
Новости переводов

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Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Entropy per symbol

Глоссарий по вычислительной технике
    Энтропия на символ

Entropy, английский
  1. Энтропия

  2. Entropy is a measure of the disorganization or information within a system. the entropy is lowest when there is a certain outcome or state, and highest when all the possible states are equally likely. for a discrete system with k states, it is defined as where pi is the probability of being in state i. see also: fuzzy entropy, maximum entropy principle.

  3. ->statistical entropy, a measure of variation, dispersion or diversity; ->thermodynamic entropy, a measure of unusable energy. the similarity between the two types of entropy is merely formal in that both are expressed as the logarithm of a probability. t

  4. The level of disorder in a system.

  5. From the second law of thermodynamics, the measure of disorder in a system.

  6. A measure of the level of disorder or randomness in a closed system. it can be thought of either in the sense of thermodynamic/metabolic processes or the increasing molecular disorder in a structure. it can be thought of as the same process by which erosion occurs when soil is exposed to rain and wind.

Entropy -, английский
    Энтропийная диаграмма

Entropy forward approach, английский
    Метод внесения неупорядоченности

Entropy per second, английский
    Энтропия в секунду

Entropy unit, английский
    Единица энтропии

Symbol, немецкий

Symbol, английский
  1. Символ

  2. A sign or letter which means something syme’s amputation syme’s amputation /sa?mz mpj? te??(?)n/

  3. N символ (син. character) boundary ~ пограничный символ categorial ~, category ~ категориальный символ complex ~ комплексный символ dummy ~ фиктивный символ initial ~ начальный символ nonterminal (non-terminal) ~ нетерминальный символ5 4 напр., «i go в школу». 5 подвергающийся разложению на компоненты – s, np, vp; н. хом- ский. symbolic 87 system phonetic ~ фонетический символ terminal ~ терминальный символ1

  4. Условный знак (напр, на карте)

  5. A sign that informs by convention. s?mbols need not have a referent as in ceremonies and rituals. when they do have a referent, its connection with the sign is not one of necessity.

  6. A general term that encompasses many types of identifiers in programming languages, including namespaces, classes, functions, and variables.

  7. An identifier in human readable language that refers to a location in compiled code, such as a function or variable. symbols are used in debugging.

  8. Letters used to identify companies on the consolidated tape and other locations.

Symbol alignment error detector, английский

Symbol book special, английский
    Illiquid, inactively traded stock not familiar market

Symbol error probability, английский
    Вероятность ошибочного приема символа

Symbol error rate, английский

Symbol generator, английский
    Генератор символов

Symbol generator and storage (unit), английский
    Блок генерирования и хранения символов

Symbol grounding problem, английский

Symbol processor unit, английский
    Процессор системы символов

Symbol rate, английский

Symbol store, английский
    A collection of indexed symbol files, which are debug (.dbg) or program database (.pdb) files that contain debugging information for windows-based applications. this store is used by debuggers to retrieve debugging information associated with product releases. all symbols can be stored on the same symbol server and retrieved without having to know the associated product names, releases, or build numbers.

Symbol timing recovery, английский
    Восстановление сигнала тактовой синхронизации символов

Symbola, ae, f, латинский

Symbole, немецкий

Population entropy, английский
    Энтропия совокупности

Entropy per second, английский
    Энтропия в секунду