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Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Accumulated declarations

Глоссарий по вычислительной технике
    Добавляемые объявления; добавляемые описания; накапливающиеся объявления

Accumulate, английский
  1. Broker/analyst recommendation that could mean slightly different things depending on the broker/analyst. in general, it means to increase the number of shares of a particular security over the near term, but not to liquidate other parts of the portfolio t

  2. Broker/analyst recommendation that could mean slightly different things depending on the broker/analyst. in general, it means to increase the number of shares of a particular security over the near term, but not to liquidate other parts of the portfolio to buy a security that might skyrocket. a buy recommendation, but not an urgent buy.

  3. To amass or collect. when oil and gas migrate into porous formations, the quantity collected is called an accumulation.

Accumulate, английский

Accumulated benefit obligation (abo), английский
    An approximate measure of the liability of a pension plan in the event of a termination at the date the calculation is performed. related: projected benefit obligation.

Accumulated cost, английский
    The costs of inventory, overhead, materials, labor, and services that aggregate into one total cost.

Accumulated depreciation, английский
  1. Аккумулированные амортизационные отчисления (напр., шахтного оборудования) см. также accrued depreciation

  2. The sum of posted depreciations for all the periods in which a fixed asset has been in service.

  3. Накопленная амортизация

Accumulated deviation, английский
    Накопленное отклонение accumulated distributionраспределение кумулятивных вероятностей; распределение накопленных вероятностей; интегральная функция распределения

Accumulated dividend, английский
    A dividend that has reached its due date, but is not paid out. see: cumulative preferred stock.

Accumulated dose, английский

Accumulated down time, английский

Accumulated earnings, английский
    Накопленные доходы

Accumulated error, английский
    Накопленная ошибка; суммарная ошибка

Accumulated interest, английский
    Накопленные проценты

Accumulated loss, английский

Accumulated operating time, английский
    Суммарное рабочее время; суммарная наработка

Accumulated profit, английский
    Нераспределенная прибыль

Accumulated profit equivalent: earned surplus., английский

Accumulated profits tax, английский
  1. A tax on earnings kept in a firm to prevent the higher personal income tax rate that would obtain if profits were paid out as dividends to the owners.

  2. Налог на аккумулированную прибыль - дополнительный налог на чистую прибыль, которая не распределяется в качестве дивидендов;

  3. A tax on earnings retained in a firm as a way for the principals to defer personal income taxes.

Accumulated reserves (balance sheet) equivalent: reserves., английский

Accumulated risk, английский
    Кумулятивный риск

Accumulated stock, английский

Addition item, английский
    Добавляемый элемент

Addition record, английский
    Добавляемая запись