
Новости переводов

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

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Translations in furniture production

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Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

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Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

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About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Break thrust

Глоссарий горнодобывающей промышленности

    Break, английский
    1. Гребень - специальный серфовый термин, означающий точку, где волна начинает разрушаться.

    2. The first shot of a pool game where the cue ball is hit from behind the head string (i.e., in the "kitchen") into the racked balls

    3. Fracture, rupture, shatter, smash, wreck, crash, demolish, atomize

    4. Перерыв; разрыв; ломать, разбивать, разрушать

    5. When a team quickly advances the ball down the field in an attempt to get its players near the opponent`s goal before the defenders have a chance to retreat; also called an advantage.

    6. Быстрое падение цены.

    7. A change in direction of a plane; usually in reference to a wall.

    8. The point at which a bone has broken  clean break a break in a bone which is not complicated and where the two parts will join again easily

    9. Ломка

    10. The sudden rise of a deck when not flush; when the aft, and sometimes the fore part, of a vessel`s deck is kept up to give more height below, and at the drifts.—break of the poop, where it ends at the foremost part.

    11. [1] to unfold and display a flag that was still brace 52 furled when previously-hoisted. [2] the point of discontinuity between two levels on the deck of a ship. one deck stops and a ladder leads to another at a lower level. [3] an improvement in the weather. [4] to reduce in rank or rate. [5] to fold over and form a breaker (said of a wave). [6] to part the surface (said of an ascending submarine).

    12. To unscrew, as rods, casing, drill pipe, etc.

    13. To separate core from where it is attached to rock at the bottom of a borehole by a tensional pull ap plied to the drill string.

    14. A fault, rupture, fracture, or discontinuity in rock formations.

    15. The act of training or gentling a horse

    16. (slopes) an abrupt change or inflection in a slope or profile (as in “a break in slope”). compare - knickpoint, shoulder, escarpment. (geomorphology) a marked variation of topography, or a tract of land distinct from adjacent land, or an irregular or rough piece of ground. compare - breaks. gg

    17. A rapid and sharp price decline. related: crash.

    18. The place where type is divided; may be the end of a line or paragraph, or as it reads best in display type.

    19. A general term used in mining geology for any discontinuity in the

    20. Внезапное падение цен

    21. Начальное давление открытия клапана

    Break, английский

    Break (breaking) (of the web), английский

    Break (broke, broken), английский

    Break above, английский
      Прорыв уровня наверх;

    Break and run, английский
      A victory where you pocket a ball on the break and clear the remaining balls without giving your opponent an inning at the table

    Break and run, русский
      Победа, когда вы забиваете шар с разбоя, затем забиваете все оставшиеся шары, не давая вашему противнику подойти к столу

    Break apart, английский
      Разъединить; разбить на составляющие

    Break barrel, английский

    Break below, английский
      Прорыв уровня вниз;

    Break benefit, английский

    Break box, английский
      Square 2-diamond-by-2-diamond area in the “kitchen” centered between the side rails between the head string and head rail. some tournaments require breaking from within this area to prevent an often easier and more effective side-rail break (e.g., in 9-ba

    Break box, русский
      Квадрат 2 бриллианта на 2 бриллианта в области "дома", находящийся в центре между боковыми бортами с одной стороны и между передним бортом и передней линией с другой стороны. на некоторых турнирах необходимо выполнять разбой из этой области, что

    Break bulk, английский
    1. The process of assimilating many small shipments into one large shipment at a central point, to be sorted or disseminated after discharge, so that economies of scale may be achieved; to commence discharge of cargo.

    2. Штучные грузы

    Break bulk cargo (or breakbulk cargo), английский
      Goods that must be loaded aboard a ship individually, and not in intermodal containers or in bulk, carried by a general cargo ship.

    Break circulation, английский

    Break cloth, английский
      Piece of cloth used under the cb during breaks to prevent damage to the table cloth

    Break contact, английский
      Размыкающий контакт; нормально замкнутый констант

    Break costs, английский
      The cost payable by a borrowerfor early repayment of all or a portion of a loan as outlined in the break clause of the loan agreement. 

    Break costs (early termination charge etc), английский

    Break customs regulations, английский

    Breakage clause, английский

    Break in lode, английский