Family rate
Hotel Glossary |
Package room rate for parents and children occupying one guestroom.
Famigerator [oris, m], латинский
Famiglia, итальянский
Familia, испанский
Familia, латинский
Familia de fuentes, испанский
Designación de grupo con la cual se describe el aspecto general de una fuente. por ejemplo, la familia de fuentes roman contiene fuentes de espacio proporcional con serifs (líneas de pie).
Familia [ae, f], латинский
Familia [ae, f] (gladiatorum), латинский
Familia [ae, f] (marcellorum, scipionum, латинский
Familia [ae, f] (peripateticorum), латинский
Familia, ae, f, латинский
Familia, ae, f (gladiatorum), латинский
Familial adenomatous polyposis, английский
A hereditary disorder where polyps develop in the small intestine. abbr fap
Familial chromosome abnormality, английский
Anormalidad cromosómica familiar
Familial disease, английский
Familial disorder, английский
A hereditary disorder which affects several members of the same family
Familial status, английский
Familiar, английский
Familiar office program, английский
One of the classic microsoft applications that can be considered to be easily recognizable by consumers. for example, word, excel, and powerpoint.
Familiar, pariente, испанский
Familiaricus, a, um, латинский
Familiaris, латинский
Full board (fb), английский
Includes 3 meals a day.
Extended stay, английский
Hotel that offers guest services for long periods of time and often offer weekly rates.