
Новости переводов

26 апреля, 2024

Можно ли использовать изображения из Интернета для публикации в журнале?

25 апреля, 2024

Подготовка к локализации сайта

23 апреля, 2024

Копирайтинг в переводах

19 апреля, 2024

Переводы в мебельном производстве

18 апреля, 2024

Вариации английского языка в разных странах мира. Часть 4

18 апреля, 2024

Редактирование текста с целью его улучшения

18 апреля, 2024

На сайт бюро переводов добавлен глоссарий химических терминов

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  


    Обрабатывать , возделывать, делать, уговаривать

Возделывать, русский

Bearbeta, шведский

Colere [o, ui, cultum], латинский

Elaborare [1], латинский

Tractare [1] (lanam), латинский

Digerere, латинский

Terram, латинский

Subigere, латинский

Exercēre, латинский

Cultivate, английский

Till, английский
  1. An unsorted glacial deposit usually composed of finely ground rock flour, which may also contain dispersed, rounded cobbles or boulders.

  2. Boulder clay,

  3. Incorrectly used as a synonym for glacial drift.

Treat, английский

Crack, английский
  1. Fissure

  2. Трещина

  3. A building defect consisting of complete or incomplete separation within a single element or between contiguous elements of constructions. crack-control reinforcement steel reinforcement in concrete construction to prevent cracks or to limit them to small, uniformly distributed ones.

  4. A thin break  there’s a crack in one of the bones in the skull.  verb to make a thin break in something, or become split  she cracked a bone in her leg.  cracked lip a lip where the skin has split because of cold or dryness

  5. “in a crack,” immediately.

  6. First-class or excellent (e.g., a crack ship is uncommonly smart in evolutions or discipline).

  7. Трещина о ~s caused by creep трещинообразование от ползучести; ~s

  8. Visible breakage of the powder coating, usually caused by insufficient cross-linking

  9. A snare drum sound in which the sharp attack of the stick on the head of the snare has been boosted for emphasis at around 5 to 10 khz.

  10. A defect in a woven fabric consisting of an open fillingwise streak extending partly or entirely across the fabric.

  11. A small, partial or incomplete defect.

  12. A discontinuity that has a relatively large cross-section in one direction and a small or negligible crosssection when viewed in a direction perpendicular to the first.

  13. (1) break, fissure, or rupture, sometimes v shaped and relatively narrow and deep. discontinuity that has a relatively large cross section in one direction and a small or negligible cross section when viewed in a direction perpendicular to the first. (2) propagating discontinuity caused by applied stresses such as mechanical flexing (fatigue crack). difficult to detect unaided because of fineness of line and pattern (may have a radial or latticed appearance). crack, fatigue: progressive crack that usually is initiated at a free surface such as a fastener hole and is caused by the repeated mechanical loading and unloading of the object.

  14. (1) разрыв, трещина или разрыв, иногда v-образной формы, относительно узкий и глубокий. разрыв, который имеет относительно большое поперечное сечение в одном направлении и маленькое или незначительное поперечное сечение, если смотреть в направлении, перпендикулярном первому. (2) распространяющаяся несплошность, вызванная приложенными напряжениями, например, механическим изгибом (усталостная трещина). трудно обнаружить без посторонней помощи из-за тонкости линий и рисунка (может иметь радиальный или решетчатый вид). трещина, усталость: прогрессирующая трещина, которая обычно возникает на свободной поверхности.

  15. Stress induced break, fissure or rupture, sometimes v shaped in cross section and relatively narrow. by convention, a crack is called linear if it is at least three times longer than it is wide.

  16. Propagating discontinuity caused by fatigue, corrosion or stresses such as heat treating or grinding. may be difficult to detect unaided because of fineness of line and pattern (may have a radial or latticed appearance).

