
Новости переводов

12 сентября, 2024

What does the formatting service of a dissertation, essay, article or research paper include?

03 сентября, 2024

What is the service of manual editing of the recognized text of a book?

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  


  1. A place where people are cared for, e.g. a hospital or clinic, especially a psychiatric hospital or children’s home

  2. An establishment founded partly with a view to instruction; as the royal united service institution in london.

  3. The term can take on a number of meanings. it can be an organization which is in the business of holding assets (such as banks, insurance companies, and investment companies). it can also apply to traditions or procedures, as in those associated with a regulatory commission. also, see institutional factors.

  4. A structure, a mechanism of social order or cooperation, which governs the behaviour of a group of individuals within a human annex i glossary, acronyms, chemical symbols and prefi xes community. institutions are intended to be functionally relevant for an extended period, able to help transcend individual interests and help govern cooperative human behaviour. the term can be extended to also cover regulations, technology standards, certifi cation and the like.

Установление чинов таинств, русский

Институт, русский
  1. (от лат . institutum - установление, учреждение), 1) название различных специализированных учебных заведений (средних, высших, системы повышения квалификации и т. п.), а также научно-исследовательских учреждений...2) в россии до 1917 - название привилегированных средних учебных заведений закрытого типа...3) институт социальный, первоначальное обозначение совокупности норм права, регулирующих социально-правовые отношения в различных сферах общества (напр., институт брака, семьи); в широком смысле - элемент социальной структуры, исторической формы организации и регулирования общественной жизни - совокупность учреждений, норм, ценностей, культурных образцов, устойчивых форм поведения: экономические институты (напр., собственность, заработная плата), политические институты (государство, армия, партия), воспитательные институты и др.

  2. Термин имеет несколько значений. это может быть организация, которая является держателем активов (такая как банк, страховая компания, инвестиционная компания). он может также применяться к традициям или процедурам, которые, например, используются регулирующим органом. кроме того, см. институциональные факторы.

Especially, английский

Psychiatric, английский

Establishment, английский
  1. Учреждение (в снс; территориально обособленная производственная единица, как правило, промышленное или торговое предприятие, которая занимается одним видом деятельности — завод, фабрика, шахта, рудник и т. д., но не компания, фирма, которые представляют совокупность предприятий, производящих неоднородную продукцию; учреждение представляет самостоятельную учетную единицу); предприятие (в снс; элементарная технологическая единая производственная единица, выпускающая однородную продукцию; представляет собой самостоятельную учетную единицу)

  2. The regulated complement or quota of officers and men to a ship, either in time of war or peace. the equipment. the regulated dimensions of spars, cabin, rigging, &c.—establishment of a port. an awkward phrase lately lugged in to denote the tide-hour of a port.

  3. The complement or quota of officers and rates assigned to a ship or station.

Instruction, французский

Organization, английский
  1. Организация

  2. N организация lexical ~ лексическая организация orientational a ориентационный metaphor

  3. Европейская организация производства товарного бетона

  4. Организация ~ of safety обеспечение безопасности (на производстве); меры по технике безопасности ~ of work организация работ

  5. Has at least three meanings (1) the act of arranging components to form a pattern different from what would occur by chance, by some criterion or better than it was before (->coordination) e.g., conducting a political campaign; (2) a complex complementary conditionality in behavior or in the coexistence of physical or living components (ashby) as in an ecological system or in such social organizations as a family, a university or a government agency being constituted by its members through conventional rules of conduct, legally recognized and interacted with by observers or by other social organizations; (3) the relations, and processes of communication, including coordination and coorientation among the components or variables of a system that (a) determine the dynamics of interaction and transformations it may undergo in a physical space and (b) constitute (->constitution) its unity whether only for an observer (->allopoiesis) or also for itself (->autopoiesis). in this third and largely cybernetic meaning, the properties of the components that realize a system as a concrete physical entity do not enter the description of that system`s organization. it follows that machines, organisms and social forms of vastly different materiality and components may have the same organization. accordingly, a whole system 56 may be explained in terms of the properties of its components and its organization (->analysis). the use to which a particular system may be put or who created it in the first place is not a feature of its organization. a theory of design (including engineering), management and of (concrete) organizational behavior is concerned with (1). a theory of organizations concerns (2) and attempts to provide generalizations about how cells, or organisms interact or how and why people work together and form larger unities (->general systems theory). cybernetics is concerned and has in fact been considered coextensive with an organization theory which concerns (3) and attempts to provide theories of or a logic for how unities and whole systems can arise or be maintained through the forms of communication (and more complex kinds of interactions and interdependencies) among components without reference to their materiality. the theory of modelling is a direct outgrowth of this organization concept. like cybernetics generally, an organization theory is not disturbed by the possibility that some organizations may not be realized by man or by nature but it will be informed by the finding that they cannot exist (ashby).

