
Новости переводов

13 ноября, 2024

Search phrase: What is the normal price for translating one page from Chinese

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Translating UMI-CMS based website

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Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Commercial arbitration

Финансовый глоссарий (отчеты, счета, налоги)
    Торговый арбитраж

Arbitrate, английский

Arbitrate access, английский
    Осуществлять арбитраж доступа

Arbitrated, английский

Arbitrated loop, английский
    Регулируемое кольцо; управляемая петля

Arbitrated protocol, английский

Arbitratio, английский

Arbitration, английский
  1. Method of settling disputes which is usually binding on parties. a clause usually in a charter party

  2. Method of settling disputes which is usually binding on parties. a clause usually in a charter party.

  3. The settlement of disputes out of court.

  4. Арбитраж; разрешение конфликтных ситуаций

  5. Term used for the determination of a dispute by the judgment of one or more persons, called arbitrators, who are chosen by the parties and who normally do not belong to a normal court of competent jurisdiction

  6. Арбитраж

  7. A process where disputes are mortgage to cover processing costs. settled by referring them to a fair and neu - tral third party (arbitrator). the disputing a  g lossar y parties agree in advance to agree with the decision of the arbitrator. there is a hearing where both parties have an opportunity to be heard, after which the arbitrator makes a decision. asbestos

  8. Resolving a dispute

  9. Resolving a dispute the process of coming to an agreement about something without using a judge or court

  10. Arbitration is a process that employers use to settle a labor dispute with an employee. the employer selects a neutral party to act as arbitrator and make a decision regarding the outcome of the dispute.

  11. Arbitration is a formal process to resolve disputes. arbitration involves the tribunal hearing from witnesses and considering evidence before making a final decision.

Arbitration agreement, английский
    The written agreement to arbitrate when parties enter into a contract which incorporates the terms and conditions of an arbitral forum they have agreed that any disputes shall be dealt with in that forum.

Arbitration clause, английский
  1. Арбитражная оговорка

  2. This is the clause in a contract which incorporates the parties agreement to use arbitration to settle any disputes.

Arbitration control sample, английский

Arbitration court, английский

Arbitration lines, английский
    Линии арбитража

Arbitration logic, английский
    Арбитражная логика

Arbitration management, английский
    Арбитражное управление (при банкротстве)

Arbitration manager, английский
    Арбитражный управляющий (при банкротстве)

Arbitration memorandum, английский
    Третейская запись

Arbitration operation, английский
    Операция арбитража

Arbitration port, английский
    A tcp/ip port used by the cache hosts to determine whether a cache host in the cluster has become unavailable. the port number that is used for arbitration can be different on each cache host.

Arbitration rules of uncitral, английский
    Арбитражный регламент юнситрал

Arbitration tribunal, английский
    Третейский суд

Arbitrator, английский

Trade barrier, английский
    Торговый барьер

Channels of distribution, английский
    Торгово-распределительная сеть