
Новости переводов

26 сентября, 2024

Scheme of formation of a new translation agency

12 сентября, 2024

What does the formatting service of a dissertation, essay, article or research paper include?

03 сентября, 2024

What is the service of manual editing of the recognized text of a book?

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Learning organization

  1. An organization that promotes

  2. An organization that promotes ongoing employee education and encourages change an organization that encourages employee development, innovation and continuous learning in order to remain competitive in the business environment.

Образовательная организация, русский

Learn, английский

Learn (learnt, learned), английский

Learn addresses table, английский
    Таблица пополняемых адресов

Learn mode, английский
    Режим обучения

Learned, английский

Learned behavior, английский
    Conducta aprendida

Learned words, английский
    - serve to satisfy communicative demands of official, scientific, high poetry and poetic messages, authorial speech of creative prose; - mainly observed in the written form; - contribute to the message the tone of solemnity, sophistica

Learner, английский
    N учащийся, обучающийся dictionary

Learner user, английский
    Пользователь-ученик в обучающей системе learningобучение

Learner-generated syllabus, английский
    An approach to syllabus design which relies on learners knowing what they need to do in english and what they need to learn to master the skills they need.  the syllabus is negotiated between the students and the teacher/institution.

Learners, английский

Learner’ s permit, английский
    Учебные права, документ, выдаваемый сроком на один год лицу, которое обучается водить машину

Learning, английский
  1. A condition that results in someone finding it difficult to learn skills or information at the same rate as others of similar age  children with learning disabilities

  2. The act of gaining knowledge of something or of how to do something

  3. N изучение language ~ изучение языка: computer assisted ~ компьютеризирован- ное, при помощи компьютера

  4. Fitting a model to data.

  5. A process of growing success in a fixed environment. e.g., mastering the violin, aquiring linguistic skills, increasing the accuracy of guesses, driving safer (ackoff). thus learning is not the same as aquiring knowledge through reception of information even though this often preceeds manifest improvements. learning is also different from problem solving which involves making decisions of how to bridge the gap between a present and a desired state and adaptation which implies changes in response to a changing environment not necessarily of growing success. it is only when behavior noticeably increases the efficiency with which information is processed, desirable states are reached, errors are avoided, or a portion of the world is controlled can one speak of learning. consciousness mayor may not be involved. learning by trial and error is a process by which feedback on errors prevents unsuccessful behavior from reoccuring thus increasing success. liee~

  6. The purposeful acquisition of knowledge.  in language terms, this is sometimes contrasted with acquisition which refers to the more-or-less unconscious picking up of a language through exposure to meaningful input.

Learning (training), английский

Learning algorithm, английский
    Алгоритм обучения

Learning and development, английский
    Learning and development is the process of improving employee performance through the use of training and development programs, mentoring and coaching.

Learning and development (l&d), английский
    Training and education and organization on new technologies, processes, policies, procedures, and more, so that individuals are better equipped to perform their jobs effectively. l&d may take place at any point during one’s career.

Learning approach, английский

Learning bridge, английский
    Обучающийся мост; адаптивный мост

Learning by association, английский
    Обучение по ассоциации

Learning by doing, английский
    Обучение на собственном опыте

Organization, английский
  1. Организация

  2. N организация lexical ~ лексическая организация orientational a ориентационный metaphor

  3. Европейская организация производства товарного бетона

  4. Организация ~ of safety обеспечение безопасности (на производстве); меры по технике безопасности ~ of work организация работ

  5. Has at least three meanings (1) the act of arranging components to form a pattern different from what would occur by chance, by some criterion or better than it was before (->coordination) e.g., conducting a political campaign; (2) a complex complementary conditionality in behavior or in the coexistence of physical or living components (ashby) as in an ecological system or in such social organizations as a family, a university or a government agency being constituted by its members through conventional rules of conduct, legally recognized and interacted with by observers or by other social organizations; (3) the relations, and processes of communication, including coordination and coorientation among the components or variables of a system that (a) determine the dynamics of interaction and transformations it may undergo in a physical space and (b) constitute (->constitution) its unity whether only for an observer (->allopoiesis) or also for itself (->autopoiesis). in this third and largely cybernetic meaning, the properties of the components that realize a system as a concrete physical entity do not enter the description of that system`s organization. it follows that machines, organisms and social forms of vastly different materiality and components may have the same organization. accordingly, a whole system 56 may be explained in terms of the properties of its components and its organization (->analysis). the use to which a particular system may be put or who created it in the first place is not a feature of its organization. a theory of design (including engineering), management and of (concrete) organizational behavior is concerned with (1). a theory of organizations concerns (2) and attempts to provide generalizations about how cells, or organisms interact or how and why people work together and form larger unities (->general systems theory). cybernetics is concerned and has in fact been considered coextensive with an organization theory which concerns (3) and attempts to provide theories of or a logic for how unities and whole systems can arise or be maintained through the forms of communication (and more complex kinds of interactions and interdependencies) among components without reference to their materiality. the theory of modelling is a direct outgrowth of this organization concept. like cybernetics generally, an organization theory is not disturbed by the possibility that some organizations may not be realized by man or by nature but it will be informed by the finding that they cannot exist (ashby).