  6. A work structure that divides the responsibility for economic resources and processes.

  7. The top level of a business hierarchy.

Investment, английский
  1. Инвестиции; капитальные вложения, см. capital investment

  2. Инвестиция

  3. The first process of a siege, in taking measures to seize all the avenues, blocking up the garrison, and preventing relief getting into the place before the arrival of the main army with the siege-train.

  4. Финансирование; капиталовложение; вклад; инвестиция

  5. The purchase of stocks, bonds, mutual fund shares, real property, an annuity, collectibles, or other assets, with the expectation of obtaining income or capital gains-or both-in the future.

  6. A discrete asset or group of assets held for future income, appreciation, or both and tracked separately.

  7. The creation of more money through the use of capital.

  8. An item of value purchased for income or capital appreciation. capital investments include equipment, pipes and other fixed assets. financial investments include stocks, bonds, and other securities.

Procedures, английский
    Standard, detailed steps that prescribe how to perform specific tasks.

Associated, английский
  1. Соответствующий; связанный; присоединенный

  2. Experiencing through your own senses (seeing through your own eyes, hearing with your own ears, feeling with your own feelings.)

Commission, английский
  1. Комиссионные - вознаграждение, которое клиент должен заплатить брокеру при открытии и закрытии позиций по различным финансовым активам (акции, фьючерсы, опционы);

  2. Комиссия смт combustion горение, сгорание; воспламенение смт command module technician техник по командному модулю [модульному отсеку экипажа] кла смт corrected mean temperature исправленная средняя температура смтм communications and telemetry связь и телеметрия смто бр chief mechanical transport officer начальник транспортной службы

  3. To formally place (a naval vessel) into active service, after which the vessel is said to be in commission. sometimes used less formally to mean placing a commercial ship into service.

  4. Комиссия

  5. The authority by which an officer officiates in his post. also, an allowance paid to agents or factors for transacting the business of others.

  6. [1] to place a warship on active service. [2] the period during which a warship is assigned to specific duties. [3] a document conferring officer rank on an individual (excluding warrant, petty, and other non-commissioned officers). [4] a percentage of the selling price paid to a salesperson as payment for making the transaction. [5] a fee charged by a broker or agent for service in facilitating a business deal. [6] an official investigative body. [7] to contract for the production of something (e.g., a work of art).

  7. Ввести в эксплуатацию (напр., очистное сооружение)

  8. The amount, usually a percentage of the sales amount, paid to the salesperson making the sale.

  9. The fee paid to a broker to execute a trade, based on number of shares, bonds, options, and/or their dollar value. in 1975, deregulation led to the establishment of discount brokers, who charge lower commissions than full service brokers. full service brokers offer advice and usually have a staff of analysts who follow specific industries. discount brokers simply execute a client`s order and usually do not offer an opinion on a stock. also known as a round-turn. commissions are known as round-turn only in futures trading, since the commission is assessed only after liquidation of the position.

  10. Патент, выдаваемый мировому судье при назначении его на должность

  11. Комиссионные

  12. Real estate commission is generally 5-6% of the home’s sale price. that commission is usually split between the buyer’s and seller’s agents and is paid by the seller at the time of closing.

  13. The compensation paid to a licensed real estate broker or by the broker to the salesman for services rendered. usually a percentage of the selling price of the property.

Institutional, английский
  1. Институционный (связанный с учреждением, предприятием, коллективом, конкретной единицей, т. е. по признаку «что представляет собой», в отличие от «functional», в снс)

  2. Институционный; институциональный, формально установленный

Institutions, английский
    Insurance companies, pension funds, trusts, foundations, mutual funds, funds managers, bank investment departments.

Individual, английский
    Физическое лицо

Установление чинов таинств, русский

Институт блаженной девы марии, русский