Expression syntax
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Синтаксис выражения expression-true breakpoint условная точка останова
Express, английский
- Выражать
- Пересылка денег, багажа, товаров и т. п. с нарочным или через посредство транспортной конторы
Express, шведский
Express - filter, английский
Express abandonment, английский
A patent application may be expressly abandoned by filing a written declaration of abandonment identifying the application signed by an authorized party under 37 cfr 1.33(b)(1) or (b)(3) in the united states patent and trademark office. express abandonment becomes effective when an appropriate official of the office takes action thereon. express abandonment of the application may not be recognized by the uspto before the date of issue or publication unless it is actually received by appropriate officials in time to act.
Express analysis, английский
Express carrier, английский
Express contai, английский
Express delivery service, английский
Express full backup, английский
A synchronization operation in which the protection agent transfers a snapshot of all blocks that have changed since the previous express full backup (or initial replica creation, for the first express full backup).
Express highway; high speed highway, английский
Express highway; highspeed highway, английский
Express information, английский
Express install, английский
Express license description, английский
A description of the express license.
Express mail (patent), английский
Effective july 28, 2013, the united states postal service (usps) changed the name of “express mail” to “priority mail express®.” all characteristics of the “priority mail express®” service are the same as those of the former “express mail” service (although the mailing labels differ).
Express message, английский
For message queuing, a message that uses fewer resources and is faster than a recoverable message. however, because express messages are mapped to memory, they are lost if the computer storing them fails.
Express messen, английский
Express paid, английский
Оплачено срочной пересылкой
Express setup, английский
Быстрая инсталляция
Express traffic, английский
Express upgrade, английский
The promotional program that encourages oem direct and sbc to upgrade to windows vista.
Expression, французский
Breakpoint, английский
- A location in a program at which execution is halted so that a programmer can examine the program’s status, the contents of variables, and so on.
- For mutual funds, the point at which the amount invested reduces the sales charge is called the "breakpoint." each mutual fund may have several breakpoints; the larger the investment, the greater the discount. note that the actual reduction in the sales charge is known as the "breakpoint discount". also, the term "breakpointing" is sometimes used to refer to the offering of breakpoint discounts. the practice of soliciting mutual fund purchases just below the breakpoint (to earn more commissions) is considered unethical and in violation of nasd rules. see: right of accumulation.
Bucket header syntax, английский
Синтаксис заголовка кармана
Inorder traversal, английский
Симметричный обход in-out ввод-вывод in-out box блок ввода-вывода