
Новости переводов

26 апреля, 2024

Можно ли использовать изображения из Интернета для публикации в журнале?

25 апреля, 2024

Подготовка к локализации сайта

23 апреля, 2024

Копирайтинг в переводах

19 апреля, 2024

Переводы в мебельном производстве

18 апреля, 2024

Вариации английского языка в разных странах мира. Часть 4

18 апреля, 2024

Редактирование текста с целью его улучшения

18 апреля, 2024

На сайт бюро переводов добавлен глоссарий химических терминов

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  


  1. Осадок, отстой, гуща, подонки. осадки атмосферные: дождь, град, иней, роса, снег. ср. погода. , остаток

  2. Вещества, осевшие при отстаивании

  3. Масса, образующаяся в результате естественного или искусственного осаждения твердых частиц из различных водных растворов и взвесей;

Отстой, русский
    Отстой , осадок

Bottensats, шведский

Fällung, немецкий

Sedimentum [i, n], латинский

Sedimen [inis, n], латинский

Faex [faecis, f] (vini, латинский

Defungi, латинский

Sentina, латинский

Sediment, английский
  1. The substance that settles on the bottom of a water tank. also known as lime.

  2. The substance that settles on the bottom of a tank.

  3. Rock debris commonly produced by mechanical or chemical weathering processes.

  4. The matter which settles to the bottom of water or any other liquid.

  5. Solid particles, usually insoluble, which fall to the bottom of a liquid

  6. Осадок

  7. Осадок; pi наносы, отложения bed ~s донные наносы

  8. Material, both mineral and organic, that is in suspension, is being transported, or has been moved from its site of origin by water, wind, ice or mass-wasting and has come to rest on the earth`s surface either above or below sea level. sediment in a broad sense also includes materials precipitated from solution or emplaced by explosive volcanism, as well as organic remains; e.g., peat that has not been subject to appreciable transport. hp

  9. Loss/es/ control борьба с почвенной эрозией

Residual, английский
  1. The difference between a datum and the value predicted for it by a model. in linear regression of a variable plotted on the vertical axis onto a variable plotted on the horizontal axis, a residual is the "vertical" distance from a datum to the line. residuals can be positive (if the datum is above the line) or negative (if the datum is below the line). plots of residuals can reveal computational errors in linear regression, as well as conditions under which linear regression is inappropriate, such as nonlinearity and heteroscedasticity. if linear regression is performed properly, the sum of the residuals from the regression line must be zero; otherwise, there is a computational error somewhere.

  2. “the difference between a given data point and its predicted value.” [clsi]

  3. Остаточный; невыраба- тьгваемый (о топливе)

  4. Остаточный; невыра- батываемый (о топливе)

  5. In optical design, the aberrations that remain after the design has been optimized.

  6. See:residual value

  7. Авторский гонорар, начисляемый с каждого повторного исполнения (пьесы и т. п.)

Deposit, английский
  1. Dépôt

  2. Момент, когда продавец формирует (закрывает) batch-файл и посылает транзакции для завершения (settlement). чтобы уменьшить процент (discount rate), вычитаемый эквайером, batch-файлы должны закрываться раз в день.

  3. (депозит) деньги, внесенные на счет, для дальнейших операций;

  4. Осадок, отстой

  5. Деньги, внесенные на счет для дальнейших операций.

  6. Депозит, вклад

  7. A substance which is attached to part of the body  some foods leave a hard deposit on teeth.  a deposit of fat forms on the walls of the arteries.  verb to attach a substance to part of the body  fat is deposited on the walls of the arteries.

  8. Страховой депозит

  9. The natural occurrence of a useful mineral or ore to the extent and degree of concentration to in¬vite exploitation.

  10. Отложения, наносы; осадок; накипь

  11. Either consolidated or unconsolidated material of any type that has accumulated by natural processes or by human activity. sw

  12. Funds added to an account.

  13. To add money to an account.

  14. An area that has a quantity of gold that has been found

  15. Депозит

Septage, английский
    Ьброженный осадок септик-танка

Waterborne sediment, английский
    Осадок, взвешенный в воде (осадок, переносимый водой водотока)

Settled sludge, английский

Sakka, финский

Bottom, английский
  1. Below-center hit on the cue ball

  2. 1. the underside of a vessel; the portion of a vessel that is always underwater; .

  3. 1. the part of the body on which you sit.  buttock 2. the anus (informal )

  4. Дно

  5. The underside of a boat.

  6. Днище; морское дно, грунт

  7. A name for rich low land formed by alluvial deposits: but in a general sense it denotes the lowest part of a thing, in contradistinction to the top or uppermost part. in navigation, it is used to denote as well the channel of rivers and harbours as the body or hull of a ship. thus, in the former sense we say “a gravelly bottom, clayey bottom,” &c., and in the latter sense “a british bottom, a dutch bottom,” &c. by statute, certain commodities imported in foreign bottoms pay a duty called “petty customs,” over and above what they are liable to if imported in british bottoms. bottom of a ship or boat is that part which is below the wales.

