
Новости переводов

26 апреля, 2024

Можно ли использовать изображения из Интернета для публикации в журнале?

25 апреля, 2024

Подготовка к локализации сайта

23 апреля, 2024

Копирайтинг в переводах

19 апреля, 2024

Переводы в мебельном производстве

18 апреля, 2024

Вариации английского языка в разных странах мира. Часть 4

18 апреля, 2024

Редактирование текста с целью его улучшения

18 апреля, 2024

На сайт бюро переводов добавлен глоссарий химических терминов

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  


  1. Место на стебле, от которого отходит один или несколько листьев.

  2. Часть стебля или побега, где прикреплены листья. узел несет лист, пазушную почку (у косточковых часто – побег), усик или соцветие.

  3. Узел , связка , в узел завязать, разрубать гордиев узел, рассечь гордиев узел

  4. Единица скорости судна, соответствующая одной морской миле в час (1852м).

  5. , в ботанике - место на стебле растения (иногда утолщенное), откуда отходит лист. в пазухе листа (над узлом) возникает почка, из которой может развиться боковая ветвь.

  6. , в технике - 1) часть машины, механизма, установки и т. п.; состоящая из нескольких более простых элементов (деталей)...2) совокупность функционально связанных сооружений, машин или других устройств (напр., гидроузел, радиоузел)...3) пункт на пересечении нескольких железнодорожных линий (железнодорожный узел)...4) точка соединения ветвей электрической цепи...5) часть сооружения в месте соединения нескольких стержней и т. п. элементов в строительных конструкциях...6) одно или несколько помещений, в которых установлены санитарные приборы (санитарный узел).

  7. , внесистемная единица скорости, применяемая для определения скорости судов. 1 узел соответствует 1 морской миле в час или 1,852 км/ч - 0,5144 м/с.

  8. , см. стоячие волны.

  9. Морская единица измерения скорости, равная одной морской миле в час

  10. Область сопряжения двух или более элементов конструкции. при расчете узлом считается группа всех основных элементов, необходимых для представления работы узла в процессе передачи соответствующих внутренних сил и моментов. узел сопряжения балки с колонной состоит из участка стенки колонны и одного (при односторонней конфигурации узла) или двух (при двусторонней конфигурации узла) соединений.

  11. Отдельный нейрон в нейронной сети, имеющий, как правило, несколько сигналов на входе и лишь один выходной сигнал. термин «узел» используется обычно для обозначения и представления единичного нейрона в структуре нейронной сети; в рамках графовой модели нейронной сети эквивалентен вершине графа.

  12. Режим привязки к объектам-точкам, определяющим точкам размеров и точкам вставки размерного текста.

  13. Тип объектной привязки, который находит объекты-точки, точки определения размеров и исходные точки текста

Knoten, немецкий

Тюк, русский
    Тюк , связка

Угол (дома или комнаты), русский

Packe, шведский

Nodus [i, m], латинский

Junction, английский
  1. Узел; соединение; стык, спай

  2. Соединение, сочленение, стык, пересечение

  3. A joining point

  4. Соединение

  5. N юнкция junctural a сигнализирующий о стыке

  6. A region of transition between semiconductor layers, such as a p/n junction, which goes from a region that has a high concentration of acceptors (p-type) to one that has a high concentration of donors (n-type).

  7. A runbook activity that synchronizes multiple branches of a runbook.

  8. In process engineering, the shape used to connect pipelines when one pipeline is split by another pipeline. the default junction shape is junction. however, you can specify any shape on the document stencil as a junction.

  9. The junction is the active part of a semiconductor, usually silicon, where the current flow causes heat to be generated.

  10. A region of transition between semiconductor layers, such as a p/n junction, which

Joint, английский
  1. A prepared connection for joining pieces of wood or veneer.

  2. The location between the touching surfaces of two members or components joined and held together by nails, glue, cement, mortar, or other means.