  17. (1) stress induced break, fissure or rupture, sometimes v shaped in cross section and relatively narrow. by convention, a crack is called linear if it is at least three times longer than it is wide. (2) propagating discontinuity caused by fatigue, corrosion or stresses such as heat treating or grinding. may be difficult to detect unaided because of fineness of line and pattern (may have a radial or latticed appearance). compare fracture. crack, cold: (1) discontinuity that forms near room temperature while a casting cools due to stresses caused during nonuniform cooling. (2) discontinuity that may form in a weld either as it cools or later, if stress, hydrogen contamination and microstructural conditions allow. crack, crater: multisegment crack in a weld crater. segments radiate from a common point, often called star cracks. crack, fatigue: see fatigue. crack, forging: stress induced discontinuity formed during mechanical shaping of metal; see crack; discontinuity, primary processing. crack, grinding: shallow discontinuity formed in the surface of relatively hard materials because of excessive grinding heat or the brittleness of the material. grinding cracks typically are oriented perpendicular (90 degree rotation) to the direction of the grinding wheel. see also grinding burn. crack, hot: (1) discontinuity formed in a weldment caused by the segregation at grain boundaries of low melting constituents in the weld puddle. (2) postsolidification casting discontinuity caused by internal stresses.

  18. (1) a break, fissure or rupture, usually v shaped and relatively narrow and deep. a discontinuity that has a relatively large cross section in one direction and a small or negligible cross section when viewed in a direction perpendicular to the first.1 (2) propagating discontinuities caused by stresses such as heat treating or grinding. difficult to detect unaided because of fineness of line and pattern (may have a radial or latticed appearance).1

  19. (1) stress induced break, fissure, or rupture, sometimes v shaped in cross section and relatively narrow. by convention, a crack is called linear if it is at least three times longer than it is wide. (2) propagating discontinuity caused by corrosion, fatigue, grinding, stress (mechanical or thermal), welding, or working. may be difficult to detect unaided because of fineness of line and pattern (may have a radial or latticed appearance). compare fracture. crack, cold: (1) discontinuity that forms near room temperature while a casting cools due to stresses caused during nonuniform cooling. (2) discontinuity that may form in a weld either as it cools or later, if stress, hydrogen contamination, and microstructural conditions allow. compare crack, hot. crack, crater: multiple-segment crack in a weld crater. segments radiate from a common point, often called star cracks. crack, fatigue: see fatigue crack propagation. crack, forging: stress induced discontinuity formed during mechanical shaping of metal. see also burst; crack; discontinuity, primary processing. crack, grinding: clustered shallow surface cracks formed in relatively hard materials because of excessive grinding heat, thermal cycling, or the brittleness of the material. grinding cracks typically are oriented perpendicular (90 degree rotation) to the direction of the grinding wheel. see also grinding burn. crack, hot: (1) discontinuity formed in a weldment caused by the segregation at grain boundaries of low melting constituents in the weld puddle. (2) postsolidification casting discontinuity caused by internal stresses. compare crack, cold; hot tear. crack, quenching: rupture produced during quenching of hot metal because of more rapid cooling and contraction of one portion of test object than occurs in adjacent portions.

  20. Break, fissure or rupture, sometimes v shaped in cross section and relatively narrow. by convention, a discontinuity is called a crack if it is at least three times longer than it is wide. (2) propagating discontinuity caused by fatigue, corrosion or stresses such as heat treating or grinding. may be difficult to detect unaided because of fineness of line and pattern (may have a radial or latticed appearance).5,6 curie point (tc): temperature at which a phase transformation causes ferromagnetic materials to lose their magnetic properties. ? ? = 1 g r = 1 378 magnetic testing

