shares receives priority. the bid that is not executed is then turned to the broker, who informs the customer that the trade was not completed because there was "stock ahead.".

Stock and die, английский

Stock and fluke, английский
    The whole of anything.

Stock appreciation right (sar), английский
    A contractual right, often granted in tandem with an option that allows an individual to receive cash or stock of a value equal to the appreciation of the stock from the grant date to the date the sar is exercised.

Stock assessment (sa), английский
    The scientific assessment of the status and well being of a fish population (stock) using the best-available science.

Stock basket, английский
    Корзина акций

Shareholders, английский

Preferential, английский
    Пользующийся предпочтением, привилегированный

Tax straddle, английский
    Technique used in futures and options trading to create tax benefits. for example, an investor with a capital gain takes a position creating an artificial offsetting loss in the current tax year and postponing a gain from the position until the next tax year.

Index method, английский
    Technique to calculate rates of return that is based on initial and terminal values.