
Новости переводов

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Logical depth

Глоссарий по вычислительной технике
    Логическая глубина

Depth, английский
  1. Depth refers to whether a scent is complex, sophisticated, rich or full-bodied.

  2. Глубина

  3. A diamond’s height, measured in millimeters from its point or culet to its table.

  4. The distance between the table and the culet as measured in millimeters.

  5. A fragrance has depth when a leading identity of accord or character is noticeable during its evolution from top notes to dry down.

  6. The audible sense of nearness and farness of recorded instruments or elements of a mix. we perceive close instruments to be those with a high ratio of direct-to-reverberant sound, and distant instruments to be those with a low ratio of direct-to-reverberant sound.

  7. The distance to which a well is drilled, stipulated in a drilling contract as contract depth. total depth is the depth after drilling is finished.

Depth, английский

Depth (apparent), английский
    The illusion of a third dimension on a flat screen or print through various techniques, among them effective lighting that emphasizes planes. see: foreground; modeling (relief); and sculptural lighting.

Depth assignment unit, английский

Depth axis, английский
    The third axis in a three-dimensional coordinate system, used in computer graphics to represent depth.

Depth bias, английский
    A value that controls the drawing order for polygons along- the z-axis (depth of view).

Depth bomb, английский
    Противолодочная авиационная бомба

Depth buffer, английский
  1. Буфер глубины; z-буфер depth-buffering буферизация глубины depth-cueing изображение глубины depth-first search поиск преимущественно в глубину; перебор в глубину; поиск вглубь

  2. A buffer that stores a depth value for each pixel in a scene. pixels with a small z-value overwrite pixels with a large z-value.

Depth charge, английский
    Глубинная бомба

Depth charge/bomb, английский
    An explosive container set to detonate at a predetermined depth or when in proximity to a submarine. a depth charge is dropped or thrown from a warship, while a depth bomb is usually delivered by aircraft. (see also antisubmarine rocket.)

Depth compensation, английский
    See distance amplitude correction.

Depth contour, английский
    Изобата - линия одинаковой глубины на морской карте

Depth filter, английский
  1. A filter medium that retains contaminants primarily within tortuous passages.

  2. Пористый фильтр

Depth filter media, английский
    Porous materials which primarily retain contaminants within a tortuous path, performing the actual process of filtration.

Depth finder (sounder), английский
    Глубинометр, эхолот

Depth gauge, английский
    A device for measuring the depth of a hole, cutout, groove, recess, etc.; usually consists of a graduated scale which slides through a crosspiece.

Depth indicator, английский

Depth integra-r tion, английский

Depth mark, английский

Depth marker, английский
    A small metal tag or wooden block placed in the core box at the bottom of the core recovered from each run, on which is marked the depth at which the core was cut in the borehole.

Depth measurement, английский
    Sounding by leadline, while

Logical group, английский
    Логическая группа

Logical interrelationship, английский
    Логическая взаимосвязь