Consensus process
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The process a group of peers responsible for maintaining a distributed ledger use to reach consensus on the ledger’s contents.
Consensu omnium, латинский
С общего согласия
Consensual dating, английский
Consensual dispute resolution, английский
Разрешение споров по взаимному согласию
Consensus, латинский
(лат.) – согласованность; consensus gentium, consensus omnium — согласие народов, согласие всех, которое стоиками, цицероном и философами шотландской школы использовалось в качестве доказательства. см. также аргумент.
Consensus, английский
- Консенсус механизм консенсуса – основная практика принятия решений в вто, унаследованная от гатт
- Консенсус; согласие
- General agreement, characterized by the absence of sustained opposition to substantial issues by any important part of the concerned interests and by a process that involves seeking to take into account the views of all parties concerned and to reconcile any conflicting arguments. (iso) consensus need not imply unanimity. (iso) consensus
- It`s tempting to spell this with a "c" because we know the word "census." but census has nothing to do with consensus. in fact, it actually comes straight from the latin word consensus (meaning agreement or common feeling).
Consensus (bitcoin’s process consensus), английский
Developers suggest bitcoin improvements/modifications, small or big, proposals on github, bitcointalk, reddit, mailing lists, etc. discussion on this level is critical to enable smooth runtime consensus transitions.modifications with reference implementations get tested on the testnet. after successful testing deveopers implement the changes into the bitcoin software. who has a say in the consensus process?: (1) software developers (do the reference implementations), (2) miners (runtime consensus for mining blocks), (3) exchanges (they run nodes that validate transactions), (4) wallet companies (create transactions run on nodes), (5) merchants (merchant processing also through nodes)
Consensus (general), английский
A fundamental problem in distributed computing is to achieve overall system reliability in the presence of a number of faulty processes. this often requires processes to agree on some data value that is needed during computation. the consensus problem requires agreement among a number of processes for a single data value. some of the processes may fail or be unreliable in other ways, so consensus protocols must be fault tolerant. the processes must somehow put forth their candidate values, communicate with one another, and agree on a single consensus value. the bitcoin blockchain uses electricity to ensure the security of the system. it creates an economic system where you can only participate by incurring costs, proof of work (pow). you do that for the possibility of reward/bitcoin. if you spend money, and you play fair by the rules, you get money back. if you cheat, you lose money. it doesn’t pay to cheat. this simple game theoretical equilibrium is the core of the bitcoin consensus algorithm
Consensus forecast, английский
The mean of all financial analysts` forecasts for a company.
Consensus management, английский
A form of management which aims to get everyone to agree on what actions should be taken
Consensus omnium, латинский
Consensus omnium, английский
Consensus point, английский
A point – either in time, or defined in terms of a set number or volume of records to be added to the ledger – where peers meet to agree the state of the ledger.
Consensus procedures, английский
The rules and regulations ofa recognized or duly appoihted authority that pertain to the development of standards
Consensus rating, английский
The average of analysts recommendations for a single entity. as many brokers have different ratings systems, their recommendations must be standardized so that a consensus can be calculated. the i/b/e/s ratings are calculated using a standard set of recom
Consensus tree, английский
Consensus value, английский
Согласованное значение. см. value (значение).
Consensus [us, m], латинский
Consensus, us, m, латинский
Proces stárnutí, чешский
Třetí a poslední část tzv. vanové křivky, která zachycuje četnosti poruch systému, dílčího vybavení nebo komponenty v čase.
Proces staranja, словенский
Tretji ali zadnji del verjetnostne krivulje, ki opredeljuje povečano verjetnost okvare sistema, opreme ali komponente, saj se približuje koncu njegove življenske dobe.
Responsible, английский
Distributed, английский
- Распредел
- Распределенный; рассредоточенный
- Сотри t i ng en v i ronmen t распределенные вычисления
- New treasury issues in dealers` hands are said to be distributed.
Cryptocurrency, английский
A form of digital currency based on mathematics, where encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds. furthermore, cryptocurrencies operate independently of a central bank.
Consensus point, английский
A point – either in time, or defined in terms of a set number or volume of records to be added to the ledger – where peers meet to agree the state of the ledger.