
Новости переводов

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

22 ноября, 2023

Proofreading of English text

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  


  1. Prostatic specific antigen

  2. Pacific service area

  3. Production sharing agreement

  4. Pacific southwest airlines

  5. Passive space array

  6. Post-separation arming

  7. Power servo amplifier

  8. Paciulli, simmons & associates ltd.

  9. See: public securities association.

  10. Probabilistic safety analysis

  11. Passive slot allocation

  12. Primary subject area

  13. Provisional site acceptance

  14. Public service announcement

  15. Объявление о государственной службе

  16. Probabilistic safety assessment. a psa is a type of safety analysis that uses probabilistic risk assessment techniques during both the design and operation of a nuclear power plant to analyse the overall risk. considering an entire set of potential events with their respective probabilities and consequences, the overall risk of a nuclear incident or accident can be assessed. for a power plant this risk is given in terms of a core melt frequency or the frequency of a large radioactive release. for existing power plants a value below about 1 x 10-4 per year for a core damage probability is generally accepted, while new designs should be even less than 1 x 10-5 per year. the current practice is that the computed results are generally viewed as targets rather than absolute values that would serve for regulatory acceptance or refusal.

Psa, английский
    Prostatic specific antigen

Psa, английский

Prostatic specific antigen, английский

Pressure swing adsorption, английский

Product sharing agreement, английский

Polysilicon self-aligned, английский

Поликремниевый, с самосовмещенным затвором, русский

Pacific service area, английский
    9 -2 - 67 зона обслуживания абонентов в тихом океане

Соглашение о разделе продукции срп, русский

Production sharing agreement, английский
  1. Соглашение о разделе продукции срп

  2. Psa

Срп, русский
  1. Соглашение о разделе продукции

  2. Система ре

Pacific southwest airlines, английский
    Авиатранспортная компания «пасифик саутуэст эрлайнз»

Passive space array, английский
    Спутник-ретранслятор с пассивной отражающей решеткой

Post-separation arming, английский
    Взведение взрывателя после отделения

Power servo amplifier, английский
    Силовой сервоусилитель

Paciulli, simmons & associates ltd., английский

Anuncio de servicio de utilidad pública, испанский

Анализ с помощью сферы пуанкаре;, русский

Регулятор состояния поляризации ps acr отношение затухания к суммарным двунаправленным наводкам; суммарная защищенность от помех, русский

Poincare sphere analysis;, русский

Polarization state adjuster, английский

Probabilistic safety assessment, английский

Production, английский
  1. Refers to a person acting more dramtic than they would in a show, making the situation epic. example after tasha got up, she caused even more of a scene by throwing her purse on the ground, punching her boyfriend, and stomping into a store. what she did was a production.

  2. Добыча. извлечение полезного ископаемого из недр.

  3. Производство

  4. Производство, продукция (наряду с материальными благами продукция включает только те виды услуг, которые могут рассматриваться как реализуемые: к ним относятся услуги, предоставляемые так называемыми лицами свободных профессий; остальные услуги из состава продукции исключаются; в снс)

  5. N 1 продуцирование, порождение, производство (син. generation); 2 фон. произношение (производство звука ) 1 обработка документов, созданных на естественном языке, а также разработка методов, технологий и конкретных систем, обеспечиваю- щих общение человека с пк на естественном или ограниченном есте- ственном языке. language ~ когн. продуцирование, порожде- ние речи (син. language generation, speech production; см. тж. speech generation; text to speech system) speech ~ порождение речи (син. language generation, language ~; см. тж. speech generation; text to speech system)

  6. For obtaining the benefits of trading with our colonies, it is necessary that the goods be accompanied by a “certificate of production” in the manner required by marine law. (see origin.)

  7. Производство, изготовление

  8. A rule that processes input and produces a sequence of terminal and non-terminal symbols, which can also be passed to further productions. the rules that a compiler or an expert system uses are often called productions. see also: non-terminal symbol, terminal symbol.

  9. Any process of synthesis, transformation or destruction realized in a space of interacting components that results not merely in the emission of signals or arrangement of characters, but as in a computer or a clockwork in material entities which are capable of interacting with other entities possibly including with the components that produced them. (->autopoiesis, ->allopoiesis)

  10. The process of creating usable goods from raw materials and/or parts.

  11. In the context of project financing, a defined portion of the proceeds of production up to a dollar amount.

  12. The output of goods and services.

  13. Добыча. извлечение полезного ископаемого из недр. производ- ство. объем добычи или производства.

