
Новости переводов

20 ноября, 2023

Servicio de lenguaje de aprendizaje automático de chatbot

25 сентября, 2020

Corrección de textos en ruso

17 сентября, 2020

Servicio de redacción y revisión de textos

25 июня, 2019

Felicitaciones con la traducción

18 апреля, 2018

Decodificación de audio y video

06 октября, 2017

Servicios de traducción profesional y de acompañamiento lingüístico para los participantes de las exposiciones

25 мая, 2016

¿Una agencia de traducción o un traductor particular?

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Color azul-verde

Глоссарий по архивному хранению медийных материалов

    Cyan, английский
    1. One of the process ink colors for printing. pure cyan is the "redless" color; it absorbs all red wavelengths of light and reflects all blue and green wavelengths.

    2. Светло-голубой; бирюзовый cyan-magenta-yellow бирюзовый-пурпурный-желтый; система цветопередачи cmy cyan-magenta-yellow-black бирюзовый-пурпурный-желтый-черный; система цветопередачи cmyk

    Color, английский
    1. Цвет; цветовой

    2. N амер. цвет (см. тж. colour)

    3. A diamond’s tint. color is determined by comparing each diamond to a set of authenticated master diamonds scaled from colorless (d) to saturated (z).

    4. Diamond ‘color’ is graded on a scale from d (colorless) to z (light yellow or brown). a diamond graded as colorless allows more light to pass through the stone making it sparkle more and increases the overall value.

    5. Description or class in which body coat color and pattern, not conformation is a deciding factor (e.g., palomino, dun factor, etc.).

    6. An attribute of an object that produces different sensations on the eye as a result of the way the object reflects or emits light.

    7. Vision sensation by means of which humans distinguish light of differing hue (predominant wavelengths), saturation (degree to which those radiations predominate over others), and lightness.

    8. Зрительное ощущение, с помощью которого люди различают свет разного оттенка (преобладающих длин волн), насыщенности (степени, в которой эти излучения преобладают над другими) и легкости.

    9. Visual sensation by means of which humans distinguish light of differing hue (predominant wavelengths), saturation (degree to which those radiations predominate over others) and lightness.

    10. Aspect of visible light sometimes used to identify wavelength or spectral band, as in two-color radiometry (meaning a method that measures in two spectral bands); also used conventionally (visual color) as a means of displaying a thermal image, as in color thermogram.3

    11. Visual sensation by means of which humans distinguish light of differing hue (predominant wavelengths), saturation (degree to which those radiations predominate over others) and lightness. see also vision.

    12. Visual sensation by means of which humans distinguish light of differing hue (predominant wavelengths), saturation (degree to which those radiations predominate over others), and lightness. see also vision. 494 glossary c

    13. Visual sensation by means of which humans distinguish light of differing hue (predominant wavelengths), saturation (degree to which those radiations predominate over others) and lightness.3

    Color, латинский

    Color, испанский

    Color (moods and emotions), английский
      Color plays a role in affecting viewer`s moods and appetites. tip: use a light hand.

    Color abrasion, английский
      Color changes in localized areas of a garment resulting from differential wear.

    Color absor, английский

    Color accutance improvement, английский

    Color add lens, английский
      Линза "добавить цвет"

    Color aditivo, испанский

    Color atenuado, испанский
      Vea color no sólido.

    Color average tool, английский
      Tool that is used by dragging the eyedropper tool across a selection of graphics or various solid colors on a web page and thereby determining the average color spectrum.

    Color balance, английский
    1. The accuracy with which the colors captured in the image match the original scene.

    2. The color balance of a film refers to the kind of light under which it will faithfully render color without the need for filters. most films are daylight-balanced, which means that in daylight, or with a daylight balanced flash, colors will be true. a tungsten-balanced film can be used under certain types of artificial light to give true colors without filters or special printing techniques.

    3. A feature that lets the user change the overall color and tonal values of an image or object through three parameters: source lighting, saturation, and color balance.

    Color balance filter, английский
      Фильтр "баланс цветов"

    Color banding, английский
      Равномерное распределение цветов; равномерная закраска; цветовые полосы

    Color bar, английский

    Color bars, английский
    1. A pattern generated by a video test generator, consisting of eight equal width color

    2. A pattern generated by a video test generator, consisting of eight equal width color bars. colors are white (75%), black (7.5% setup level), 75% saturated pure colors red, green and blue, and 75% saturated hues of yellow, cyan and magenta (mixtures of two colors in 1:1 ratio without third color).

    Color bars (шкала цветных полос), английский
      Образец, формируемый тестовым генератором телевизионных сигналов, состоящий из восьми цветных полос равной ширины.

    Color bars and tone, английский
      A color standard test pattern used by the television industry to adjust equipment to standard levels. the tone is generated at a certain preset frequency so that audio levels can be set.

    Color blend, английский
      Цветовой переход

    Color blender, английский
      Цветовой переход; смеситель (в графике)

    Cyc light, английский

    Corte de un lado a otro, испанский