Network architecture
Telecommunications Glossary |
- A set of design principles, including the organization of functions and the description of data formats and procedures, used as the basis for design and implementation of a user- application network.
- The underlying structure of a computer network, including hardware, functional layers, interfaces, and protocols, used to establish communication and ensure the reliable transfer of information. network architectures are designed to provide both philosophical and physical standards for the complexities of establishing communications links and transferring information without conflict. various network architectures exist, including the internationally accepted seven-layer iso open systems interconnection (osi) model and ibm’s systems network architecture (sna).
Сетевая архитектура; архитектура сети;, русский
Сетевая структура network-attached intelligent storage system интеллектуальный сетевой накопитель network-attached storage система хранения данных, подключаемая к сети, русский
Nea, английский
- Northeast airlines
- Сетевая архитектура; архитектура сети
- Nuclear energy agency (oecd)
Architecture, английский
- Кабельная система здания топология локальной сети (шина, кольцо, звезда и т. п.)
- Форма и формат управления элементами стандартной транзакции.
- In networks, it is how the components are connected to and operate with one another. the term “network architecture” focuses on how fiber optic system elements communicate including functional organization (services) and configuration (topology and communications)
- A domestic picturesque patterned after its chalet prototype in switzerland; usually a two-story house built of rough-cut lumber to enhance its rustic appearance; often a front-gabled, shingled roof of moderate pitch, occasionally a jerkinhead roof; bracketed eaves having a significant overhang; exposed rafters; often, walls of board-and-batten construction; porches typically have flat balusters with cut-outs or stickwork. occasionally
- Конструкция (робота) см. также struсturе оf rоbоt
- N архитектура cognition, mind
- Архитектура
- See naval architecture.
- Общество по использованию эвм в технике, планировании и архитектуре
- A set of values, constraints, guidance, and practices that support the active evolution of the planning, designing, and construction of a system. the approach evolves over time, while simultaneously supporting the needs of current customers. 8 architecture can refer to sets of components in a computing system and their operational interrelationships as well as other important configurations such as the architecture of a neural network, which captures the patterns of connectivity within and between layers of units in the network model. artificial general intelligence (agi): a phrase that has been used to capture the possibility of developing more general ai capabilities, in distinction to the typically narrow capabilities of ai systems that have been developed to date. some use the term to refer to the prospect of achieving more human-like intelligence, developing ai systems with the ability to perform many of the intellectual tasks that humans are capable of doing, or developing systems that might employ a wide range of skills across multiple domains of expertise. artificial intelligence (ai): the ability of a computer system to solve problems and to perform tasks that have traditionally required human intelligence to solve. 603 p
- The basic design of a computer’s hardware. computers with different architecture, such as the pc and the mac, cannot run each others’ programs.
- The data-handling capacity of a microprocessor.
- The design of application software incorporating protocols and the means for expansion and interfacing with other programs.
- The physical construction or design of a computer system and its components.
- The art and science of designing and constructing buildings adapted to their purposes, one which is beauty.
Architecture, французский
Architecture and, английский
Tudor revival, as well as in
Architecture created in central, английский
Anatolia at the
Architecture de paysage, французский
Architecture design and assessment system, английский
Система проектирования и оценки архитектуры
Architecture design and assessment system;, русский
Architecture developed by the, английский
Sumerians, who
Architecture engineering and construction cad, английский
Сапр для архитектуры и строительства. в контексте цифрового производства и управления производственными процессами (см. mpm), которое является важной частью концепции управления жизненным циклом изделия (см. plm), необходимо осуществлять проектирование не самих изделий, а средств их производства, включая целые производственные цеха или промышленные зоны. помимо этого приложения, архитектурно-строительные сапр используются также для проектирования зданий и дизайна интерьеров.
Architecture found primarily in, английский
Louisiana and in
Architecture in, английский
Architecture in the, английский
American southwest. rake 1. a slope; an inclination; e.g., the inclination (from the horizontal) of an auditorium floor. 2. a board or molding along the sloping edge of a gable; covers the edges of the siding. 3. on the roof of an early colonial house, a flat board covering the lower ends of the rafters.