  14. Term used to describe the process of extracting, preparing, storing, and delivering well oils.

  15. The phase of the petroleum industry that deals with bringing the well fluids to the surface and separating them and with storing, gauging, and otherwise preparing the product for the pipeline.

Separation, английский
  1. Разделение, отделение; эшелонирование; интервал эшелонирования

  2. Отделение, разделение; эшелонирование; интервал эшелонирования

  3. The development of layers of paint of different composition in a can during storage when the materials are not completely soluble, miscible, or stable.

  4. The act of separating or dividing two or more people or things, or the state of being separated

  5. Супругов, судебное разлучение

Securities, английский
  1. Ценные бумаги (редко — облигации с пере ленным размером процента; облигации, ставка процентов по которым увязана с каким-либо индексом; облигации, которые можно обменять на акции)

  2. Shares and debt obligations of every kind,including options, warrants, and rights to acquire shares and debtobligations.

  3. Documents providing evidence of a share in the capital of a company (e.g. share certificate), or the indebtedness of some person to the holder (e.g. government or corporate bonds) or similar legal rights.

  4. Paper certificates (definitive securities) or electronic records (book-entry securities) evidencing ownership of equity (stocks) or debt obligations (bonds).

  5. Ценные бумаги

Association, английский
  1. Ассоциация, объединение, союз

  2. Two variables are associated if some of the variability of one can be accounted for by the other. in a scatterplot of the two variables, if the scatter in the values of the variable plotted on the vertical axis is smaller in narrow ranges of the variable plotted on the horizontal axis (i.e., in vertical "slices") than it is overall, the two variables are associated. the correlation coefficient is a measure of linear association, which is a special case of association in which large values of one variable tend to occur with large values of the other, and small values of one tend to occur with small values of the other (positive association), or in which large values of one tend to occur with small values of the other, and vice versa (negative association).

  3. N когн. ассоциация1

  4. Американская ассоциация производителей метизов [скобяных изделий]

  5. Американская ассоциация специалистов по антисептированию древесины

  6. Ассоциация (производителей) акустических и теплоизоляционных материалов

  7. Ассоциация изготовителей архитектурных алюминиевых изделий

  8. Ассоциация изготовителей конструктивных элементов из фибро- бетона

  9. Ассоциация изготовителей рулонных кровельных материалов на основе битума

  10. Ассоциация изготовителей стеклопакетов

  11. Ассоциация изготовителей строительных материалов и изделий

  12. Ассоциация изготовителей строительных метизов [крепёжных деталей] впп brinell hardness number твёрдость по бринеллю

  13. Ассоциация изготовителей теплоизоляционных материалов и изделий

  14. Ассоциация инженеров по подъёмно-транспортному оборудованию

  15. Ассоциация по научным исследованиям и технической информации в области строительства

  16. Ассоциация производителей изделий из ячеистого бетона автоклавного твердения

  17. Ассоциация производителей просечно-вытяжных металлических изделий

  18. Ассоциация специалистов по исследованию и совершенствованию деревянных конструкций

  19. Британская ассоциация (изготовителей) товарного бетона

  20. Национальная ассоциация (технического персонала) карьеров строительного гранита

  21. Национальная ассоциация изготовителей деревянных (строительных) изделий оа overall габаритный (размер) о/a on approval на утверждении (о проекте и тд )

  22. Национальная ассоциация изготовителей дубовых изделий для покрытия пола (сша)

  23. Национальная ассоциация по сборному железобетону (сша)

  24. Национальная ассоциация подрядчиков по выполнению теплоизоляционных работ (сша)

  25. Национальная ассоциация подрядчиков по устройству кровель

  26. Национальная ассоциация подрядчиков по устройству настилов покрытий зданий (сша)

  27. Национальная ассоциация поставщиков товарного бетона

  28. Национальная ассоциация производителей изделий из лесоматериалов nibs 1. national institute of building

  29. Национальная ассоциация производителей пиломатериалов

  30. Национальная ассоциация субподрядных организаций по установке оконных и дверных заполнений (сша)

  31. In psychology, the cognitive connection between two or more concepts or ideas such that the presence of one tends to evoke the others. in sociology, the process by which people become allied to one another and form groups as the result of such alliances. in statistics, the cooccurance of two or more events with a probability above what would be expected by chance. dissociation is the logical complement of the statistical concept of association.

