
Новости переводов

13 ноября, 2024

Search phrase: What is the normal price for translating one page from Chinese

26 сентября, 2024

Scheme of formation of a new translation agency

12 сентября, 2024

What does the formatting service of a dissertation, essay, article or research paper include?

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What is the service of manual editing of the recognized text of a book?

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Conditioning system

Глоссарий по нефти и газу (англо-русский)

    Система подготовки, русский

    Condition, английский
    1. Условие; состояние; режим

    2. 1. the particular state of someone or something  in poor condition  her condition is getting worse.  the conditions in the hospital are very good. 2. a particular illness, injury or disorder  he is being treated for a heart condition.

    3. N условие alternation ~ условие чередования invariance ~ условие инвариантности

    4. See “material condition” and “readiness condition.”

    5. Собственная устойчивость (без нагрузки); ~ under working

    6. A horse’s overall health and fitness

    7. An illness or other defective state of health.

    8. The state of an expression or a variable (for example, when a result can be either true or false, or equal or not equal).

    9. A criteria that determines if actions are executed for a specific document rule when using the invoicerules plugin. if a condition meets the specified criteria, it returns true; if not, it returns false.

    Condition 1 4 1 ar order, английский

    Condition access module, английский
      Модуль условного доступа

    Condition access table, английский
      Таблица условного доступа

    Condition adjustment, английский

    Condition affecting the network (can), английский
      A situation or condition that affects or has the potential to affect the safety of the network.

    Condition appraisal, английский
      An estimate of the value of an asset based largely on an inspection of its current physical condition. condition-based maintenance the condition monitoring of a building, used to predict failure of an item or element in the building and then take appropriate action to avoid such failure.

    Condition assessment, английский
      Methods for identifying and locating features that may affect the integrity and performance of a utility including defects, obstructions, leaks, infiltration, inflow, etc.

    Condition attribute, английский
      In the theory of rough sets, attributes are broken into condition attributes and decision attributes. a condition attribute is one that is used as a predictor or classification attribute for the decision attribute (i.e., the output of the model). the decision attribute(s) is(are) conditioned on the condition attributes. see also: rough set.

    Condition bit, английский
      Двоичный разряд условия

    Condition box, английский
      Блок ветвления

    Condition code, английский
      One of a set of bits that are set on (1, or true) or off (0, or false) as the result of previous machine instructions. the term is used primarily in assembly or machine language situations. condition codes are hardware-specific but usually include carry, overflow, zero result, and negative result codes.

    Condition concurrent, английский
      Взаимное условие

    Condition de plasticite, французский

    Condition de resistance, французский

    Condition de rigidite, французский

    Condition d`incompressibilite, французский

    Condition equations formation, английский

    Condition handler, английский
      Программа реакции на условие; программа реакции на особую ситуацию

    Condition heat treatment, английский

    Condition in deed, английский
      Условие, закрепленное в письменном виде

    Система подготовки, русский

    Система подачи и укладки труб, русский