  21. (1) break, fissure or rupture, sometimes v shaped in cross section and relatively narrow. by convention, a discontinuity is called a crack if it is at least three times longer than it is wide. (2) propagating discontinuity caused by fatigue, corrosion or stresses such as heat treating or grinding. may be difficult to detect unaided because of fineness of line and pattern (may have a radial or latticed appearance).10 crack, cold: crack that occurs after solidification, because of high stresses from nonuniform cooling.10 crack, cooling: crack resulting from uneven cooling after heating or hot rolling. cooling cracks are usually deep and lie in a longitudinal direction but are usually not straight.10 crack, fatigue: progressive growth of a crack that usually develops on the surface and is caused by the repeated loading and unloading of the object.10 crack, forging: crack developed by forging at too low a temperature, resulting in rupturing of the material.10 also called burst. crack, hot: crack that develops before the material has completely cooled, as contrasted with cold cracks that develop after solidification.10 crack, quenching: during quenching of hot metal, rupture produced by more rapid cooling and contraction of one portion of a test object than occur in adjacent portions.10

Manufacture, английский
  1. (брит.) производство (в патентном законодательстве великобритании это понятие включает не только изготовление изделия, но и любой способ его сохранения, улучшения или восстановления)

  2. Изделие

Process, английский
  1. Procédé;processus

  2. Способ (патентоспособный класс изобретений; определенная последовательность операций, выполняемых с соблюдением определенных условий и приводящих к получению определенного эффекта; патентоспособными объектами являются устройства, способы, вещества, а не аппараты, машины, методы и пр.) см. method

  3. Способ (патентоспособный класс изобретении; определенная последовательность операций, выполняемых с соблюдением определенных условий и приводящих к получению определенного эффекта; патентоспособными объектами являются устройства, способы, вещества, а не аппараты, машины, методы и пр.)

  4. 1. a technical or scientific action  a new process for testing serum samples has been developed in the research laboratory. 2. a projecting part of the body  verb 1. to deal with a person or thing according to a standard procedure 2. to examine or test samples  the blood samples are being processed by the laboratory. ‘…the nursing process serves to divide overall patient care into that part performed by nurses and that performed by the other professions’ [nursing times]

  5. N процесс acquisition ~ процесс восприятия articulation ~ артикуляционный процесс inflection ~ процесс словоизменения morphological ~ морфологический процесс phonologic ~ фонологический процесс

  6. A functional work structure that an organization is responsible for designing, controlling, and improving. a process comprises a coordinated set of activities in which one or more participants consume, produce, and use economic resources to achieve one or more organizational goals.

  7. A smartart graphic layout type that includes layouts designed to show steps in a process or timeline.

  8. A structured set of activities designed to yield a specified result or output.

  9. An operating system object that consists of an executable program, a set of virtual memory addresses, and one or more threads. when a program runs, a process is created.

  10. The virtual address space and the control information necessary for the execution of a program.

  11. An operating system construct that is a running program.

  12. Repeatable sequence of actions to bring about a desired result.

Handle, английский
  1. Ручка; рукоятка 281

  2. Рукоятка

  3. Управлять

  4. The title prefixed to a person`s name.—to handle a ship well, is to work her in a seamanlike manner.

  5. A part that is designed to be grasped by the human hand (e.g., the grips around the outer ring of a ship’s steering wheel). halls 146

  6. Ручка, рукоятка, рукоять; рычаг bail ~ дверная ручка-скоба

  7. A pointer to a pointer; that is, a variable that contains the address of another variable, which in turn contains the address of the desired object.

  8. A user interface control that facilitates modification of an object’s appearance, position, or behavior.

  9. Any token that a program can use to identify and access an object such as a device, a file, a window, or a dialog box.

  10. Hand

  11. Уникальное буквенно-цифровое представление объекта в базе данных autocad.

Уговаривать, русский
    Уговаривать, подговаривать, убеждать, увещевать, склонять к чему, усовещевать, стыдить, пристыжать, урезонивать, уверять, заверять, упрашивать, умаливать, уламывать, искушать, соблазнять. склонять к худу. склонить на доброе дело. насилу уломал его пойти с

Культивировать, русский
    Культивировать , возделывать

Возвращать к жизни, русский