- Auxiliary
- Auxiliary engine
- Abbr. for “iliary.” auxiliary dead latch, auxiliary latch bolt, deadlocking latch bolt, trigger bolt a supplementary latch in a lock which automatically deadlocks the main latch bolt when the door is closed.
- Auxiliary (icao)
Auxiliary, английский
- Вспомогательное устройство
- Вспомогательный
- An assistant
- A вспомогательный | n вспомогательный глагол (тж. ~ verb) verb
- [1] a non-combatant naval vessel such as a tug, transport, hospital ship, or supply ship. [2] machinery used to power non-propulsion equipment such as pumps, winches, and the anchor engine. [3] the stand-by propulsion engine of a sailing ship. [4] a support group, such as the u.s. coast guard auxiliary.
- Вспомогательный; дополнительный
- Tools or other equipment, such as a pump, drill rods, casing, core barrel, bits, water swivel, safety clamp, etc., required for use with a drill ma¬chine to carry on specific drilling operations. com¬pare accessory. aw. dcdma letter name for a dcdma standard, a-range, w-group, and w-design diamond-drill rod. may also be used as a size and/or design designation as applied to tools or equipment intended to fit and be used with aw drill rods, as elevators, elevator plugs, foot safety clamp jaws, drill-chuck jaws, lifting bails, water swivels, diamond-drill swivel heads, etc. see appendix, table 1. awm. dcdma letter name for a dcdma standard, a-range, w-group, m-design, swivel-type, double-tube core barrel and those fitting parts, as the long-shank, box-threaded core bits, reaming shells, core lifters, etc., made to be run in an ax borehole and to cut an ax core. the awm-letter-name bits, reaming shells, core barrel, and core barrel parts are identical to the corresponding axm-letter-name items with one exception, that is, the head of the awm core barrel is threaded to accommodate aw drill rods instead of a drill rods. compare axm; see ap¬pendix, table 1. awx. dcdma letter name for a-range, w-group, x-design, single- and double-tube core barrels and their fitting bits, reaming shells, core lifters, etc., made to be run in an ax borehole and to cut an ax core. before 1954 awx-letter-name items were des¬ignated as ax-series items. all awx- and ax-series core barrels and fitting parts are identical, except that the heads of the awx core barrels are threaded to fit aw drill rods, whereas the ax-series core-barrel heads were threaded to fit a drill rods. see appendix, table 1. ax. 1. a dcdma letter name applied to x-group and/or x-design drill fittings in the a range. see appendix, tables 1 and 3. 2. a dcdma borehole-size letter name commonly used to designate the diameter of a borehole pro¬duced by the use of a-range, x- and m-design ream- ing shells having an outside set diameter of 1.890 inches. 3. a dcdma core-size letter name commonly used to designate the diameter of a core produced by
- A second method of propelling a vessel. on a sailboat this could be an engine.
- Вспомогательный, добавочный
Вспомогательный, русский
Вспомогательный , побочный
Auxilary, английский
Вход для подключения дополнительных устройств, русский
Auxiliary engine, английский
Вспомогательный двигатель
Supplementary, английский
- Дополнительный (о частоте)
- A дополнитель- ный, добавочный morpheme suppletion n супплетивизм suppletive a супплетивный alternant, form suprafix n супрафикс3 suprasegmental a супрасегментный suprasentential a сверхфразовый unit
Automatically, английский
Ave, английский
- Aerospace vehicle equipment
- Air vehicle
Aug, английский
- Augmentation
- Augmented
- Augment (mode)
- August