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Midship oar

Морской словарь
    [1] the longest of five oars on the port side of a whaleboat. [2] the crew member pulling this oar.

Midship, английский
  1. Approximately in the location equally distant from the bow and stern.

  2. Approximately in the location equally distant from the bow and stern

Midshipman, английский
  1. 1. during the 17th century, a naval rating for an experienced seaman.

  2. A naval cadet appointed by the admiralty, with the exception of one in each ship appointed by the captain. no person can be appointed midshipman until he has served one year, and passed his examinations; nor a lieutenant without having previously served six years in the royal navy as midshipman, and having further passed two severe examinations—one in seamanship and one in gunnery. a midshipman is then the station in which a young volunteer is trained in the several exercises necessary to attain a knowledge of steam, machinery, discipline, the general movements and operations of a ship, and qualify him to command.

  3. Formerly, a senior petty officer belonging to a group from which commissioned officers would be chosen. so-called because they berthed amidships, between the crew who berthed forward and the commissioned officers who lived aft. to be rated midshipman, a candidate had to have served at least two years at sea, either before the mast or as a captain’s servant, the latter position being reserved for “young gentlemen” with patronage connections. after a minimum of six years of sea service a midshipman could take the examination for third lieutenant, but might have to wait many more years before a vacancy arose. thereafter advancement depended entirely on seniority (see also master’s mate). during the napoleonic wars midshipmen tended to fall into three distinct categories: • well-connected teenage “gentlemen,” confidently expecting to pass the lieutenant’s examination and be commissioned. • ambitious but embittered 30–40 year-olds, who had either repeatedly failed that exam or, worse, had passed but lacked the essential patron. • hard-bitten professional seamen, promoted from the lower deck and not expecting to go further. nowadays it is the rank of the most junior british naval officer, equivalent to u.s. ensign but not commissioned and classified as “subordinate officer.” the rank insignia, which originated in 1758, is a white collar patch that some say can be traced all the way back to roman times when a white toga was the badge of aspirants to higher office. in the united states the title refers to members of the naval reserve officer training corps at a u.s. university and to students at the u.s. naval and merchant marine academies. navy regulations give them an ambiguous status, saying “midshipmen are, by law, officers in a qualified sense” (author’s emphasis). see also passed midshipman and aviation midshipman.

Midshipman`s hitch, английский
    An alternative to the blackwall hitch, preferred if the rope is greasy. made by first forming a blackwall hitch and then taking the underneath part and placing over the bill of the hook.[24

Midshipman`s nuts, английский
    Broken pieces of biscuit as dessert.[25

Midshipman`s roll, английский
    A slovenly method of rolling up a hammock transversely, and lashing it endways by one clue.[25

Midships, английский
  1. The middle section of a vessel with reference to the longitudinal plane, as distinguished from fore or aft. (compare amidships.)

  2. The middle part of the vessel, either with regard to her length or breadth. (see amidships.)

  3. Abbreviation of amidships. midships your helm!: command to align the rudder exactly fore-and-aft in line with the keel.

  4. A place on a boat where its beam is the widest.

Oar, английский
  1. Office of aerospace research

  2. Весло (для тузика)

  3. Весло

  4. A slender piece of timber used as a lever to propel a boat through the water. the blade is dipped into the water, while the other end within board, termed the loom, is small enough to be grasped by the rower. the silver oar is a badge of office, similar to the staff of a peace-officer, which on presentation, enables a person intrusted with a warrant to serve it on board any ship he may set foot upon.— to boat the oars, is to cease rowing and lay the oars in the boat.— get your oars to pass! the order to prepare them for rowing, or shipping them.

  5. A long shaft with a handgrip at one end and a broad blade at the other, used as a lever for the manual propulsion of small boats or galleys. from old norse ar.

Oar, to shove in an, английский
    To intermeddle, or give an opinion unasked.

Oarb, английский
    Orient airlines research bureau

Oared boats, английский
    The small craft, generically called “rowing boats” by landlubbers, are differentiated into several categories by seamen: • rowing boats have fixed thwarts (seats) and no coxswain. • pulling boats are similar, except that they are steered by a coxswain. • sculling boats are equipped with seats that move. • stern-scullers are propelled by a standing rower driving a single oar over the stern.

Oarlock, английский
  1. Уключина

  2. U.s. term for a device which holds oars in place and allows them to pivot while being pulled (cf. rowlock, thole pin). oars!: verbal command for a boat’s crew to cease rowing and hold their oars horizontally above the water with blades feathered. see also boat oars, ship oars toss oars, trail oars.

Oars, английский
  1. Ocean area reconnaissance satellite

  2. Opto-acoustic raman-gain spectroscopy

  3. В?сла

  4. The order to cease rowing, by lifting the oars from the water, and poising them on their looms horizontally in their rowlocks.— look to your oars! passing any object or among sea-weed.— double-banked oars (which see).

Oars! в?сла на борт! (команда), русский

Oarsman, английский
    A person who rows a boat, galley, or other vessel.

Oarsmanship, английский
    Умение грести; искусство гребли

Oart, английский
    Office of advanced research and technology

Midwatch, английский
    The middle watch.

Midrats, английский
    Usn slang for rations served to the middle watch.