Глоссарий по вычислительной технике |
- Персонализация
- A feature of the web parts control set that enables end users to personalize (modify) web parts controls and save the personalized settings. personalization can apply to individual users (user scope) or to all users (shared scope).
- A feature that enables the user to change a site’s color scheme and background image.
- A feature with which you can direct web-based content or e-mail messages to customers based on their user profile data and their previous requests for content.
- A set of strategies for adjusting the recognizer to an individual’s user’s handwriting, e.g. the shapes of their characters or the specific words they use and don’t use.
- An app category for people who like to customize their pc or phone.
- Icons next to bing search results that indicate results that are liked by facebook friends, near your location, or trending on twitter.
- When search engines use search history, web browsing history, location, and relationships to create a set of search results tailored to a specific user.
Персонализация, русский
- Процесс, в результате коего субъект получает идеальную представленность в жизнедеятельности других людей и может выступить в общественной жизни как личность. сущность персонализации – в действенных преобразованиях сферы интеллектуальной и аффективно-потре
- Процесс, в результате коего субъект получает идеальную представленность в жизнедеятельности других людей и может выступить в общественной жизни как личность. сущность персонализации – в действенных преобразованиях сферы интеллектуальной и аффективно-потребностной другого человека, происходящих в результате деятельности индивида. понятие в этом значении введено в. а. петровским.
- Настройка выполняемого файла во время установки с указанием имени пользователя, компании и другой информации.
Personalize, английский
- The label for the windows live devices task webpage where someone specifies a name and an icon for the computer that they plan to sync.
- To add a personal touch to something.
Individual, английский
Физическое лицо
Background, английский
- Фон
- The surface area against which the pattern is contrasted. the surface area of
- The portion of a scene that sits behind the main, foreground subject. the background can be made sharp or unsharp through the use of selective focusing techniques and depth of field manipulation.
- A фоновый; внеязыко- вой knowledge
- Sound or noise that interferes with radio or sonar reception.
- Фон, задний план о ~ for
- A page that you can assign to another page to create multiple layers in a drawing.
- In a graphical user interface such as windows, a pattern or picture in the screen background that can be chosen by the user.
- The area on a card that allows a user to make the card’s image a background when clicked on.
- The area that appears behind the tiles on the start screen.
- The color or image that appears behind the content of a visual element, for example, behind the text that is displayed in a textbox control or on your graphical user interface.
- The image that appears in the conversation window.
- The picture that appears in the photos hub.
- Formations on or signals from a test object that constitute the background to a discontinuity. the higher the level of background noise, the more difficult it is to distinguish a discontinuity. background signals may arise from visual, acoustic, chemical, electrical, or radiation sources that the sensor responds to. see also sensitivity; signal-to-noise ratio.
- Formations on or signals from a test object that constitutes the background to a discontinuity. the higher the level of background noise, the more difficult it is to distinguish a discontinuity. background signals may arise from visual, acoustic, chemical, electrical or radiation sources that the sensor responds to. see also neural acuity; sensitivity; signal-to-noise ratio.
- Formations on, or signals from, a test object that constitute the background to a discontinuity. the higher the level of background noise, the more difficult it is to distinguish a discontinuity. see also background fluorescence; neural acuity; sensitivity; signal-to-noise ratio. glossary b 491
- In magnetic particle testing, the appearance or brightness of the surrounding area acting to reduce the contrast of an indication. (2) nonrelevant signal that tends to interfere with the normal reception or interpretation of the target being sought.
Recognizer, английский
- Блок распознавания
- A software module that recognizes and processes components of one language or group of related languages, or a class of related objects such as musical notes, system gestures, and geometric shapes.
Handwriting, английский
Text that is entered by drawing or writing on a screen, rather with a keyboard.
Characters, английский
Certain marks invented for shortening the expression of mathematical calculations, as +,—, ?, ?, =, : :: :, [sq], &c.
Personalized pages, английский
Персонализированные web-страницы
Liveware, английский
Персонал; сотрудники, занимающиеся эксплуатацией; эксплуатационный персонал