Continuous annealing furnace
Глоссарий по инфракрасному и термическому контролю |
Furnace in which castings are heat treated, by being passed through different heat zones kept at constant temperatures.1
Temperatures, английский
Бетон, выдержанный [отвердевший] в условиях повышенных температур; ~ in mass массивный бетон, бетон, уложенный в большой массив; ~ in the structure бетон в теле конструкции [сооружения] (в отличие от бетона в контрольных образцах); ~ placed in lifts бетон, укладываемый слоями [послойно]; ~ placed
Temperatur, немецкий
Diffuse reflector, английский
Surface that reflects a portion of the incident radiation in such a manner that the reflected radiation is equal in all directions. a mirror is not a diffuse reflector.3 diffusion, heat: see thermal diffusion. diffusion, mass: process by which molecules intermingle as a result of concentration gradients or thermal motion.1 spreading of a gas through other gases within a volume. diffusivity, thermal: see thermal diffusivity.
Colored body, английский
See nongraybody.