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Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

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Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Beam spread

Глоссарий по архитектуре и конструкциям
  1. The angle between two directions (on opposite sides of the axis of a light beam, and in the same plane as the beam axis) in which the light intensity equals a stated percent of a maximum reference intensity. beam-spread angle the width of a light beam, measured in degrees, at the meeting point between two imaginary lines at which the light intensity drops to half its maximum value.

  2. Divergence from a beam of radiation in which all particles are traveling in parallel paths. widening of the sound beam as it travels through a medium. specifically, the solid angle that contains the main lobe of the beam in the far field. becquerel (bq): si unit for measurement of radioactivity, equivalent to one disintegration per second. replaces curie.

  3. Расхождение пучка излучения, в котором все частицы движутся параллельными путями. расширение звукового луча при прохождении через среду. в частности, телесный угол, содержащий главный лепесток луча в дальней зоне. беккерель (бк): единица измерения радиоактивности в системе си, эквивалентная одному распаду в секунду. заменяет кюри.

  4. (1) in radiographic testing, divergence from a beam of radiation in which all particles are traveling in parallel paths. (2) in ultrasonic testing, divergence of a sound beam as it travels through a medium.18 specifically, the solid angle that contains the main lobe of an ultrasonic beam in the far field.

  5. Widening of the sound beam as it travels through a medium.21 specifically, the solid angle that contains the main lobe of the beam in the far field.7 bel (b): see decibel.

Beam, английский
  1. Poutre;balancier

  2. Structural member, other than a triangulated frame, which supports load primarily by its internal resistance to bending.

  3. A structural member transversely supporting a load. a structural member carrying building loads (weight) from one support to another. sometimes called a "girder".

  4. The maximum breadth or the greatest width of a ship

  5. The width of a vessel at the widest point, or a point alongside the ship at the midpoint of its length.

  6. The width of a ship. also called breadth.

  7. A collection of rays that may be parallel, convergent, or divergent.

  8. A structural member supporting a load applied transversely

  9. A group of parallel rays of light.

  10. Луч, брус, ширина судна, шток якоря

  11. A steel , within an elevator machinery room, which is beneath and supports elevator equipment; usually directly over the elevator hoistway (shaft).

  12. A frame fitted above a bed to which a leg in plaster can be attached.  pearson bed

  13. Траверз судна - линия, перпендикулярная диаметральной плоскости суда

  14. Ширина судна

  15. The width of a boat at its widest point.

  16. Бимс, ширина, траверз

  17. A long double stratum of murky clouds generally observed over the surface of the mediterranean previous to a violent storm or an earthquake. the french call it trave.

  18. (see abeam.)—before the beam is an arc of the horizon, comprehended between a line that crosses the ship`s length at right angles and some object at a distance before it; or between the line of the beam and that point of the compass which she stems. on the weather or lee beam is in a direction to windward or leeward at right angles with the keel.

  19. [1] a ship’s width at its widest point. [2] a

  20. The widest distance across a boat from the outside skin on one side to the outside skin on the other.

  21. A transverse structural member that stiffens and supports a portion of the deck.

  22. The widest part of a boat.

  23. A cylinder of wood or metal, usually with a circular flange on each end, on which warp yarns are wound for slashing, weaving, and warp knitting.

  24. The boat`s width at its widest point.

  25. Trawl a conical-shaped net held open by a horizontal beam; at each end of the beam are iron frameworks that hold the net open in a vertical direction.

  26. A directed flow of energy into space or matter.

  27. Defined stream of radiation particles all traveling in parallel paths.

  28. Определенный поток радиационных частиц, движущихся по параллельным путям.

  29. In radiographic testing, defined stream of radiation particles in which stream all particles are traveling in parallel paths.

Beam, английский

Beam, английский
    The greatest width of the boat.

Beam, английский
    The widest dimension of a boat`s hull.

Beam, английский

Beam, английский

Beam, английский

Beam, английский

Beam, английский

Beam, английский

Beam (resting) on elastic base, английский

Beam (resting) on elastic supports, английский

Beam -, английский
  1. Закладной короб для образования в стене гнезда [ниши] (для опи- рания конца балки)

  2. Опалубка балки; форма для сборной бетонной балки bid ~ форма [готовый бланк] заявки на подряд

  3. Полка балки beam ~s out-of-square перекос полок стальных (прокатных) балок

Beam - and - girder floor, английский

Beam action, английский

Beam addressing, английский
    Электронно-лучевая адресация

Beam anchor., английский

Beam angle, английский
    If you`re into reading light-performance data, beam angle is the point at which the intensity of a source drops to 50% of maximum (center reading) measured in degrees of the full angle. simply: how wide?

Beam angle (rt), английский
    The smallest angle between the central axis of the radiation beam and the plane of the radiographic film.

Beam attenuator, английский

Beam axis, central ray, английский

Directions, английский
  1. Directions for use (on a bottle of medicine, etc.) instructions showing how to use something and how much of it to use

  2. Раскреплённый связями в двух взаимно перпендикулярных направлениях

  3. In the maps application, instructions for how to get from one location to another, either driving or walking.

Divergence, английский
  1. (дивергенция, расхождение) ситуация, в которой два или больше графиков дают расхождение в подтверждениях тенденций на рынке. например, ценовой график образует новый пик, по абсолютному значению превышающий предыдущий, но оцсцилятор этого не подтверждает.

