
Новости переводов

12 февраля, 2025

How to remove Cyrillic from text and why is it necessary?

13 ноября, 2024

Search phrase: What is the normal price for translating one page from Chinese

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Scheme of formation of a new translation agency

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What does the formatting service of a dissertation, essay, article or research paper include?

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What is the service of manual editing of the recognized text of a book?

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Translating UMI-CMS based website

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Translations in furniture production

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Flame arresters

Глоссарий по нефти и газу (англо-русский)

    Пламегасители, русский

    Arrest, английский
    1. The legal capture of a person who is charged with a crime

    2. Остановка, задержка

    3. The stopping of a bodily function.  cardiac arrest

    4. The suspension of an officer`s duty, and restraint of his person, previous to trying him by a court martial. seamen in her majesty`s service cannot be arrested for debts under twenty pounds, and that contracted before they entered the navy. yet it is held in law, that this affords no exemption from arrests either in civil or criminal suits.

    5. Останавливать; арретировать

    6. The police will stop you and detain you if they are investigating or preventing a crime and think that you are involved.

    Arrest, шведский

    Arrest of judgement, английский
      Postponing the result of a judgment already entered

    Arrest of stream aeterro- ration, английский
      Прекращение ухудшения состояния водотока 115 asce urban water resources research council исследовательский совет по изучению водных ресурсов городских территорий, при американском обществе гражданских инженеров

    Arrest of vessel of cargo, английский

    Arrest of vessel or cargo, английский

    Arrest warrant, английский

    Arrestare, латинский

    Arrestatio [onis, f] (navium), латинский

    Arrestation, французский

    Arrestation provisoire, французский

    Arrested decay, английский

    Arrester, английский

    Arrester-gear landing, английский
      Посадка с использованием аэрофинишера [аэродромной тормозной установки]

    Arrestera, шведский

    Arresting appearance, английский
      Неподвижное изображение

    Arresting device, английский

    Arresting devices, английский

    Arresting gear, английский
    1. Удерживающее или тормозное устройство

    2. A system of cables running across the flight deck of an aircraft carrier; attached to a below deck complex of pulleys, blocks, and hydraulics designed to engage the tailhook of a landing aircraft, apply graduated resistance, and bring it smoothly to rest (also arrester gear). there are four arresting wires (cross deck pendants) and, if it’s done right, the point of the tailhook lands in the middle of them—the ideal is a “three-wire landing.” the failure of an arresting wire or its attached fittings could produce a catastrophic accident, involving loss of a multi-million dollar aircraft, high risk of death or severe injury to pilot and crew, and endangerment of sailors on the flight deck. see also deck landing modes.

    Arresting gear (control), английский
      Рычаг управления посадочным тормозным гаком [крюком]

    Arrestment, английский

    Пламегасители, русский

    Плавучий лёд, русский