
Новости переводов

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Double boiled

Словарь медицинских терминов (англо-испанский)

    Al baño maría, испанский

    Boil, английский
    1. Furúnculo

    2. A wet run of material at the bottom of an excavation or under the sheeting of an excavation. boiled oil, pale-bodied oil any oil, but esp. linseed oil, which has been partially polymerized by heating at about 500°f (260°c) together with driers to promote rapid drying.

    3. A tender raised mass of infected tissue and skin, usually caused by infection of a hair follicle by the bacterium staphylococcus aureus. also called furuncle

    Boil (cook, английский

    Boil dry, английский

    Boil off, английский
    1. See scouring

    2. Scouring

    3. Bolt: a roll or piece of fabric of varying length

    Boil-ball, английский
      Шлем перегонного куба в виде луковицы — сферический дефлегматор воздушного охлаждения

    Boiled, английский

    Boiled buckwheat, английский

    Boiled dinner, английский
      Блюдо из тушёного мяса и овощей

    Boiled new potatoes with dairy butter and dill, английский

    Boiled oil, английский

    Boiled oil., английский

    Boiled rice, английский

    Boiled salted pork, английский

    Boiled shirt, английский
      Разг. чопорный, напыщенный человек

    Boiled udder with sour-cream horseradish sauce, английский

    Boiler, английский
    1. Chaudière

    2. A sealed tank where water is turned to steam for heating or power.

    3. A closed vessel in which a liquid is heated or vaporized by the direct application of heat to the outside of the vessel.

    4. Of a steam-engine, made of wrought iron, or copper-plates, which being partly filled with water, and having fire applied to the outside, generates steam to supply the engine.

    5. The pressure vessel in which water is converted into steam for propulsion, heating, and auxiliary purposes. common forms are “fire tube” and “water tube.” the term is used to loosely to include the firebox and ancillary equipment.

    6. A skid- or wheel-mounted closed vessel, usually cylindrical, used to generate steam for operating steampowered machines, such as pumps and drills.

    Boiler, английский

    Boiler, английский

    Boiler (facility), английский

    Boiler (водонагреватель), английский

    Boiler book, английский

    Al baño maría, испанский

    Dosis, испанский