Architecture industrielle 174 архитектура садово -парковая см. архитектура ландшафтная, французский
Architecture is a smoothed, английский
Variant of the learning vector quantization (lvq) and counterpropagation architectures. see also: height, radial basis function, width, ftp://ftp.sas.com/pub/neural/faq2.html.
Architecture item, английский
Архитектурный конструктив
Architecture layer, английский
Уровень архитектуры
Architecture loosely based on the, английский
American federal style of architecture; moderately popular in the 1920s and beyond. neo-french architecture a free interpretation
Architecture neutral distribution format, английский
- Независимый от архитектуры формат электронного распространения по
- Независимый от архитектуры формат распространения по; независимый от архитектуры формат электронного распространения программного обеспечения
Architecture of, английский
- England before the angle valve anglo-saxon architecture angstrom 40 animal glue, hide glue a glue made from the bones, hide, horns, and connective tissues of animals; when used hot, it develops strong bonds; has poor water resistance.
- Louisiana, a roofed porch, usually open-sided, often extending across the entire front, across the front and one or more sides, or completely around the building on the upper level. gable roof 450 gable roof gable wall gable window 1. a window in a gable. 2.a window shaped like a gable. gaboon, okoume a wood resembling african mahogany but softer and lighter in weight. gadroon, godroon an ornament composed chiefly of ovoid or more elongated bosses regularly repeated, side by side.
- Louisiana, primarily in the 18th century, upright cypress stakes, driven into the ground in front of a house; similar in appearance to a picket fence.
- Louisiana, vertical wood framing having brick infilling. briquette-entre-poteaux in french vernacular
- Mesoamerica.
- Spanish religious orders, especially
- Louisiana, a relatively inexpensive, porous brick that was once used to fill the spaces between upright posts and diagonal braces in a home of timber-framed construction; often found in poteaux-en-terre houses; usually the entire brick-filled exterior surface was finished with a coat of lime plaster to protect the surface; then often covered with clapboard. many twostory town houses and houses of well-to-do planters had basement walls of brick and upper walls of briquette- entre-poteaux. also
Architecture of the early, английский
South. 2. descriptive of a full-colonnaded greek revival style mansion, usually constructed after the colonial period. also
Architecture ornementale des jardins de ville, французский
Organization, английский
- Организация
- N организация lexical ~ лексическая организация orientational a ориентационный metaphor
- Европейская организация производства товарного бетона
- Организация ~ of safety обеспечение безопасности (на производстве); меры по технике безопасности ~ of work организация работ
- Has at least three meanings (1) the act of arranging components to form a pattern different from what would occur by chance, by some criterion or better than it was before (->coordination) e.g., conducting a political campaign; (2) a complex complementary conditionality in behavior or in the coexistence of physical or living components (ashby) as in an ecological system or in such social organizations as a family, a university or a government agency being constituted by its members through conventional rules of conduct, legally recognized and interacted with by observers or by other social organizations; (3) the relations, and processes of communication, including coordination and coorientation among the components or variables of a system that (a) determine the dynamics of interaction and transformations it may undergo in a physical space and (b) constitute (->constitution) its unity whether only for an observer (->allopoiesis) or also for itself (->autopoiesis). in this third and largely cybernetic meaning, the properties of the components that realize a system as a concrete physical entity do not enter the description of that system`s organization. it follows that machines, organisms and social forms of vastly different materiality and components may have the same organization. accordingly, a whole system 56 may be explained in terms of the properties of its components and its organization (->analysis). the use to which a particular system may be put or who created it in the first place is not a feature of its organization. a theory of design (including engineering), management and of (concrete) organizational behavior is concerned with (1). a theory of organizations concerns (2) and attempts to provide generalizations about how cells, or organisms interact or how and why people work together and form larger unities (->general systems theory). cybernetics is concerned and has in fact been considered coextensive with an organization theory which concerns (3) and attempts to provide theories of or a logic for how unities and whole systems can arise or be maintained through the forms of communication (and more complex kinds of interactions and interdependencies) among components without reference to their materiality. the theory of modelling is a direct outgrowth of this organization concept. like cybernetics generally, an organization theory is not disturbed by the possibility that some organizations may not be realized by man or by nature but it will be informed by the finding that they cannot exist (ashby).
