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Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Performance appraisals

  1. Evaluations of employees

  2. Evaluations of employees a method of measuring how effective employees are

Служебная аттестация, русский

Appraisal, английский
  1. An evaluation or estimate (preferably by a qualified professional appraiser) of the market or other value, cost, utility, or other attribute of land or other facility. approach-zone district in zoning, a classification which identifies all that area outward from the end of, or approach to, a runway in which the height of structures or other hazards to aircraft is restricted.

  2. A judgment or opinion on something or somebody, especially one which decides how effective or useful they are

  3. Оценка

  4. Анализ

  5. An appraisal on your home is an unbiased estimate of how much a home is worth. when buying a home, the lender requires an appraisal by a third party (the appraiser) to make sure the loan amount requested is accurate. if the home’s appraised value is below what the buyer has offered, the lender may request the buyer pay the difference in cost.

  6. A professional analysis used a loan or other financing as an annual rate. to estimate the value of the property. this the apr includes the interest rate, points, includes examples of sales of similar prop - broker fees and certain other credit charges erties. a borrower is required to pay.

  7. A determination of the value of something, such as a house, jewelry or stock. a professional appraiser--a qualified, disinterested expert--makes an estimate by examining the property, and looking at the initial purchase price and comparing it with recent sales of similar property. courts commonly order appraisals in probate, condemnation, bankruptcy or foreclosure proceedings in order to determine the fair market value of property. banks and real estate companies use appraisals to ascertain the worth of real estate for lending purposes. and insurance companies require appraisals to determine the amount of damage done to covered property before settling insurance claims.

  8. Are meetings set up by the employer that allow the employer to discuss the performance of their employee

  9. Appraisal is an assessment of the quality, quantity or value of something. appraisals are used in business to determine the value of an item or collection of items, and in real estate to determine value of a property.

  10. An appraisal is very similar to an assessment of performance. the word ‘appraisal’ usually describes a meeting between an established employee and a manager or employer, during which the employee’s performance is assessed and discussed. many employees have an appraisal every year.

Appraisal (of mineral reserves), английский

Appraisal (of reserves, resources), английский
  1. Оценка (запасов, ресурсов). комплекс расчетов, позволяющих определить величину запасов (ресурсов) полезного ископаемого

  2. Оценка (запасов, ресурсов). комплекс расчетов, позволяющих определить величину запасов (ресурсов) полезного ископаемого.

Appraisal (of the project), английский
  1. Экспертиза (проекта). в проектном анализе: экспертная оценка приемлемости инвестиционного проекта в соответствии с определенными критериями принятия решений

  2. Экспертиза (проекта). в проектном анализе: экспертная оценка приемлемости инвестиционного проекта в соответствии с опре- деленными критериями принятия решений.

Appraisal bias, английский

Appraisal contingency, английский

Appraisal drilling, английский

Appraisal fee, английский

Appraisal inst., английский

Appraisal letter, английский
  1. Are written by the hr department to notify specific employees to praise their work performance during a calendar year

  2. An appraisal letter is a document that contains the opinions of an employee`s supervisor concerning the employee`s job performance, the employee`s strengths and weaknesses, and the employee`s potential for future promotions.

Appraisal of alternatives, английский

Appraisal of damages, английский
    Оценка убытков

Appraisal of documents submitted, английский

Appraisal of result control, estimation of result check, technical diagnosis, assessment, английский

Appraisal ratio, английский
    The signal-to-noise ratio of an analyst`s forecasts. the ratio of alpha to residual standard deviation.

Appraisal report, английский
    Акт оценки

Appraisal right, английский
    Право акционера на справедливое возмещение за принадлежащие ему акции (при несогласии акционера с решением о слиянии компании)

Appraisal rights, английский
    A right of shareholders in a merger to demand the payment of a fair price for their shares, as determined independently.

Appraisal well, английский
  1. Оценочная скважина. разведочная скважина, бурящаяся в непосредственной близости от скважины-открывательницы месторождения (нефти, газа) с целью более детального изучения продуктивного интервала и проведения опытной эксплуатации

  2. Оценочная скважина. разведочная скважина, бурящаяся в не- посредственной близости от скважины-открывательницы место- рождения (нефти, газа) в целях более детального изучения про- дуктивного интервала и проведения опытной эксплуатации. asphalt 1. асфальт. высоковязкий полутвердый и твердый битум, пла- вящийся при низкой температуре. образуется в результате окисления нефти и испарения ее летучих компонентов в ме- стах выхода нефтеносных пород на поверхность. 2. битум (амер.).

Appraisal, assessment, английский

Appraisals, английский
  1. Evaluations

  2. Evaluations assessments of the value or performance of something (example: job appraisals)

Служебная аттестация, русский

Оценки, русский