
Новости переводов

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Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Август, русский
  1. (лат . augustus, 8-й месяц года (31 сутки). название по имени римского императора августа.

  2. Ii (august) сильный (1670-1733) , курфюрст саксонский (под именем фридриха августа i) с 1694, король польский в 1697-1706, 1709-33. участник северной войны 1700-21 на стороне россии.

  3. Iii (august) фридрих (1696-1763) , король польский и курфюрст саксонский с 1733. утвердился на престоле в результате войны за польское наследство 1733-35. правление августа iii - время политического кризиса речи посполитой.

  4. (augustus) (до 27 до н . э. октавиан) (63 до н. э. - 14 н. э.), римский император с 27 до н. э. внучатый племянник цезаря, усыновленный им в завещании. победой в 31 до н. э. при акции над римским полководцем марком антонием и египетской царицей клеопатрой

Sierpien’, польский

Augusztus, венгерский

Avgust, сербский

Ağustos, турецкий

აგვისტო, грузинский

Aug, английский
  1. Augmentation

  2. Augmented

  3. Augment (mode)

  4. August

Auxiliary, английский
  1. Вспомогательное устройство

  2. Вспомогательный

  3. An assistant

  4. A вспомогательный | n вспомогательный глагол (тж. ~ verb) verb

  5. [1] a non-combatant naval vessel such as a tug, transport, hospital ship, or supply ship. [2] machinery used to power non-propulsion equipment such as pumps, winches, and the anchor engine. [3] the stand-by propulsion engine of a sailing ship. [4] a support group, such as the u.s. coast guard auxiliary.

  6. Вспомогательный; дополнительный

  7. Tools or other equipment, such as a pump, drill rods, casing, core barrel, bits, water swivel, safety clamp, etc., required for use with a drill ma¬chine to carry on specific drilling operations. com¬pare accessory. aw. dcdma letter name for a dcdma standard, a-range, w-group, and w-design diamond-drill rod. may also be used as a size and/or design designation as applied to tools or equipment intended to fit and be used with aw drill rods, as elevators, elevator plugs, foot safety clamp jaws, drill-chuck jaws, lifting bails, water swivels, diamond-drill swivel heads, etc. see appendix, table 1. awm. dcdma letter name for a dcdma standard, a-range, w-group, m-design, swivel-type, double-tube core barrel and those fitting parts, as the long-shank, box-threaded core bits, reaming shells, core lifters, etc., made to be run in an ax borehole and to cut an ax core. the awm-letter-name bits, reaming shells, core barrel, and core barrel parts are identical to the corresponding axm-letter-name items with one exception, that is, the head of the awm core barrel is threaded to accommodate aw drill rods instead of a drill rods. compare axm; see ap¬pendix, table 1. awx. dcdma letter name for a-range, w-group, x-design, single- and double-tube core barrels and their fitting bits, reaming shells, core lifters, etc., made to be run in an ax borehole and to cut an ax core. before 1954 awx-letter-name items were des¬ignated as ax-series items. all awx- and ax-series core barrels and fitting parts are identical, except that the heads of the awx core barrels are threaded to fit aw drill rods, whereas the ax-series core-barrel heads were threaded to fit a drill rods. see appendix, table 1. ax. 1. a dcdma letter name applied to x-group and/or x-design drill fittings in the a range. see appendix, tables 1 and 3. 2. a dcdma borehole-size letter name commonly used to designate the diameter of a borehole pro¬duced by the use of a-range, x- and m-design ream- ing shells having an outside set diameter of 1.890 inches. 3. a dcdma core-size letter name commonly used to designate the diameter of a core produced by

  8. A second method of propelling a vessel. on a sailboat this could be an engine.

  9. Вспомогательный, добавочный

Поверенный, адвокат, русский