
Новости переводов

26 сентября, 2024

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Translating UMI-CMS based website

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Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Словарь терминов и сокращений в авиации
  1. Действующий

  2. Prefix to a grade, rank, rate, or title, indicating that it is temporary and that the incumbent may not be fully-qualified for the post. acting sub-lieutenant: appointed by order rather than commissioned, this subordinate officer rank was introduced by the rn in 1860 to replace those of acting mate and passed midshipman. after completion of qualifying courses they were commissioned as sub- lieutenants. their status was somewhat nebulous until 1894 when admiralty order in council no.41 defined them as being “to all intents and purposes sub-lieutenants ... being merely styled ‘acting’ until they have passed the final examination for lieutenant.” the title fell into abeyance after the first world war, but in 1955, probably to introduce a closer equivalent to usn ensign, the royal and commonwealth navies re-instated it as a substantive rank, separate from and junior to sub-lieutenant. in 1993, the rn abolished the rank in regular service, but it continues in the royal naval reserve and in the canadian and australian navies. a similar rank exists in the pakistani navy.

Actg, английский
  1. Acting

  2. Actuating

  3. Advance carrier training group

Действующий, русский
    Действующий , влиятельный

Lieutenant, английский
    [1] a deputy or substitute (latin locum tenens = in place of ). [2] a junior naval or military officer. [3] used in combination with another military title denotes an officer of the next lower rank (e.g., lieutenant-general). this is one of the oldest military titles, and in naval use can be traced back to the twelfth century when a sailing master had full command of the ship, while the captain was responsible for embarked soldiers, with a non-commissioned lieutenant as his military deputy. by about 1580 the captain had assumed command of the ship, with the master as a subordinate responsible for shiphandling and navigation. the lieutenant was expected to replace the captain in case of death or incapacitation, but was still non-commissioned, being appointed with no official rank. some 50 years later, naval lieutenants had evolved beyond their purely military role to become professional commissioned sea officers. in about 1677, shortly after his appointment as secretary of the admiralty, samuel pepys introduced formal examinations which had to be passed to qualify for a third lieutenant’s commission. thereafter advancement depended entirely on seniority. third and second lieutenants each had specific shipboard duties in addition to their prime responsibilities of standing watch and commanding a division of guns in battle (see separate entry for first lieutenant). in the days of rated warships, a first-rate normally carried seven to nine lieutenants (one first, one or two seconds, and five or six thirds). the complement diminished with the vessel’s rating (for example a third-rate had five lieutenants, while a sixth rate had only two). nowadays, a naval lieutenant is senior to lieutenant (jg) or sublieutenant, and junior to lieutenant commander. at its inception in 1775, the continental navy essentially adopted the then current royal navy rank structure, including that of lieutenant (see table 15). an army or marine lieutenant is senior to second lieutenant and junior to captain. pronunciation is loo-tenant in america. until world war ii all british commonwealth navies said let-enant, but the influx of temporary non-career officers overwhelmed that tradition and substituted the army’s lef-tenant, the former pronunciation being retained only by the canadian armed forces maritime command. lieutenant-at-arms: formerly, a warship’s most junior lieutenant, responsible for assisting the master- at-arms in training seamen to handle small arms.

Subordinate, английский
  1. A придаточный clause

  2. Of inferior rank.

Midshipman, английский
  1. 1. during the 17th century, a naval rating for an experienced seaman.

  2. A naval cadet appointed by the admiralty, with the exception of one in each ship appointed by the captain. no person can be appointed midshipman until he has served one year, and passed his examinations; nor a lieutenant without having previously served six years in the royal navy as midshipman, and having further passed two severe examinations—one in seamanship and one in gunnery. a midshipman is then the station in which a young volunteer is trained in the several exercises necessary to attain a knowledge of steam, machinery, discipline, the general movements and operations of a ship, and qualify him to command.

  3. Formerly, a senior petty officer belonging to a group from which commissioned officers would be chosen. so-called because they berthed amidships, between the crew who berthed forward and the commissioned officers who lived aft. to be rated midshipman, a candidate had to have served at least two years at sea, either before the mast or as a captain’s servant, the latter position being reserved for “young gentlemen” with patronage connections. after a minimum of six years of sea service a midshipman could take the examination for third lieutenant, but might have to wait many more years before a vacancy arose. thereafter advancement depended entirely on seniority (see also master’s mate). during the napoleonic wars midshipmen tended to fall into three distinct categories: • well-connected teenage “gentlemen,” confidently expecting to pass the lieutenant’s examination and be commissioned. • ambitious but embittered 30–40 year-olds, who had either repeatedly failed that exam or, worse, had passed but lacked the essential patron. • hard-bitten professional seamen, promoted from the lower deck and not expecting to go further. nowadays it is the rank of the most junior british naval officer, equivalent to u.s. ensign but not commissioned and classified as “subordinate officer.” the rank insignia, which originated in 1758, is a white collar patch that some say can be traced all the way back to roman times when a white toga was the badge of aspirants to higher office. in the united states the title refers to members of the naval reserve officer training corps at a u.s. university and to students at the u.s. naval and merchant marine academies. navy regulations give them an ambiguous status, saying “midshipmen are, by law, officers in a qualified sense” (author’s emphasis). see also passed midshipman and aviation midshipman.

