
Новости переводов

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Локализации и переводы в ASO.dev

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Результаты поиска термина [institution]

  1. A place where people are cared for, e.g. a hospital or clinic, especially a psychiatric hospital or children’s home

  2. An establishment founded partly with a view to instruction; as the royal united service institution in london.

  3. The term can take on a number of meanings. it can be an organization which is in the business of holding assets (such as banks, insurance companies, and investment companies). it can also apply to traditions or procedures, as in those associated with a regulatory commission. also, see institutional factors.

  4. A structure, a mechanism of social order or cooperation, which governs the behaviour of a group of individuals within a human annex i glossary, acronyms, chemical symbols and prefi xes community. institutions are intended to be functionally relevant for an extended period, able to help transcend individual interests and help govern cooperative human behaviour. the term can be extended to also cover regulations, technology standards, certifi cation and the like.
    institution (medical)
      Медицинское учреждение.
    institution building (noun) often used as an adjective, such as "institution-building" activities.
      Развитие организации
    institution of civil engineers
      Общество гражданских инженеров (англия)
    institution of civil engineers (uk)
      institution of mining and metallurgy
        institution of mining and metallurgy screen scale
          institution or department
            Учреждение или служба (юридическая и административная единица, деятельность которой должна рассматриваться, частично или полностью, как научно-техническая деятельность в соответствии с определением в снс: документы оон)
          1. Институционный (связанный с учреждением, предприятием, коллективом, конкретной единицей, т. е. по признаку «что представляет собой», в отличие от «functional», в снс)

          2. Институционный; институциональный, формально установленный
          institutional accreditation
            institutional activities
              institutional arrangements
                Организационные мероприятия
              institutional attestation
                institutional audit
                  institutional autonomy
                    Institutional independence
                  institutional basis of classification
                    Организационный принцип классификации
                  institutional broker
                    A broker who buys and sells securities for institutional investors such as banks, and mutual funds, pensions.
                  institutional brokers` estimate system (ibes)
                    Service that assembles analysts` estimates of future earnings for thousands of publicly traded companies, detailing how many estimates are available for each company and the high, low, and average estimates for each.
                  institutional constraint
                    Институциональное ограничение
                  institutional cost
                    Внутриведомственные издержки
                  institutional environmentalism
                    institutional factors
                      Conditions and formal and informal rules in the society that constrain behavior. these may stem from legislative, executive, or judicial actions, depend on administrative capabilities, informal norms, and social cohesion. organizations develop and adapt within the framework provided by institutions.
                    institutional file
                      The institution file contains information necessary to document each offender’s adjustment, rehabilitative progress and other facts considered pertinent by the warden (see sdcl § 24-2-17 and sdcl § 24-2-19) and/or the executive director of the board of pardons and paroles (see sdcl § 24-15a-14 and sdcl § 24-15-1). interdisciplinary phase program (idpp)- a structured phase system designed collaboratively by the idt to keep inmates safe during incidents when they choose to engage in self-injurious behaviors. interdisciplinary team (idt)- made up of professionals representing the doc, doh and department of social services division of correctional behavioral health. the purpose of idt is to address offender self-injurious behaviors in a collaborative and continuous manner.
                    institutional framework
                      Организационные рамки
                    institutional household
                      Хозяйства закрытого типа; учреждения закрытого типа (благотворительные дома, тюрьмы, дома для умалишенных)
                    institutional infrastructure
                      Материально-техническая база научно-исследовательских учреждений (в документах оон иногда имеются в виду «основные фонды »)
                    institutional investor
                    1. A professional money manager who invests on behalf of private investors via their pension and life insurance funds. the big names in the uk are companies such as prudential and royal & sunalliance, and merrill lynch investment managers, formerly mercury asset management. pension and life insurance funds own the vast majority of shares in uk quoted companies.

                    2. An organisation whose purpose is to invest funds placed with them in a range of financial assets, including loans.

                    3. Институциональный инвестор
                    institutional investors
                      Organizations that invest, including insurance companies, depository institutions, pension funds, investment companies, mutual funds, and endowment funds.
                    institutional lender
                      Институциональный кредитор
                    institutional loans received
                      institutional memory
                        Коллективная память организации
                      institutional occupancy
                        The use of a building for the medical treatment or care of persons suffering from illness or infirmity; for the care of infants, convalescents, or aged persons; or for penal or corrective purposes.
                      institutional reform
                        Институциональная реформа
                      institutional review board
                        institutional review board (irb)
                          Экспертный совет организации. аналог комитета по этике в сша. нс: независимый орган, состоящий из лиц, работающих в области медицины, в том числе научной, а также не относящихся к медицине специальностей, который обеспечивает защиту прав, безопасности и благополучия субъектов исследования и предоставляет общественную гарантию такой защиты, в том числе путем рассмотрения, утверждения/одобрения протокола исследования и поправок к нему, а также материалов и методов, которые предполагается использовать для получения и документирования информированного согласия субъектов исследования. см. independent ethics committee. встречающийся термин: экспертный совет учреждения.
                        institutional sectors
                          Институционные секторы (в снс, группировка экономических единиц в целях составления счетов доходов и расходов, финансирования капитальных затрат и балансовых счетов активов и пассивов), см. branch; classification of the institutional sectors
                        institutional status
                          Статус организации
                        institutional structure
                          Организационная структура
                        institutional sustainability
                          Самоокупаемость организации
                        institutional system
                          Институциональное устройство
                          Организационное оформление
                          The gradual domination of financial markets by institutional investors, as opposed to individual investors. this process has occurred throughout the industrialized world.
                            Insurance companies, pension funds, trusts, foundations, mutual funds, funds managers, bank investment departments.