  3. The mechanical connection (usually threaded) between the butt and shaft ends of a two-piece cue

  4. Соединение; стык; объединенный, совместный

  5. Стык; шов; соединение, связь; шарнир; узел; разъем; совместный, объединенный

  6. Articulación, coyuntura, junta, juntura, unión

  7. Articulación, junta, juntura

  8. The junction of two pieces of wood or veneer.

  9. A method of joining carpentry work by screws which are hidden.

  10. A structure at a point where two or more bones join, especially one which allows movement of the bones  the elbow is a joint in the arm.  arthritis is accompanied by stiffness in the joints.  charcot’s 209 juxtaposition joint (note: for other terms referring to joints, see words beginning with arthr-, arthro-.)

  11. Соединение, муфта;

  12. The place where any two pieces of timber or plank are united. it is also used to express the lines which are laid down in the mould-loft for shaping the timbers.

  13. A standard length of drill rod, casing, or pipe equipped with threaded ends by which two or more pieces may be coupled together; also, two or more standard lengths of drill rods or pipe coupled together and handled as a single piece in round trips.

  14. A fracture or parting that cuts through and abruptly interrupts the physical continuity of a rock mass. not to be confused with bedding or cleavage.

  15. Geological definition: a discontinuity of natural origin along

  16. Joint operational incidents training

  17. Flexible sealing and jointing arrangement between two pipes.

  18. (1) location where two items meet and come together (for example, where a casting mold cope and cheek, cope and drag, or cheek and drag come together). (2) part of weld where two welded parts meet.

  19. A single section of drill pipe, casing or tubing that’s usually about 30 feet long.

Host, английский
  1. Компьютер, выполняющий в сети не только функции по передаче данных, но и некоторые другие, связанные с работой прикладных программ и предоставлением своих информационных и вычислительных ресуров терминалам. обычно это супер-эвм (mainframe) или мини-эвм. в

  2. ( /хост/ хозяин ) главный компьютер. сервер. узел.

  3. Hardened optical sensor test- bed

  4. Harmonically optimized stabilization

  5. Хозяин

  6. A person or animal on which a parasite lives 181 hurt

  7. N предыдущее или следующее сло- во, к которому фонологически присоединя- ется клитика

  8. Хозяин (возбудителя инфекции, инвазии) человек или животное, включая птиц и членистоногих, в организме которых поддерживается существование возбудителя инфекционной или паразитарной болезни в природных условиях. “hot” case of afp

  9. Гибридная технология открытых систем

  10. Organism which serves as the habitat for a parasite, or possibly for a symbiont. a host may provide nutrition to the parasite or symbiont, or simply a place in which to live.

  11. Living body that provides nutrition to parasite

Node, английский
  1. Сетевое устройство, запрашивающее или предоставляющее услуги. узлами сети являются рабочие станции, терминалы, хост-машины, сетевые принтеры и т.д.

  2. См. node event

  3. An addressable unit in a network, which can be a computer, work station or some type of communications control unit.

  4. 1) a terminal of any branch in network topology or an interconnection common to two or more branches in a network. 2) one of the switches forming the network backbone in a switch network. 3) a point in a standing or stationary wave at which the amplitude is a minimum.

  5. 1. a small mass of tissue 2. a group of nerve cells

  6. N узел noeme n ноэма

  7. In a network or graph, a node is a point on the graph which can be connected to other points through arcs. typically, a node represents some object or concept, and the arcs show connections between the objects or concepts.

  8. Объект в виде точки.

  9. A point in a standing wave where some characteristic of the wave field has essentially zero amplitude.

Уз., русский

Knot (kn or kt), английский
    Узел, связь

Hitch, английский
  1. A knot used to secure a rope to another object or to another rope, or to form a loop or a noose in a rope.

  2. A knot used to tie a rope or line to a fixed object. see also bend.

  3. Петля, узел, строп, захват

  4. A species of knot by which one rope is connected with another, or to some object. they are various; as, clove-hitch, racking-hitch, timber-hitch (stopped), rolling-hitch, running-hitch, half-hitch, blackwall-hitch, magnus-hitch, marline-spike hitch, harness-hitch, &c. (see bend and knot.) it also signifies motion by a jerk. figuratively, it is applied to an impediment. a seaman often hitches up his trowsers,

  5. [1] any knot which fastens a line to something, holding it firmly yet easily released. [2] usn slang for a period of enlistment.

