Built-in emitter
Глоссарий по мелиорации земель |
Встроенная коаксиальная капельница, устанавливаемая в заводских условиях
Built-in, английский
- Вмонтированный; встроенный
- Pertaining to a source category of logging fields that is included by default in iis advanced logging and which cannot be edited.
Built-in administrator, английский
On windows-based computers, a user account that is a member of the computer’s local administrators group or a member of a group that is a member of the local administrators group, such as the domain admins group in a windows domain. this is the first account that is created when you install an operating system on a new workstation, stand-alone server, or member server. by default, this account has the highest level of administrative access to the local computer.
Built-in administrator account, английский
On windows-based computers, a user account that is a member of the computer’s local administrators group or a member of a group that is a member of the local administrators group, such as the domain admins group in a windows domain. this is the first account that is created when you install an operating system on a new workstation, stand-alone server, or member server. by default, this account has the highest level of administrative access to the local computer.
Built-in agenda, английский
«встроенная» повестка дня возникла по завершении уругвайского раунда, когда многие вопросы остались несогласованными и соответственно не вошли в итоговые правовые документы перечень данных вопросов и получил название «встроенная повестка»
Built-in app, английский
An app that is included in the product when a user first starts using it.
Built-in appliance, английский
Built-in assembler, английский
Built-in automatic thyristor regulators, английский
Built-in check, английский
Built-in contaminant, английский
Загрязнение гс в результате попадания примесей из га
Built-in experience, английский
An experience that ships natively in win8 and- that vendors can extend - e.g. print, mobile broadband.
Built-in functions, английский
A group of predefined functions provided as part of the transact- sql and multidimensional expressions languages.
Built-in group, английский
A default security group installed with the operating system. built-in groups have been granted useful collections of rights and built-in abilities.
Built-in lobbyist, английский
Лоббист, пользующийся широким и прочным влиянием в органах исполнительной и законодательной власти
Built-in margin, английский
Запас по ресурсам или помехоустойчивости рэа, предусмотренный на стадии проектирования
Built-in menu, английский
A menu that is available by default in an application; it is not created by the user.
Built-in microphone, английский
A microphone that is part of a device.
Built-in nailing block, английский
Built-in robot, английский
Встроенный робот (в. технологическое оборудование) см. также ехtrасtоr
Built-in role group, английский
A role group that ships by default as opposed to a customized role group that a admin would customize specifically for the needs of their organization
Капельница, русский
1) приспособление для дозирования скорости поступления жидкости в организм при капельном
Buried mole outlet, английский
Водоотводящая трубчатая дрена /на системе с кротовым дренажем/
Bug cup, английский
Колпачок, препятствующий проникновению в капельницу насекомых