Check valve
Глоссарий технических терминов по водонагревателям (английский) |
- Allows fluid to flow in only one direction in a pipe; also known as back-flow preventer.
- Возвратный клапан
- Обратный клапан
- One that allows liquid to flow in one direction but not in the other.
- Generally a ball-type valve device placed in core barrels, soil samplers, or drill rods to control the directional flow of liquids. when used on a core barrel, the check blocks the downward flow of the circulation liquid through the inner tube. when used on a rod string, it blocks the upward flow of the circulation liquid through the rods.
- Any device that permits a liquid or gas to pass in one direction but automatically closes when the flow is stopped or reversed.
Chkv, английский
Check valve
Ckvlv, английский
Check valve
Обратный клапан, русский
Специальный клапан, устанавливаемый в нижней части обсадной колонны. при спуске колонны он препятствует заполнению колонны промывочной жидкостью, а при цементировании
Check, английский
- Проверить
- Splitting of the wood in logs or lumber, often the result of drying (8).
- A separation of fibres along the grain forming a fissure, but not extending through the piece from face to face. checks commonly resulting from stresses built up during seasoning. they run radially, across the growth rings.
- A lengthwise separation of the wood that usually extends across the rings of annual growth and commonly results from stresses set up in wood during seasoning.
- (see bowline.) to slack off a little upon it, and belay it again. usually done when the wind is by, or as long as she can lay her course without the aid of the bowline.—to check is to slacken or ease off a brace, which is found to be too stiffly extended, or when the wind is drawing aft. it is also used in a contrary sense when applied to the cable running out, and then implies to stopper the cable.—check her, stop her way.
- See, look, pay attention. e.g., check here my china, this is my chick, so back off. and, check this weird looking butterfly.
- A bill of exchange representing a draft on a bank from deposited funds that pays a certain sum of money to a certain person or party.
- Валик контурного чека, перпендикулярный направлению горизонталей
Check, английский
Check, шведский
Check (bank), английский
Check (money), английский
Check (restaurant), английский
Check (verb), английский
Check (x), английский
Check account, английский
Check active sla, английский
A boolean field for the convert rule entity that shows whether a case needs to be created for a customer with an active service level agreement (sla).
Check against the delivery list, английский
Check bagga, английский
Check ball, английский
The ball part of ball-and-socket-type check valve used in the heads of core barrels and in drill-rod-and-casing strings to allow liquids to flow unhindered in one direction only.
Check base; checking line; check line; proof line, английский
Check battery, английский
Check bit, английский
Контрольный бит; контрольный разряд; проверочный двоичный разряд
Check bit (ck), английский
Check blind, английский
Check block cluster, английский
Блок независимых кнопок; группа независимых переключателей; группа флажков
Check board, английский
Check book, английский
Возвратный, русский
Возвратный , взаимный, возвращаться
Directional, английский
- Has no meaning but looks good when used by posers example this report is realistic, timely and directional in its approach.
- Направленный; курсовой; путевой
Circulation, английский
- Циркуляция
- Circulation (of the blood) movement of blood around the body from the heart through the arteries to the capillaries and back to the heart through the veins she has poor circulation in her legs. rub your hands to get the circulation going. comment: blood circulates around the body, carrying oxygen from the lungs and nutrients from the liver through the arteries and capillaries to the tissues. the capillaries exchange the oxygen for waste matter such as carbon dioxide which is taken back to the lungs to be expelled. at the same time the blood obtains more oxygen in the lungs to be taken to the tissues. the circulation pattern is as follows: blood returns through the veins to the right atrium of the heart. from there it is pumped through the right ventricle into the pulmonary artery, and then into the lungs. from the lungs it returns through the pulmonary veins to the left atrium of the heart and is pumped from there through the left ventricle into the aorta and from the aorta into the other arteries.
- The passing of any liquid or gas to the end of the drill string and back to the surface in the process of drilling a borehole.
- The movement of air currents through mine openings.
- An item that is communicated to team members on a group work site, and that supports confirmation and tracking of which team members have viewed it. cisc (n)
- Caused by quick changes in pressure, cavitation is the creation of vapor cavities within a low-pressure liquid. cavitation can cause severe wear through cyclic stress on metal surfaces as they implode.
Automatically, английский
Combustion gases, английский
Gases released when a gaseous, liquid or solid fuel reacts at an elevated level that needs to be vented with gas or oil-fired water heaters.
Atmospheric combustion, английский
Combustion takes place when gaseous, liquid or solid fuels react at an elevated temperature with oxygen by burning, thus releasing heat in an open combustion system.