- A work structure that divides the responsibility for economic resources and processes.
- The top level of a business hierarchy.
Description, английский
- Описание
- Описание (примеров осуществления изобретения)
- N описание phonetic ~ фонетическое описание sensory-based ~ псхл. описание, основанное на восприятиях structural ~ структурное описание
- Описание; характеристика description formописательная форма
- Описание; характеристика; обозначение
- Part of a patent application or specification. discloses the invention as claimed, specifies the technical field to which the invention relates and indicates any prior art the applicant is aware of.
Procedures, английский
Standard, detailed steps that prescribe how to perform specific tasks.
Implementation, английский
- Внедрение, осуществление
- Выполнение, осуществление, реализация; ввод в действие [в эксплуатацию]; внедрение ~ of program выполнение [реализация] плана (работ) ~ of safety practices on site осуществление [обеспечение] мер техники безопасности на стройплощадке
- The undertaking of physical works to deliver the detailed design.
Application, английский
- Оределенный метод передачи данных или протокол, обеспечивающий взаимодействие терминалов в сети.
- Приложение. прикладная программа или команда.
- Применение, использование; подача (напряжения); приложение (усилия); введение в действие; отклонение (рулей)
- Заявка (комплект официальных документов, представляемый заявителем в патентное ведомство для получения охранного документа: патента, регистрации товарного знака или промышленного образца) 10
- Заявка (комплект официальных документов, представляемый заявителем в патентное ведомство для получения охранного документа: патента, свидетельства о регистрации товарного знака или промышленного образца)
- The use of a technology to achieve a specific objective.
- Заявление
- 1. the process of putting a medication or bandage on a body part two applications of the lotion should be made each day. 2. the process of asking officially for something, usually in writing if you are applying for the job, you must fill in an application form.
- A word of extensive use, for the principles of adjusting, augmenting, and perfecting the relations between sciences.
- И infrastructure service provision аренда программных продуктов и инфраструктуры (на основе ежемесячных платежей) с доступом к приложениям через интернет или vpn
- Process ofapplyinga powder coat ing to the workpiece by means of coat ing equipment; can be automated or manual
- A collection of web-based lists, libraries, calendars, and other pages you use to share information and manage an area of your business, such as your projects, documents, and company information.
- A commerce server application is a logical representation of an application in microsoft internet information services (iis); it appears in both commerce server manager and the iis console trees. in the iis console tree an application is either at the root directory level of the web site or at a subdirectory level of the web site.
- A document that records the profile of the applicant.
- A set of instructions that a computer or device uses to perform a specific task, such as word processing, accounting, or data management.
- A web application that consists of a group of tightly related components such as asp.net web pages, wcf web services, and workflows that run in a .net application domain. an application is a unit of deployment, configuration, and management.
- The container for your company’s performancepoint planning business model definitions, predefined and user-defined dimensions, the mappings that connect these business model definitions with your company’s data source, and other performancepoint planning metadata like views, permissions, and process scheduling information.
- A runnable program that provides some service.
- Request for patent protection for an invention filed with the epo or other patent office.
- An initial statement of personal and financial information, which is required to approve your loan.
- The document made by the applicant.
Underlying, английский
- A исходный, лежащий в основе; глубинный form, structure, word underspecification n грамматическая неправиль- ность; несоответствие грамматическим пра- вилам (ант. licensing)
- What supports the security or instrument that parties agree to exchange in a derivative contract.
Functional, английский
- Функциональный
- A функциональный constraint, force, grammar, meaning, notion, оnomatology, perspective, phonologist, phonology, semantics, style, unit functionalism n функционализм functional-lexical a функционально-лексический
Communication, английский
- Связь; связной
- (кан.) решение экспертизы
- N коммуни- кация; процесс передачи информации; mis~ недопонимание, непонимание | attr. комму- никативный disorder, impairment, strategy cross-cultural (intercultural) ~ межкультурная коммуникация non-verbal ~ невербальная, неречевая комму- никация verbal ~ вербальная, речевая коммуникация
- Передача (распространение) информации процесс информирования населения.
