Accumulation area
A price range within which a buyer accumulates shares of a stock. see: on-balance volume and distribution area.
Area di accumulazione, итальянский
In analisi tecnica, il range di prezzo in cui gli operatori accumulano le azioni acquistandole.
Accumulate, английский
- Broker/analyst recommendation that could mean slightly different things depending on the broker/analyst. in general, it means to increase the number of shares of a particular security over the near term, but not to liquidate other parts of the portfolio t
- Broker/analyst recommendation that could mean slightly different things depending on the broker/analyst. in general, it means to increase the number of shares of a particular security over the near term, but not to liquidate other parts of the portfolio to buy a security that might skyrocket. a buy recommendation, but not an urgent buy.
- To amass or collect. when oil and gas migrate into porous formations, the quantity collected is called an accumulation.
Accumulate, английский
Accumulated benefit obligation (abo), английский
An approximate measure of the liability of a pension plan in the event of a termination at the date the calculation is performed. related: projected benefit obligation.
Accumulated cost, английский
The costs of inventory, overhead, materials, labor, and services that aggregate into one total cost.
Accumulated declarations, английский
Добавляемые объявления; добавляемые описания; накапливающиеся объявления
Accumulated depreciation, английский
- Аккумулированные амортизационные отчисления (напр., шахтного оборудования) см. также accrued depreciation
- The sum of posted depreciations for all the periods in which a fixed asset has been in service.
- Накопленная амортизация
Accumulated deviation, английский
Накопленное отклонение accumulated distributionраспределение кумулятивных вероятностей; распределение накопленных вероятностей; интегральная функция распределения
Accumulated dividend, английский
A dividend that has reached its due date, but is not paid out. see: cumulative preferred stock.
Accumulated dose, английский
Accumulated down time, английский
Accumulated earnings, английский
Накопленные доходы
Accumulated error, английский
Накопленная ошибка; суммарная ошибка
Accumulated interest, английский
Накопленные проценты
Accumulated loss, английский
Accumulated operating time, английский
Суммарное рабочее время; суммарная наработка
Accumulated profit, английский
Нераспределенная прибыль
Accumulated profit equivalent: earned surplus., английский
Accumulated profits tax, английский
- A tax on earnings kept in a firm to prevent the higher personal income tax rate that would obtain if profits were paid out as dividends to the owners.
- Налог на аккумулированную прибыль - дополнительный налог на чистую прибыль, которая не распределяется в качестве дивидендов;
- A tax on earnings retained in a firm as a way for the principals to defer personal income taxes.
Accumulated reserves (balance sheet) equivalent: reserves., английский
Accumulated risk, английский
Кумулятивный риск
Accumulated stock, английский
Distribution, английский
- Распределение. размещение.
- Распределение - рыночный процесс, при котором крупные рыночные трейдеры в основном продают бумаги мелким трейдерам;
- The distribution of a set of numerical data is how their values are distributed over the real numbers. it is completely characterized by the empirical distribution function. similarly, the probability distribution of a random variable is completely characterized by its probability distribution function. sometimes the word "distribution" is used as a synonym for the empirical distribution function or the probability distribution function. if two or more random variables are defined for the same experiment, they have a joint probability distribution.
- Refers to the spread and shape of a frequency curve of some variable. a histogram is one way to graphically display the distribution of test results by showing the frequency of observations on the y-axis versus the magnitude on the x-axis. the normal or gaussian curve is one form of a distribution.
- Распределение
- Торговля; сфера обращения; распределение
- A way to limit where your usenet postings go. handy for such things as for sale messages or discussions of regional politics.
- The movement of freshly mixed concrete toward the point of placement, either by motorized tools or by hand. distribution-bar reinforcement, distribution
- N дистрибуция complementary ~ дополнительная дистрибу- ция, отношение дополнительности5 contrastive ~ контрастная, контрастирущая дистрибуция non-contrastive ~ неконтрастная, неконтра- стирущая дистрибуция distribution(al)
- Распределение dna (deoxyribonucleic acid)
- Распределение. 1. распределение данных. данные могут иметь определенную форму (вид) распределения, которая зависит от их характеристик. например, рост имеет нормальное распределение (см. normal distribution), а результаты метания игральных костей следуют равномерному (случайному) распределению. 2. распределение (распространение) вещества и его метаболитов в организме после применения препарата. обычно описывается с помощью объема распределения (см. volume of distribution) и свободной фракции.
- Diamond pattern
- A payout of cash or property from a corporation to a shareholder.
- Распределение; размещение; распространение; разводка (труб) ~ of bending stresses over the cross
- Распределение. ранжирование значений переменной от наименьшего до наибольшего и результирующая совокупность характеристик или показателей, выстроенных в виде графика [20]. плотность распределения, например, показывает возможные значения параметра в зависимости от числа появлений каждого значения в выборке или совокупности. во многих случаях это характеризует разброс единич-ных значений выборки или совокупности вокруг среднего значения.
- The delivery of electricity to the retail customer’s home or business through low voltage distribution lines.
- The spatial range of a species, usually on a geographic but sometimes on a smaller scale, or the arrangement or spatial pattern of a species over its habitat. • food resources will lead to this distribution. d. over space: • altitude: species diversity less abundant in higher than lower altitudes. • latitude: ecosystems are more complex in equatorial regions than in higher latitudes (poles) • scale: the greater the sample the better interpretability. • spatial: • aggregated or clump d.: individuals form one or more clumps, attracted to areas with the greatest availability of food or shelter and avoiding less hospitable terrain. • random d.: individual spacing would be determined by chance. • regular or uniform spacing d.: individuals may also be drawn together by some social interaction, such as mating or parental care. in other cases, antagonistic interactions between individuals or scarce d. over time: • habitat: (see there). • succession (see there).
- The transport of low voltage electricity. this connects the transmission network with the majority of electricity consumers. the process is overseen by a distribution network operator. management of distribution is a natural monopoly due to the economies of scale inherent to it. reeep / sustainable energy regulation network – august 2004 - revised september 2010 4
- The set of values of a variable together with the probabilities (->probability) associated with each. a tabulation of the frequencies of tokens by types.
- The process of managing the flow of goods and services from the producer to the customer.
- Распределение. ранжирование значений переменной от наименьшего до наибольшего и результирующая совокупность характеристик или показателей, выстроенных в виде графика [20]. плотность распределения, например, показывает возможные значения параметра в зависимости от числа появлений каждого значения в выборке или совокупности. во многих случаях это характеризует разброс единичных значений выборки или совокупности вокруг среднего значения.
- The act or process of delivering electric energy from convenient points on the transmission system (usually a substation) to consumers.
- Выплата дивидендов
Acid test ratio, английский
- Also called the quick ratio, the ratio of current assets minus inventories, accruals, and prepaid items to current liabilities.
- A financial ratio is calculated by current assets – stock divided by current liabilities. by subtracting inventory and work in progress, this ratio yields a prudent measure of short-term liquidity since it is not always possible to convert stock into cash at full value.
Accumulated profits tax, английский
- A tax on earnings kept in a firm to prevent the higher personal income tax rate that would obtain if profits were paid out as dividends to the owners.
- Налог на аккумулированную прибыль - дополнительный налог на чистую прибыль, которая не распределяется в качестве дивидендов;
- A tax on earnings retained in a firm as a way for the principals to defer personal income taxes.