  2. Дивергенция, расхождение [нарастание] колебаний; колебательная неустойчивость

  3. Дивергенция, т. е. ситуация, в которой два или больше графиков индексов дают расхождение с ценовым графиком.

  4. The angular measurement of laser beam spread with distance. the projected dot of a laser will increase in size the farther it is projected. laser divergence is measured in milliradians (mrad). dosimetry

  5. 1. a condition in which one eye points directly at the object of interest but the other does not 2. the process of moving apart to follow different courses 3. the amount of difference between two quantities, especially where the difference is unexpected 4. a deviation from a typical behaviour pattern or expressed wish

  6. The ability to use both eyes as a team and be able to turn the eyes out toward a far object.

  7. N 1 дифференциация; 2 дивергенция

  8. Расхождение; отклонение; геод. невязка

  9. A horizontal outflow of air.

  10. When two or more averages or indexes fail to show confirming trends.

  11. Term sometimes used to describe the spreading of ultrasonic waves beyond the near field. it is a function of transducer diameter and wavelength in the medium. see beam spread.

  12. Term sometimes used to describe the spreading of ultrasonic waves beyond the near field. it is a function of transducer diameter and wavelength in the medium.7 see beam spread. double-crystal technique: see pitch catch technique.

Measurement, английский
  1. Set of operations having the object of determining a value of a quantity (1)

  2. Измерение. система мер.

  3. Измерение; замер

  4. The size, length, etc. of something which has been measured

  5. Измерение

  6. Обмер

  7. Оценка

  8. Измерение dust ~ измерение концентрации пыли

  9. Измерение. комплекс операций, имеющих целью определение значе-ния величины [32].

  10. The process of ascertaining the attributes, dimensions, extent, quantity, degree or capacity of some object of observation and representing these in the qualitative or quantitative terms of a data language. any empirical pursuit that places the observer outside his object of observation must consider measurement the fundamental process through which scientific constructs or models are linked to reality (->index, ->symptom). otherwise measurement is only one section in a circular process of computing a stable form. the traditional levels of measurement are nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio scales.

  11. The magnitude of the property of an object calibrated against one or more units of measure.

  12. Измерение. комплекс операций, имеющих целью определение значения величины [32].

Radioactivity, английский
  1. Energy in the form of radiation emitted by a radioactive substance

  2. Радиоактивность. способность некоторых нуклидов к спонтанному испусканию частиц или гамма-лучей или к испусканию рентгеновского излучения в результате захвата орбитального электрона (т. е. превращения, при котором ядро захватывает орбитальный электрон) или к спонтанному расщеплению (т. е. расщеплению ядра, происходящему без воздействия на ядро каких-либо частиц или энергии) (мос, 5). наличие в воздухе радиоактивных веществ представляет собой одну из серьезных проблем загрязнения атмосферного воздуха. см. radiation, ionizing — ионизирующая радиация.

  3. Spontaneous nuclear disintegration with emission of corpuscular or electromagnetic radiation. the principal types of radioactivity are alpha disintegration, beta decay (electron emission, positron emission, and electron capture), and isomeric transition.

Equivalent, английский
  1. Эквивалент; эквивалентный

  2. Эквивалент (согласно так называемой доктрине эквивалентов, объект, по существу выполняющий ту же функцию тем же способом и обеспечивающий одинаковый эффект, считается эквивалентом)

  3. Эквивалент (согласно так называемой доктрине эквивалентов, объект, по существу выполняющий ту же

  4. N эквивалент; ~-lacking безэквивалентный; mono~ моноэквивалент; multi-~ мультиэквивалент | a эквивалентный translation, word absolute ~ абсолютный эквивалент occasional ~ окказиональный эквивалент regular ~ постоянный эквивалент variable ~ переменный эквивалент 1 “thunder”, образованное от “thunor”. 2 крупное литературное произведение эпического жанра; сложная, продолжительная история, включающая рад крупных событий. 3 раздел философии, изучающий основания знания. 4 повтор в конце смежных отрезков текста: “in 1931, ten years ago, japan invaded manchukuo – without warning. in 1935, italy invaded ethiopia – without warning. in 1938, hitler occupied austria – without warning. in 1939, hitler invaded czechoslovakia – without warning. later in 1939, hitler invaded poland – without warning. and now japan has attacked malaya and thailand – and the united states – without warning.” franklin d. roosevelt. 5 добавление этимологически не обусловленных звуков в конце слова.

  5. Эквивалент || эквивалентный

Disintegration, английский
  1. Of concrete or the like, the deterioration into small fragments or particles.

  2. Разрушение; дробление, измельчение; распад; расслоение

Расхождение, русский
    Маневр прохождения судна относитель­но другого при встречном движении.

Расширение, русский

Grid bearing, английский
    The angle in the plane of the projection between a line and a north-south grid line.

Specular angle, английский
    The angle between the perpendicular to the surface and the reflected ray that is numerically equal to the angle of incidence and lies in the same plane as the incident ray and the perpendicular, but on the opposite side of the perpendicular to the surface.