
Новости переводов

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Stem test

Глоссарий нефтегазовых терминов

    Испытание пласта, русский

    Stem, английский
    1. The forward most part of the bow.

    2. Main body of a tree from which branches grow.

    3. A bracket used to attach handlebars to steerer tube of fork. usually secured by pinch bolts.

    4. Stay time extension module

    5. Stellar-tracker evaluation missile

    6. Storable tubular extensible member

    7. Storable tubular mast and antenna

    8. The part of a verb you are left with after removing the ending -en from the

    9. Subject to enough merchandise (availability of cargo). also, the forward most part of the bow.

    10. The extension of keel at the forward end of a ship.

    11. The upright post or bar of the bow of a vessel.

    12. Ствол, форштевень, нос

    13. The web, 1 of a structural tee.

    14. A thin piece of tissue which attaches an organ or growth to the main tissue 393 sternohyoid

    15. N основа слова3 stenogram n стенограмма (син. : shorthand report, shorthand record, stenograph)

    16. Форштевень

    17. The aft part of the boat. stem spring. a line running from the stern of the boat parallel to the dock or mooring that stops the boat from moving backward along the dock.

    18. The foremost tip of the boat,

    19. The foremost piece uniting the bows of a ship; its lower end scarphs into the keel, and the bowsprit rests upon its upper end. the outside of the stem is usually marked with a scale of feet and inches, answering to a perpendicular from the keel, in order to ascertain the ship`s draught of water forward.—false stem. when a ship`s stem is too flat, so that she cannot keep a wind well, a false stem, or gripe, is fayed on before the right one, which enables her to hold a better wind.—from stem to stern, from one end of the ship to the other.—to stem, to make way against any obstacle. “she does not stem the tide,” that is, she cannot make head against it for want of wind.

    20. [1] to tamp, plug, or otherwise make tight a leaking hole or joint. [2] to maintain position or make headway against wind, tide, or current. [3] the vertical element at the front of a vessel to which the sides are attached. [4] a contract to load cargo on a specific date and within a specific time.

    21. The assemblage of drill rods in a borehole connecting a drill bit and core barrel to the drill machine.

    22. The heavy iron rod acting as the connecting link between the bit and the balance of the string of tools on a churn drill.

    23. The leading edge of a boat`s hull. stern - the back of a boat.

    24. The forward edge of the bow. on a wooden boat the stem is a single timber.

    25. The upright element of a letter or character.

    Stem, английский
      The tip of the bow.

    Stem, английский

    Stem, английский

    Stem, испанский

    Stem (subject to enough merchandise), английский

    Stem bag, английский

    Stem cell, английский
      An undifferentiated cell that possesses the ability to divide for indefinite periods in culture and may give rise to highly specialized cells of each tissue type. there are embryonic stem cells found in the blastocyst known to be totipotent. in contrast, adult stem cells found in bone marrow, for example, may only be pluripotent (not able to produce an entirely new organism but can produce all three tissue types).

    Stem fender, английский
      A hemp mat wrapped around the stem of a tugboat to prevent damage to the vessel or its tow when pushing. stem-to-stern: the full length of the vessel.

    Stem pad eye (trailer eyebolt), английский
      Болт с проушиной для форштевеня

    Stem rust, английский

    Stem the forces, английский
      Компенсировать силу ветра и течения

    Stem vowel, английский
      The vowel in the stem (diphthongs are considered single vowels).

    Stem, bow, английский

    Stemalite, английский

    Stemalite, французский

    Stemhead, английский
      Верхняя часть форштевня

    Steming, английский

    Stemmer, английский
    1. In full-text search, for a given language, a stemmer generates inflectional forms of a particular word based on the rules of that language. stemmers are language specific.

    2. Рабочий, очищающий табачные листья от прожилок и черешков

    Stemming, английский
    1. A suitable inert incombustible material or device used to confine or separate explosives in a drill hole, or to cover explosives in mudcapping. stench trap 1.a trap, 1. 2. a flap trap in a cellar drain, preventing sewer air from entering the building.

    2. The process of capturing relationships between words by reducing inflected words to their stem or root form (reductive stemming), or expanding stems to their inflected forms (expansive stemming). for example, the word swimming’ is reduced to the stem ‘swim.’ because the word ‘swam’ can also be reduced to ‘swim

    Фигурное кольцо (прокладка под фланцы с канавками разного диаметра), русский

    Испытание пласта, русский