  6. A work structure that divides the responsibility for economic resources and processes.

  7. The top level of a business hierarchy.

Development, английский
  1. Разработка; доводка

  2. Разработка; развитие; проявление

  3. Разработка; отработка; отладка; вариант; модификация

  4. Вариант; развитие (изобретения)

  5. 1. the process of growing, or of becoming larger and stronger, or more complex  the development of the embryo takes place in the uterus. 2. something which happens and causes a change in a situation  report any developments to me at once.

  6. N развитие cognitive ~ когнитивное развитие

  7. Министерство жилищного строительства и городского развития (сша)

  8. Property under construction, including preparation and installation of infrastructure

  9. Any computer code or materials, other than products, fixes or preexisting work, developed by microsoft or in collaboration with customer, which is provided to customer in the course of performance of a statement of services.

  10. Разработка (месторождения).

  11. Event, happening, occurrence

  12. Event, happening, occurrence something that has happened, or the act of making or improving something

  13. The evolution of something an individual is working on. personal qualities, mental well-being, or useful skills can all be developed and improved.

Innovation, английский
  1. Нововведение

  2. Нововведение; новшество

  3. Новшество; нововведение; новаторство о ~s in building technology нововведение [новые достижения] в строительной технологии; ~s in

  4. The introduction and dissemination of a new idea, production method or product throughout a society and economy and leading to change in both. considered a primary source of economic growth.

  5. Реструктуризация (задолженности)

Continuous, английский
  1. Непрерывный

  2. Непрерывный; длительный; продолжающийся

  3. A продолженный, дли- тельный, непрерванный form, future, past, present contoid n контоид

  4. Непрерывный, неразрывный, сплошной, неразрезной (об элементах конструкции)

Competitive, английский

Environment, английский
  1. Surrounding in which operates, including air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, humans and their interaction.

  2. Окружающая среда. совокупность всех материальных тел, сил и явлений природы, ее вещество и пространство, любая деятельность человека, находящегося в непосредственном контакте с живыми организмами; совокупность абиотической, биотической и социальной сред,

  3. Окружающие условия [среда]; внешние факторы или воздействия; условия эксплуатации ` (лл)

  4. The conditions and influences under which an organism lives

  5. N 1 лнгв. окружение; 2 псхл. окружающая обстановка5 consonantal ~ консонантное окружение epanalepsis n эпаналепсис, удвоение6 epenthesis n 1 эпентеза, вставка звуков1; 2 добавление гласного звука для того, чтобы 3 английский как язык международного общения. 4 несовпадение стиховых и фразовых границ. 5 внешний контекст, в котором происходит наше поведение. 6 фигура речи, состоящая в повторе слова, словосочетания или пред- ложения. epenthetic 41 evaluation разбить труднопроизносимую группу (кла- стер) согласных

  6. Окружающая среда

  7. Окружающая среда; при- родно-ландшафтная среда

  8. The place in which an organism lives, and the circumstances under which it lives. environment includes measures like moisture and temperature, as much as it refers to the actual physical place where an organism is found.

  9. The combination of all the external conditions and the potential effect of the inner environment (heteromosaic of abiotic conditions). e. change: survival depends on the life span of the organisms involved, and has to adapt to a new situation via genetic change, evolution, etc. • cyclic change: rhythmically repetitive, like cycles of a season, day / night, movement of tides etc. • directional change: change is maintained over a long period in relation to the life span of organisms - erosion, siltation, cycles of glaciation, etc. • erratic change: these have no rhythm and no consistent direction e.g., hurricanes, cyclones, flash storms, fires, vulcanos, earthquake, etc.

  10. Окружающая среда. существующая в данный момент совокупность всех внешних условий и воздействий, которым подвержена данная система (или организм) (мос, 14). `36

  11. (1) the system of surrounding things, conditions or influences, especially affecting the existence or development of someone, something or another system (->habitat), (2) the art of environing, (3) the state of being environed.

  12. A global context in which to access data.

  13. A set of roles that are required to run a specific application and the machines to be used for each role.

  14. One of two deployment destinations within a microsoft azure cloud service: staging or production.

  15. The totality of surrounding conditions and circumstances affecting growth or development. often the term is applied to the natural features of a geographic area: water, air, and land — including ecological relationships.

  16. The sum of the physical, chemical, and biological factors that surround an organism.

Образовательная организация, русский

Работодатель по выбору, русский