Statistique qui consiste à quantifier de degré de relation entre deux variables. plus la corrélation est forte, plus les variations d'une variable s'accompagnent de variations d'une autre variable. la corrélation varie
The ratio of the luminous flux reaching a specified area from a floodlight or similar luminaire to the total luminous flux of the beam. coefficient of discharge 1. the ratio of the actual discharge of water through an opening to its corresponding theoretical value. 2. the ratio of effective area to the free area of an air diffuser.
A number from 0 to 1 that reveals how closely the estimated values for the trendline correspond to your actual data. a trendline is most reliable when its r-squared value is at or near 1.
A measure of the goodness of fit of the relationship between the dependent and independent variables in a regression analysis; for instance, the percentage of variation in the return of an asset explained by the market portfolio return. also known as r-square.
The number obtained by dividing the friction force resisting motion between two bodies by the normal force pressing the bodies together.
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The ratio of the force causing a body to slide along a plane (in the direction of sliding) to the normal force pressing the two surfaces together.
The number obtained by dividing the force that resists motion between two bodies by the normal force that brings the bodies together (see static friction, dynamic friction, stick-slip ratio). coefficient of friction – the force required to move one body over a horizontal surface at constant speed divided by the weight of the body. for example, if a force of 4kg is required to move a body weighing 10 kilograms, the coefficient of friction is 0.4. coefficient of friction of solids is independent of load. coefficient of friction of liquids is a function of the viscosity of the fluid, speed and pressure of the application.
The factor used to determine the maximum tractive effort which can be applied by a locomotive under a given rail condition before slip occurs. it is denoted by the greek letter µ and may vary between 0.1 and 0.4 in uk conditions.
Between rubber and dry surfaces, is the ratio of the force required to move one surface over the other to the force pressing the two surfaces together.