- Corresponding by letter, hail, or signal. (see line of communication and boyaux.)
- Loosely, the transmission of structure across systems differentiated in time and in space, the process by which one mind affects another, interaction mediated by signals, symbols or messages. more formally and in cybernetics, communication is that construct an observer requires when he cannot take a dynamic system apart without loss (->ana~ysis), yet wants to distinguish, understand and say something about that system`s parts, variables or members, or alternatively, when he wants to explain the behavior of anyone of its parts yet cannot accomplish this adequately without reference to other parts of the system. communication ~s what integrates and distinguishes the participation of individuals in such wholes as groups, communities, societies. a more detailed analysis of communication processes reveals that they involve patterns that convey information, are subjected to numerous constraints and are describable in terms of transformations, including encoding, decoding, (->coding), transmission, and distortions due to the characteristics of a channel. historically, communication. was thought of as a binary relation between a sender and a receiver. modern conceptions of communication include complex networks possibly with feedback loops having the effect of memory, coordination, and coorientation and exhibiting dynamic properties not manifest in, and explainable by, reference to the properties of the.communicators involved (->constructivism). communications (plural
Information, английский
- Knowledge of a particular event or situation, or knowledge communicated or received concerning a particular fact.
- Информация
- Facts about something have you any information about the treatment of sunburn? the police won’t give us any information about how the accident happened. you haven’t given me enough information about when your symptoms started. that’s a very useful piece or bit of information. (note: no plural: some information; a piece of information.)
- N информация | attr. информационный flow, structure source of ~ источник информации 1 ранее использовался в более широком значении как ‘умозаключе- ние’. 2 получение выводных данных в процессе обработки информации и/или языка и само выводное знание, умозаключение; мыслительная операция, в ходе которой человек выходит за пределы данных в тек- сте сведений и получает новую информацию. 3 аффикс, вставляемый внутрь корня слова при словообразовании или словоизменении.
- In admiralty courts, implies a clause introduced into a citation, intimating that in the event of a party cited not appearing, the court will proceed in his absence.
- Информация; данные; сведения
- Координационный комитет ин4юрмации о проектируемых и возводимых объектах строительства
- Literally that which forms within, but more adequately
- Data that has been recorded, classified, organized, related or interpreted so that meaning is apparent.
- Contextualised data providing answer to a certain question decreasing uncertainty.
- Информация, сведения
Philosophical, английский
Communications, английский
- Средства связи; связь 158
- Средства связи; связь
- [1] general: the transfer of information according to agreed conventions. [2] information technology; the representation, transfer, interpretation, and processing of data between and
- Связь; система связи; коммуникации; пути сообщения
Transferring, английский
- Lifting an entire load of logs from one mode of transportation and placing the logs on another carrier (22).
- Нанесение информации на технический носитель
Interconnection, английский
- Any physical connection or arrangement of pipes between two otherwise separate building water-supply systems whereby water may flow from one system to the other, the direction of flow depending upon the pressure differential between the two systems; also called a cross-connection. inter-crimp in wire cloth, extra corrugations in the wires between points of crossing; usually applied to fine wire cloth having a wide mesh, to assure proper locking of the wires. intercupola 1. the space between two cupolas. 2. the space between two shells of a cupola.
- Взаимосвязь;
- Связь между двумя независимыми системами водоснабжения, энергетическими системами и т.п.
- When capitalized, any one of the five major electric system networks in north america: eastern, western, ercot (texas), quebec, and alaska. when not capitalized, the facilities that connect two systems or control areas. additionally, an interconnection refers to the facilities that connect a nonutility generator to a control area or system.
- Links that (due to interoperability) facilitate transactions across networks. for example, any connection (lines, cables, transformers, etc.) that can be used to convey electrical energy in either direction between networks, between power stations, or between power stations and networks.
- Местный поезд, отход которого зависит от срока прибытия скорого поезда
- The physical plant and equipment required to facilitate the transfer of electric energy
Network license, английский
A license from a software vendor that allows an application to be shared by many users over a network.
Netiquette, английский
- A set of common-sense guidelines for not annoying others.
- "нетикет"; сетевой этикет