  6. Препятствие; помеха

  7. A knot used to attach a line to a cleat or other object.

  8. Articulating coupung whereby a trailer is attached to a tractor unit. a simple ball and socket coupling,

Solmu, финский

Knot, английский
  1. 1 knot = 1 nautical mile/h = 1.852 kilometres/h = 0.515 meters/sec

  2. A unit of speed, one nautical mile per hour or approximately 1.15 statute miles per hour. the nautical mile is closely related to the geographical mile which is defined as the length of one minute of arc on the earth's equator. by international agreement,

  3. That portion of a branch or limb that has been surrounded by subsequent growth of the stem. the shape of the knot as it appears on a cut surface depends on the angle of the cut relative to the long axis of the knot.

  4. In lumber, the portion of a branch or limb of a tree that appears on the edge or face of the piece.

  5. Узел

  6. A measurement of speed equal to one nautical mile (6,076 feet) per hour

  7. A unit of speed: 1 nautical mile (1.8520 km; 1.1508 mi) per hour. originally speed was measured by paying out a line from the stern of a moving boat; the line had a knot every 47 feet 3 inches (14.40 m), and the number of knots passed out in 30 seconds gave the speed through the water in nautical miles per hour. sometimes "knots" is mistakenly stated as "knots per hour," but the latter is a measure of acceleration (i.e., "nautical miles per hour per hour") rather than of speed.

  8. Unit of speed in navigation which is the rate of nautical mile (6,080 feet or 1,852 meters) per hour.

  9. Unit of speed in navigation which is the rate of nautical mile (6,080 feet or 1,852 meters) per hour. top of page home l

  10. That portion of a branch or limb that has been surrounded

  11. Узел - морская единица измерения скорости, равная одной морской миле в час

  12. Узел, узелок

  13. A large knob formed on the extremity of a rope, generally by untwisting its ends, and interweaving them regularly among each other; of these there are several sorts, differing in form, size, and name, as diamond knot, kop knot, overhand knot, reef knot, shroud knot, stopper knot, single wall knot, double wall knot. the bowline knot is so firmly made, and fastened to the cringles of the sails, that they must break, or the sails split, before it will slip. (see running bowline.) the sheepshank knot serves to shorten a rope without cutting it, and may be presently loosened. the wall-knot is so made with the lays of a rope that it cannot slip, and serves for sheets, tacks, and stoppers. knots are generally used to act as a button, in preventing the end of a rope from slipping through the hole of a dead-eye, or through the turns of a laniard, by which they are sometimes made fast to other ropes.— knot also implies a division on the log line, bearing a similar proportion to a mile, which half a minute does to an hour; that is, it is 1/120 of a mile; hence we say, the ship was going 8 knots, signifying 8 miles per hour. indeed, in nautical parlance, the words knot and mile are synonyms, alluding to the geographical mile of 60` to a degree of latitude.

  14. [1] any of countless ways of interlacing, twining, or looping cord, rope, or line, for fastening, binding, or connecting them together or to something else. [2] a speed equal to one nautical mile per hour (1.1516 mph; 1.853 km/h). landlubbers frequently refer to “a rate of knots” or speak of “knots per hour,” both of which are considered needless repetition (but see counter-argument below).

  15. A type of inclusion in which one diamond crystal is lodged inside a larger diamond crystal.

  16. Included diamond crystal oriented differently from the larger diamond crystal which is its host. when such diamonds are sawn, the knot may cause problems and slow the sawing process because it often presents a harder cutting direction.

  17. A maritime unit of speed equal to one nautical mile per hour (6076 feet).

  18. Aterm for hitches and bends.

  19. One nautical mile per hour.

  20. (1) a speed of one nautical mile per hour. (2) a method of attaching a rope or line to itself, another line or a fitting.

  21. A nautical unit of speed. one knot equals 1 nautical mile per hour (approximately 51 centimeters per second).

  22. Nautical miles per hour equal to 1.15 miles per hour (mph).

  23. A hard cross grained piece in a board generally from a branch protrusion; may loosen over time and fall out of the board.

