
Новости переводов

13 ноября, 2024

Search phrase: What is the normal price for translating one page from Chinese

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Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Список слов, которые чаще всего пишутся с ошибками в американском английском
    The problem here is that the "ance" and "ence" endings both usually mean the same thing, and can sound similar. the differences in spelling usually depend on the original latin root word and how it came into english. we say skip the rules and just memorize the difference (or seek assistance).

Experience, английский
  1. Опыт

  2. N опыт

  3. Опыт; стаж; квалификация; мастерство; знания

  4. A set of scenarios that lead to a desired outcome by a customer segment.

  5. The problem here is that the "ance" and "ence" endings both usually mean the same thing, and can sound similar. the differences in spelling usually depend on the original latin root word and how it came into english. we say skip the rules and just memorize the difference (or seek assistance).

Differences, английский
    Цифровой избирательный вызов, цив - технология радиосвязи, при которой предварительное согласование канала вызова другого судна осуществляется не широковещательно на голосовом канале, а на отдельном цифровом канале. после согласования рабочего канал

Difference, английский
  1. Disagreement, inequity, contrast, dissimilarity, incompatibility

  2. Разница; разность

  3. An important army term, meaning firstly the sum to be paid by officers when exchanging from the half to full pay; and, secondly, the price or difference in value of the several commissions.

Assistance, английский
  1. Help

  2. Помощь

  3. Aid or help: strongly enjoined to be given whenever a signal is made requiring it.

  4. Помощь; содействие

Indispensible, английский
    This is an "able" — and not an "ible" — ending word. there are some general rules about when to use which, but the problem with those rules is that there`s a lot of overlap. for example, one rule says that if the root word ends in "e," you usually drop the "e" and add "able" … but there are a number of "ible" ending words where you do the same thing! your best bet? memorize the correct spelling!

Entrepeneur, английский
    Entrepreneur consistently appears on lists of the most commonly misspelled business words. the problem? it`s a french word, so its spelling doesn`t fit standard english rules. most people drop the "r" in the "pre" or transpose it, so it`s "perneur." your best bet is just to memorize the spelling.