
Новости переводов

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Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Navigation ruler

Словарь яхтенных терминов
    Штурманская линейка

Штурманская линейка, русский

Navigate, английский
    To move around in a document. navigate

Navigating a strait line and its reciprocal, английский

Navigating a strait pattern, английский

Navigating mode, английский
    Навигационный режим

Navigatio, латинский

Navigatio [onis, f], латинский

Navigation, английский
  1. The art and science of conducting a boat safely from one point to another.

  2. Навигация

  3. The art and science of conducting a ship safely from one point to another

  4. Мореходство, судоходство, плавание,

  5. Судовождение, судоходство

  6. The art of conducting vessels on the sea, not only by the peculiar knowledge of seamanship in all its intricate details, but also by such a knowledge of the higher branches of nautical astronomy as enables the commander to hit his port, after a long succession of bad weather, and an absence of three or four months from all land. any man without science may navigate the entire canals of great britain, but may be unable to pass from plymouth to guernsey.

  7. The science or art of planning, ascertaining, and recording the course of a vessel or aircraft; including fixing present and predicting future location, and collision avoidance. the word comes from the sanskrit navagati.

  8. Навигация; перемещение

  9. The mechanism used to direct users around a website.

Navigation, английский

Navigation & maps, английский
    An app category that contains apps with maps, gps, or other tools to help you find your way.

Navigation (system), английский
    Навигационная система

Navigation acts, английский
  1. A series of laws passed by parliament, beginning in 1651, to ensure that england made money from its colonies’ trade.

  2. Various statutes by which the legislature of great britain has in a certain degree restricted the intercourse of foreign vessels with her own ports, or those of her dependent possessions; the object being to promote the increase of british shipping.

  3. Several british parliamentary ordinances issued between 1651 and 1847, designed to expand the country’s waterborne commerce and limit trade by its colonies with britain’s commercial rivals.

Navigation aid, английский

Navigation aids, английский
    Навигационные средства navigational barкнопки перемещения; панель перемещения; навигационная панель

Navigation and avoidance system, английский
    Система навигации и обхода препятствий

Navigation and radio homing, английский
    Система дальней радионавигации

Navigation and target acquisition system, английский
    Прицельно-навигационная система

Navigation and traffic control, английский
    Навигация и увд

Navigation and traffic control satellite, английский
    Спутник для обеспечения навигации и увд

Navigation and weapon- aiming (sub) system, английский
    Прицельно-навигационная (под) система

Navigation at the prime meridian, английский

Navigation bar, английский
  1. Навигационная панель; линейка с кнопками управления перемещением

  2. A control bar in outlook that enables the user to navigate quickly to different areas or views within the application.

  3. A surface that appears on the phone screen with a -€oesoft-€? key for the back, start and search button.

  4. An app bar that appears along the top edge of the screen and may include app commands or navigation.

  5. On a web page, a grouping of hyperlinks for getting around in that particular web site.

Штурманская линейка, русский

Штурвальное управление, русский