
Новости переводов

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Transverse wave

Морской словарь
  1. See wave motion.

  2. Type of wave in which the particle motion is perpendicular to the direction of propagation. also called shear wave. 19.20 aerospace nondestructive testing

  3. Type of wave in which the particle motion is perpendicular to the direction of propagation.7,22 also called shear wave.

Поперечная (s) волна, русский

Transverse, английский
  1. Across. a transverse section is a section across the length of a building or room.

  2. Поперечный

  3. Directions in wood at right angles to the wood fibers

  4. Perpendicular to the keel (athwartship).

  5. Across the vessel; athwartships. trim - fore and aft balance of a boat.

  6. Literally, “across,” usually signifying a direction or plane perpendicular to the direction of working.

Transverse, латинский

Transverse -, английский
    Поперечная арматура

Transverse arch, английский
  1. The arched construction built across a hall, the nave of a church, or the like, either as part of the vaulting or to support or stiffen the roof. transverse rib 1011 transom lights transverse arch transverse rib transom lift transom window 1.a transom light; may be operable. 2. any window operated by a transom lift. 3. any window divided by a transom bar.

  2. Same as metatarsal arch

Transverse axis, английский
    The first or principal diameter of an ellipse; that which crosses it lengthwise. (see major axis.)

Transverse beam dimension, английский
    Диаметр пучка

Transverse bracing; cross bracing; cross binding; sway brace, английский

Transverse cofferdam walls, английский

Transverse colon, английский
    The second section of the colon which crosses the body below the stomach. see illustration at digestive system in supplement

Transverse control, английский
    Устройство поперечной фокусировки

Transverse conversion loss, английский

Transverse conversion transfer loss, английский

Transverse cut- and-fill stope, английский

Transverse cutter- head, английский

Transverse defect, английский
    A single isolated transverse internal defect that occurs within the head of rail. the remaining rail length between adjacent welds should be checked ultrasonically for other transverse defects. if these are present then the defect should be treated as a multiple transverse defect (tm). see "multiple transverse defect". the origin of this defect is an imperfection in the steel, eg. a shatter crack, minute inclusion, or an internal longitudinal seam or segregation. impact of the wheels and bending stresses start the growth of a transverse separation around the imperfection. visual detection is only possible after the defect has reached the surface. rail breakage almost always occurs before the defect becomes visible.

Transverse defect from shelling, английский
    A transverse defect propagated from shelling. this defect originates below the rail surface usually at the gauge corner on high legs of curves and can mask a transverse defect that grows into the rail head. the origin of this defect is high stresses below the rail surface that grow from an imperfection in the steel, for example a minute inclusion.

Transverse defect from wheel burn, английский
    A transverse defect propagated from a wheel burn. a slipping wheel heats the rail surface and may flow the metal. rapid cooling forms thermal cracks and wheel pounding starts horizontal separations. visual detection is usually not possible due to masking by the wheel burn.

Transverse differential protection, английский

Transverse dune, английский
    A very asymmetric sand dune elongated perpendicular to the prevailing wind direction, having a gentle windward slope and a steep leeward slope standing at or near the angle of repose of sand; it generally forms in areas of sparse vegetation. compare - longitudinal dune. gg

Transverse edge break-up, английский
    Поперечный разрыв кромки дефект непрерывнолитого сляба

Transverse electric, английский

Perpendicular, английский
  1. Перпендикуляр; перпендикулярный

  2. A right line falling from or standing upon another vertically, and making the angle of 90° on both sides.

  3. Перпендикуляр

Propagation, английский
  1. Прохождение, распространение (напр, радиоволн)

  2. An act of causing something to spread or multiply

  3. Распространение; размножение; продвижение; передача

  4. Распространение

  5. The process of distributing an index from a content index server to one or more web servers for the purposes of providing search.

  6. Advancement of a wave through a medium.

  7. Advancement of energy or a crack through a medium. see also brittle crack propagation; ductile crack propagation; fatigue crack propagation.

  8. Movement of a wave through a medium.7,21

Nondestructive, английский
  1. Неразрушающий

  2. Неразрушающий (об испытаниях и т.п.)

Trestletrees, английский
    A pair of timbers or metal shapes sitting on the hounds and serving to support the crosstrees of a sailing ship’s mast.

Transition zone, английский
    See density levels.