  32. A relationship between peer objects.

  33. In performancepoint planning business modeler, the relationship between a source model and a destination model for the purpose of manipulating the arrangement of interpretive data and aggregating the corresponding numerical measurements.

  34. The definition of a relationship between entity types.

  35. The link between a collection and a deployment.

  36. The mapping of a file extension (for example, .mp3) or protocol (for example, http) to a programmatic identifier (progid). this mapping is stored in the registry as a per-user setting with a per-computer fallback. applications that participate in the default programs system set the association mapping for the file extension or protocol to point to the progid keys that they own.

  37. The state of being totally connected to, or experiencing, an event, mental or external. the opposite is dissociation (sometimes, disassociation), which is being an objective observer.

Probabilistic, английский
  1. Вероятностный

  2. Attribute of non-deterministic systems whose transitions between states follow known or ascertainable probabilities (->probability). the ergodic behavior of probabilistic systems is describable as a markov chain. probabii.ity

Allocation, английский
  1. The apportionment or assignment of income or expense for various tax purpose, e.g., between permanent establishments in various jurisdictions

  2. Распределение (расходов, рабочей силы); ассигнование (денежных средств) ~ of contract продажа подряда с торгов ~ of responsibility during erection установление ответственности за монтаж land ~ распределение земель [территории] при планировке

  3. An assignment of a portion of a resource for a particular use or purpose.

  4. In operating systems, the process of reserving memory for use by a program.

  5. The percentage of a resource’s capacity that is designated for a specific assignment.

  6. The process of distributing amounts (monetary or statistical) to one or more accounts, fields, or records.

  7. Distribution of fishing opportunity among user groups or individuals. shares are sometimes based on historic amounts.

Provisional, английский

Acceptance, английский
  1. Акцепт:

  2. Приёмка (работ, материалов) ~ of work приёмка (выполненных) работ

  3. Contractual agreement instigated when the drawee of a time draft "accepts" the draft by writing the word "accepted" thereon. the drawee assumes responsibility as the acceptor and for payment at maturity. see: letter of credit and banker`s acceptance.

  4. Акцепт

  5. An offeree’s consent to enter into a contract and be bound by the terms of the offer.

  6. In uk railway signalling terms, `acceptance` means the permission given by a signalman for a train to enter the section of line he controls.

Announcement, английский
    A microsoft dynamics crm component that is used to communicate text information in a bulletin-board fashion to an organization.

Объявление, русский
  1. Объявление, анонс, аншлаг, афиша, публикация, реклама; бюллетень, воззвание, показание, декларация, заявление, манифест, прокламация. , известие, извещение

  2. Официальное извещение о чем-нибудь.

Assessment, английский
  1. A tax levied on a property, or a value placed on the worth of a property.

  2. Additional charges added to a case

  3. Оценка.

  4. Оценка

  5. A tax, charge, or levy on property: 1. as a means of computing real estate tax; 2. to pay for specific services or improvements.

  6. Act of computing the tax due

  7. Оценка ~ of reliability of engineering

  8. Collection of binaries, scripts, configuration parameters, and manifest files used to perform measurements on a computer or windows image and to report results.

  9. A more detailed interview of a juvenile offender and review of his/her available medical, mental health, and chemical dependency records and other pertinent information by a professional meeting the state’s criteria for licensing and education in the respective field. attempt to locate (atl)- an attempt to locate (atl) may be issued to local law enforcement by a supervising parole agent when a parolee’s whereabouts is unknown and efforts are under way to locate the parolee. the atl may be issued prior to considering the parolee an absconder.

  10. Оценка имущества для обложения налогом

  11. By assessing the participant’s strengths and weaknesses, a coach can note how the physical, mental and spiritual position of the client may influence his/her ability to meet desired goals.

  12. Tools or methods used to evaluate an individual`s skills, abilities, and progress in a coaching or mentoring context.

Considering, английский

Respective, английский

Consequences, английский

Psc, английский
  1. Primary sclerosing cholangitis

  2. Porous silicon carbide

  3. Project specification contractor

  4. Раrаllеl-tо-sеriаl соnvеrtеr

  5. Power supply cabinet

  6. Passenger services conference (iata)

  7. Performance standard conditions

  8. Project steering committee