  8. [1] a vessel’s lower hull, from bilge-tobilge, including the keel. [2] the sea bed or floor. [3] to sink to and rest on the sea bed (of a submarine).

  9. Surface in a borehole parallel to face of a drill bit.

  10. To place a drill bit in contact with the bottom of a borehole.

  11. To complete a borehole. 4. the landing at the bottom of a vertical or inclined mine shaft.

  12. Another term for low frequencies, usually below 125 hz.

  13. Refers to the base support level for market prices of any type. also used in the context of securities to refer to the lowest market price of a security during a specific time-frame.

Precipitate, английский
    A substance which is precipitated during a chemical reaction  verb 1. to make a substance separate from a chemical compound and fall to the bottom of a liquid during a chemical reaction  casein is precipitated when milk comes into contact with an acid. 2. to make something start suddenly (note: [all verb senses] precipitating – precipitated) ‘…it has been established that myocardial infarction and sudden coronary death are precipitated in the majority of patients by thrombus formation in the coronary arteries’ [british journal of hospital medicine]

Silt, английский
  1. Signalling link terminal

  2. Contaminant particles 5 ¦m and less in size.

  3. Sediment; ooze in a harbour, or at a lock-gate.

  4. Fine sand or soft earthy mud deposited as sediment by the flow of water.

  5. A very fine soil material or, as recommended by the asce in their proceedings, volume 84, no. sm4, october 1958, soil material that will pass through a u.s. standard no. 200 sieve (generally considered to range from about 0.002 mm. to 0.05 mm. in size), that is nonplastic or very slightly plastic, and that exhibits little or no strength when air dried.

  6. Soil particles 0.002 to 0.6 mm in size.

  7. Осадок механических приме* сей рабочей жидкости

Много, русский
    Много, обильно, видимо-невидимо, по горло, полон рот, множество, бездна, воз, ворох, гибель, горы, град, громада, груда, дождь, изобилие, кипа, кладезь, целый короб, куча, лес, масса, миллион, мириады, море, обилие, облако, орава, плеяда, поток, пропасть,

Снег, русский
  1. Снег , осадок , белее снега, как снег на голову, свалиться как снег на голову, сделать белее снега

  2. , твердые атмосферные осадки, состоящие из ледяных кристаллов разной формы - снежинок, в основном шестиугольных пластинок и шестилучевых звездочек; выпадает из облаков при температуре воздуха ниже 0 °с.

Гуща, русский
    Гуща , осадок

Иней, русский
  1. Иней , осадок

  2. , тонкий слой ледяных кристаллов, образующийся на почве, траве и наземных предметах при охлаждении земной поверхности до температуры ниже 0 °с в результате ее сильного теплового излучения ночью при ясном небе и слабом ветре.

Подонки, русский
    Подонки , осадок

Роса, русский
  1. Роса , осадок

  2. , капли воды, образующиеся при конденсации водяного пара на почве, траве и наземных предметах при охлаждении их вследствие излучения. возникает в ясные и тихие ночи, когда велико земное излучение.

Slime, английский
  1. Thin glutinous mud or ooze often found on the floor of channels. 295 slime

  2. Ил; пылевидные частицы (в песке); шлам; слив (классификатора)

Fallout, английский
  1. Fallout is a general term applied to radioactive materials, produced by detonation of a nuclear device in the atmosphere, which fall back to earth. fallout can sometimes be thought of as a secondary (radiation / contamination) hazard from a nuclear weapon

  2. Выпадение (радиоактивных) осадкрв

  3. Пропадание; выпадение

  4. Выпадение радиоактивных осадков fal – fas

Sludge, английский
  1. Boue

  2. Insoluble material formed as a result either of deterioration reactions in an oil or of contamination of an oil, or both.

  3. A wet deposit formed by streams. also, a stratum of young ice in rough seas. also, in polar parlance, comminuted fragments of brash ice.

  4. Cuttings

  5. Ил, шлам, осадок

  6. Thick deposit formed from lubricant stiffened with products of combustion and partial combustion such as unburned hydrocarbons, carbon particles, oxides and aldehydes,

  7. The collective name for contamination in a lubricated system and on parts bathed by the lubricating oil. this includes decomposition products from the fuel, oil and particulates from sources external to the system.

  8. Soft deposits, usually dark coloured, formed in lubrication systems, mainly consisting of oxidised lubricating oil components, water and, in internal combustion engines, carbonaceous residues from fuel combustion.

Fill, английский
  1. Filler

  2. Filling

  3. Уток

  4. To trim a sail or change course to catch the wind better. filling-room: a lead-lined compartment in a sailing man-o-war, in which powder was broken out to fill cartridges.

  5. Достаточное количество (чего-либо)

  6. Сплошная заливка каким-либо цветом области, ограниченной контуром.

Residue, английский
  1. Wood or bark that is left after a manufacturing process (23).

  2. Остаток о ~ on evaporation остаток после испарения

Отстой, русский
    Отстой , осадок

Отстаивать, русский
    Отстаивать , защищать, отвыкать, чистить