Completion, английский
  1. Завершение

  2. In the context of project financing, occurs after a completion test, when the project`s cash flows become the primary method of repayment. prior to completion, the primary source of repayment is usually from the sponsors or from the turnkey contractor.

  3. Used to describe all activities between drilling to casing point and putting the well to production. includes cleaning out the well bore, setting the casing and tubing, adding surface equipment, and perforating the casing.

Qualifying, английский
  1. A квалификативный article, function

  2. Квалификационный

Examination, английский
  1. Обследование

  2. Экспертиза; проверка; рассмотрение (оценка патентоспособности заявки на патент, производимая патентным ведомством)

  3. 1. an act of looking at someone or something carefully  from the examination of the x-ray photographs, it seems that the tumour has not spread. 2. the act of looking at someone to find out what is wrong with him or her  the surgeon carried out a medical examination before operating. 3. a written or oral test to see if a student is progressing satisfactorily (note: in this sense, often abbreviated to exam.)

  4. An examination of a dead body by a pathologist to find out the cause of death  the post mortem showed that he had been poisoned. abbr pm. also called autopsy

  5. A searching by, or cognizance of, a magistrate, or other authorized officer. now strict in navy and army.

  6. Проверка; исследование; рассмотрение

  7. The checking of a taxpayer`s tax return, accounts, self-assessment calculations, etc. the process may or may not include an audit of the taxpayer`s own books.

  8. Осмотр; освидетельствование, обследование; исследование, проверка, контроль

  9. Изучение

  10. The study of a patent application by a patent office examiner to determine whether or not an invention can be patented and whether the application complies with all the legal requirements (including formal requirements). depending on issues raised in the resulting examination report, amendment of the patent application may be required.

  11. Process of testing materials, interpreting and evaluating test indications to determine if the test object meets specified acceptance criteria.1

Equivalent, английский
  1. Эквивалент; эквивалентный

  2. Эквивалент (согласно так называемой доктрине эквивалентов, объект, по существу выполняющий ту же функцию тем же способом и обеспечивающий одинаковый эффект, считается эквивалентом)

  3. Эквивалент (согласно так называемой доктрине эквивалентов, объект, по существу выполняющий ту же

  4. N эквивалент; ~-lacking безэквивалентный; mono~ моноэквивалент; multi-~ мультиэквивалент | a эквивалентный translation, word absolute ~ абсолютный эквивалент occasional ~ окказиональный эквивалент regular ~ постоянный эквивалент variable ~ переменный эквивалент 1 “thunder”, образованное от “thunor”. 2 крупное литературное произведение эпического жанра; сложная, продолжительная история, включающая рад крупных событий. 3 раздел философии, изучающий основания знания. 4 повтор в конце смежных отрезков текста: “in 1931, ten years ago, japan invaded manchukuo – without warning. in 1935, italy invaded ethiopia – without warning. in 1938, hitler occupied austria – without warning. in 1939, hitler invaded czechoslovakia – without warning. later in 1939, hitler invaded poland – without warning. and now japan has attacked malaya and thailand – and the united states – without warning.” franklin d. roosevelt. 5 добавление этимологически не обусловленных звуков в конце слова.

  5. Эквивалент || эквивалентный

Commonwealth, английский
    Австралийский союз (на материке австралия и прилегающих о-вах)

Substantive, английский
  1. Касающийся существа; касающийся основных принципов; основной; главный

  2. Касающийся существа; касающийся основных принципов;основной; главный

  3. N субстантив2 | a суб- стантивный (тж. substantival) universal

  4. A rank held permanently as opposed to only while serving in a particular post. when relieved of a temporary or acting promotion the holder of substantive rank reverts to that grade.

Aeronautical, английский
  1. Аэронавигационный; авиационный

  2. Авиационный

  3. Information, regulation and control аэронавигационная информация, правила и управление полетами

  4. Manufacturer`s planning report доклад [отчет] о производственном плане авиазавода

  5. Radio, incorporated фирма «аэронотикл радио инкорпорейтед»

Ablative, английский
  1. Аблятивный, абляционный (о теплозащите)

  2. Аблятивный, абляцион- ный (о теплозащите)