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Gain saturation

Glossary Of Laser Terminology
    The phenomenon that the gain of an amplifier is reduced for high input signal powers

Gain, английский
  1. An increase in voltage or power, usually expressed in db.

  2. Any increase or decrease in strength of an electrical signal. gain is measured in terms of

  3. The electronic amplification factor of a signal.

  4. An increase in signal power in transmission from one point to another; usually expressed in decibels.

  5. Any increase or decrease in strength of an electrical signal. is measured in terms of decibels or number of times of magnification.

  6. A measure of the increase in forward transmitter power of an antenna or telescope with respect to that of an isotropic radiator. an antenna is said to have a "directivity" since it directs more energy in one direction. it is proportional to the aperture area of the telescope and inversely proportional to the square of the wavelength. even small optical telescopes can have very high gain, since the wavelength is so small. typically a 10 meter diameter visible telescope has a gain of about 1015 (150 db), while a 100 meter diameter microwave dish operating at 10 ghz has a gain of only 108 (80 db). this is a difference of a factor of 107 (70 db), i.e., 10 million times.

  7. A measure of the strength of optical amplification

  8. Gain refers to the relationship between the input signal and the output signal of any electronic system. higher levels of gain amplify the signal, resulting in greater levels of brightness and contrast. lower levels of gain will darken the image, and soften the contrast. effectively, gain adjustment affects the sensitivity to light of the ccd or cmos sensor. in a digital camera, this concept is analogous to the iso or asa ratings of silver-halide films.

  9. In carpentry, a groove or notch in one piece into which another piece is fitted. gain joint galerie surrounding a raised house galerie house, gallery house in french vernacular architecture, a farmhouse or plantation

  10. An act of adding or increasing something  the baby showed a gain in weight of 25g or showed a weight gain of 25g.  verb to obtain something, or to increase  to gain in weight or to gain weight

  11. The figure of merit used to judge potential classification splits in id3, defined as the change in entropy by the split. it was replaced with the gain ratio criterion in c4.5. see also: c4.5.

  12. Also known as `amplification`, the ratio between the input voltage and the output voltage, or between the input power and the output power. gain is usually expressed in decibels.

  13. A profit on a securities transaction recognized by selling a security for more than the security originally cost. the gain is the difference between the cost and the sale.

  14. Amplification (especially of a signal)

Gain (loss) on sale, английский

Gain a contract, английский

Gain access, английский
    Получать доступ

Gain adjustment, английский
    A microphone feature that allows your input to be amplified so that it is made louder for use by the system.

Gain bandwidth, английский
    The width of the optical frequency range in which significant gain is available from an amplifier

Gain clamping, английский
    A firm limitation of the gain of some amplifier or laser, usually caused by lasing action

Gain control, английский
  1. Регулировка усиления

  2. Art networks have two non-specific gain control signals, g1 and g2 for the f1 and f2 layers, respectively. g1 implements the 2/3 rule in the f1 layer, while g2 enables/disables the f2 layer. see also: art, ftp:://ftp.sas.com/pub/neural/faq2.html, http://www.wi.leidenuniv.nl/art/.

Gain efficiency, английский
    Small-signal gain of an optical amplifier per unit pump power or per unit stored energy

Gain equalization, английский
    A technique for making the gain spectrum of an optical amplifier device flatter over a certain optical frequency range

Gain factor, английский
    Коэффициент усиления gain-frequency characteristic амплитудно-частотная характеристика

Gain for tax purposes, английский
    Налогооблагаемый прирост капитала

Gain from currency adjustments, английский
    Доход от разницы курсов

Gain guiding, английский
    Guiding of light based on spatially inhomogeneous optical gain

Gain in weight, английский

Gain inequality, английский

Gain insight, английский
    To attain deeper knowledge or a clearer perception of a given situation.

Gain margin, английский
    Пределы усиления; запас по усилению galerkin`s method метод галеркина

Gain media, английский
    Media for laser amplification

Gain narrowing, английский
    The phenomenon that the bandwidth of light can be reduced during amplification in a medium with a limited gain bandwidth

Gain on disposal, английский

Phenomenon, английский
  1. 1. a fact or situation which can be observed 2. someone or something that is considered to be extraordinary and marvellous

  2. A condition with various possible causes in which the blood supply to the fingers and toes is restricted and they become cold, white and numb. also called dead man’s fingers, vasospasm [described 1862. after maurice raynaud (1834–81), french physician.] rbc rbc abbr red blood cell rcgp rcgp abbr royal college of general practitioners rcn rcn abbr royal college of nursing rcog rcog abbr royal college of obstetricians and gynaecologists rcp rcp abbr royal college of physicians

  3. In diabetes mellitus, a swing to a high level of glucose in the blood from an extremely low level, usually occurring after an untreated insulin reaction during the night. it is caused by the release of stress hormones to counter low glucose levels.

  4. Явление; эффект

Intermodal dispersion, английский
    The phenomenon that the group velocity of light propagating in a waveguide structure depends on the waveguide mode

Nonlinear polarization rotation, английский
    The phenomenon that the change in the polarization direction of light in a fiber can depend on the optical intensity