Связка, русский
  1. Карты соседствующего достоинства (например, 78 или jq) называются связкой. если они, к тому же, одномастные, это одномастная связка

  2. Связка, пачка, пук (пучок), букет, сноп, свясло, вязанка, вязка, бунт, кипа, вьюк, тюк, кисть, моток, узел (узелок), место. связка товаров, ключей. пучок зелени. бунт струн. вязанка (беремя, охапка, поленница) дров. вязка прутьев. кипа бумаги. узел белья.

  3. , служебный грамматический элемент составного сказуемого. в качестве связки во многих языках используется глагол "быть" в личных формах.

  4. Вещество, преимущественно органического происхождения, скрепляющее частицы порошка в единое целое и выполняющее роль внутренней смазки при формовании порошка в брикет. связки, используемые в порошковой металлургии и в керамической порошковой технологии, могут включать обычные клеи, например, резиновый, природные полимеры, например, крахмал, термопласты, такие как парафин или полиэтилен. самая распространенная связка для металлических порошков состоит из композиции включающей 65 % парафина, 30 % полипропилена и 5 % стеариновой кислоты. в качестве связки в порошковой металлургии используют также воск, полиэтиленгликоль, поливиниловый спирт, метилцеллюлозу и т.д. роль связок могут выполнять смазки типа стеарат цинка или стеарат лития. связки такого типа удаляются в процессе нагрева брикета до температуры спекания, являясь таким образом временным средством способствующим приданию массе порошка определенной формы и сохранению этой формы к началу спекания.

Unit, английский
  1. A unit refers to a container, trailer, or a container mounted onto a trailer.

  2. A member of a population.

  3. Блок; агрегат; единица; часть, подразделение

  4. Аккумуляторная установка с комбинированным приводом

  5. 1. a single part of a larger whole 2. a part of a hospital that has a specialised function  a burns unit 3. a named and agreed standard amount used for measuring something  a gram is an si unit of weight. 4. a quantity of a drug, enzyme, hormone or of blood, taken as a standard for measurement and producing a given effect  three units of blood  a unit of insulin 5. a machine or device  a waste-disposal unit ‘…the blood loss caused his haemoglobin to drop dangerously low, necessitating two units of rbcs and one unit of fresh frozen plasma’ [rn magazine] united kingdom central council for nursing, midwifery, and health visiting united kingdom central council for nursing, midwifery, and health visiting /ju na?t?d k??d?m sentr?l ka?ns?l f? n! s?? m?dw?f?ri ?nd hel? v?z?t??/

  6. A hospital, ward or unit which deals only with women giving birth

  7. N 1 единица; 2 единство translation formal ~ формальная единица functional ~ функциональная единица lexical ~ лексическая единица morpheme ~ морфемная единица phonetic ~ фонетическая единица phraseological ~ фразеологическая единица suprasentential ~ сверхфразовое единство

  8. A generic term for the military assets assigned to a single tactical commander. may be a single ship or aircraft, or a larger force.

  9. See: partially ordered set.

  10. More than one class of securities traded together (e.g., one common share and three subscription warrants).

  11. Uk expression usually meaning an electric or diesel multiple unit train.

Nudo, испанский

Block, английский
  1. Pulley used in wire rope logging to change direction or increase pulling power (24).

  2. Последовательность передаваемых данных, рассматриваемая как завершенная и отдельная сущность. обычно имеет адрес, управляющее поле и контрольную сумму, позволяющую обнаруживать ошибки

  3. A block is a piece of wood used as a matrix for a print. these blocks are mainly used for wood engravings or wood cuts.

  4. Блок; этап (маршрутного полета)

  5. (колесная) колодка

  6. Angular chunk of solid rock ejected during a volcanic eruption.

  7. A pulley or set of pulleys.

  8. A group of bits, or characters, transmitted as a unit. an encoding procedure is generally applied to the group of bits or characters for error control purposes.

  9. Тормозная колодка, блок, шкив

  10. A concrete masonry unit having solid rectangular end faces as well as solid rectangular side faces. double corner block 325 double corner block double-crib barn

  11. 1. the stopping of a function 2. something which obstructs 3. a large piece of something  a block of wood fell on his foot. 4. a period of time  the training is in two three-hour blocks. 5. one of the different buildings forming a section of a hospital  the patient is in block 2, ward 7.  she is having treatment in the physiotherapy block.  verb to fill the space in something and stop other things passing through it  the artery was blocked by a clot.  he swallowed a piece of plastic which blocked his oesophagus.

  12. A block is a package of data that contains zero or more transactions, the hash of the previous block ("parent"), and optionally other data. because each block (except for the initial "genesis block") points to the previous block, the data structure that they form is called a "blockchain".

  13. Блок: в филейном вязании - заполненная кокетка

  14. A pulley on a boat.

  15. Блок

  16. (in mechanics termed a pulley.) blocks are flattish oval pieces of wood, with sheaves in them, for all the running ropes to run in. they are used for various purposes in a ship, either to increase the mechanical power of the ropes, or to arrange the ends of them in certain places on the deck, that they may be readily found when wanted; they are consequently of various sizes and powers, and obtain various names, according to their form or situation, thus:—a single block contains only one sheave or wheel. a double block has two sheaves. a treble or threefold block, three, and so on. a long-tackle or fiddle-block has two sheaves—one below the other, like a fiddle. cistern or sister block for top-sail lifts and reef tackles. every block is composed of three, and generally four, parts:—(1.) the shell, or outside wooden part. (2.) the sheave, or wheel, on which the rope runs. (3.) the pin, or axle, on which the sheave turns. (4.) the strop, or part by which the block is made fast to any particular station, and is usually made either of rope or of iron. blocks are named and distinguished by the ropes which they carry, and the uses they serve for, as bowlines, braces, clue-lines, halliards, &c. &c. they are either made or morticed (which see).

  17. The large piece of elm out of which the figure is carved at the head of the ship.

  18. A pulley, or multiple pulleys, mounted in a case.

  19. The wedging of core or core fragments or the impaction of cuttings inside a bit or core barrel, which prevents further entry of core into the core barrel, thereby producing a condition wherein drilling must be discontinued and the core barrel pulled and emptied to forestall loss of core through grinding or the serious damage of the bit or core barrel. also called core block. see also grind

  20. An obstruction in a borehole.

  21. A grooved pulley or sheave encased in a frame or shell, which is provided with a hook, eye, clevis, or strap by which it may be attached to an object.

  22. A wooden or metal case enclosing one or more pulleys and havingahook, eye, or strap by which it may be attached.

  23. One or more wheels with grooves in them (pulleys) designed to carry a line and change the direction of its travel. a housing around the wheel allows the block to be connected to a spar, or another line. lines used with a block are known as tackle.

  24. A collection of statements that can be grouped together to be treated as one statement. for instance in c and processing statements inside parentheses are treated as one statement that is either executed together or not. generally the only entry" into a block of code is at the top of the code.

  25. A wood or metal shell that encloses one of more pulleys.

  26. Large quantity of stock or large dollar amount of bonds held or traded. as a rule of thumb, 10,000 shares or more of stock and $200,000 or more worth of bonds would be described as a block.

  27. 1) rock fragment derived from the sides of a volcanic vent. commonly

  28. See cylinder block,

  29. Примитив autocad. один или несколько примитивов autocad, сгруппированных в единый объект.

  30. In signalling terminology, a physical length of track protected by a fixed signal which indicates to a driver when it is safe to proceed into the section. see signalling pages

Совокупность, русский
  1. Совокупность , круг, собрание, сумма

  2. Непрерывное множество, целое, сочетание, соединение, общий итог, сумма.

Железнодорожный, русский
    (до 1939 обираловка) , город (с 1952) в российской федерации, московская обл. железнодорожная станция. 99,3 тыс. жителей (1992). деревообрабатывающий комбинат, хлопкопрядильная фабрика; производство стройматериалов и др.

Соединения, русский
  1. (в строительных конструкциях) , служат для скрепления между собой элементов строительной конструкции в целях образования узлов, увеличения размеров конструкции или изменения условий ее работы. основные виды соединений - сварные, заклепочные, болтовые, клеевые; осуществляются как при изготовлении конструкций (заводские соединения), так и при их сборке на строительной площадке (монтажные соединения).

  2. , см. комбинаторика.

  3. См. химические соединения.

Knoten, немецкий

Knorpel, немецкий